Why I don't think Springtrap would be a good addition in dbd

SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414

I want to start off by saying that I'm not vilifying anyone who wants a fnaf chapter. Everyone's free to have their own opinions. But I am highly not in favour for adding in Springtrap. Here are my reasons.

  1. He cannot be taken seriously

Say what you will about the subjectivity of horror, but the reputation of fnaf is a far cry from the likes of Halloween and Friday the 13th. What I mean by this is that someone who has never seen any movie from either franchise will instantly know that they're both horror related.

Now I will fully admit to not playing all of the fnaf games, nor reading any of the books. Maybe they've greatly improved since I dropped them and what I'm about to say is no longer correct. But fnaf is mostly known for its themepark-like jump scares and teeth-shatteringly obnoxious fanbase. The latter is not even a fault of the game's, (mostly because of content creators like Matpat and his hilariously baseless theories), and the rabidity of the fans. But even if that information is outdated, the fact remains that fnaf's general reputation is only loosely based around horror. Which would heavily contrast dbd's tone as a horror game.

2.The game does not need more licensed characters right now

This point is self explanatory. There are currently 20 killers in the game right now. 7 of them are licensed. Almost half of the entire roster! The majority of which have had lacklustre receptions and do not add much to the game besides their name. Pig and Cannibal are the main culprits. And the most recent one inclusion, Pyramid Head, has been nothing if not divisive. I believe that exploring killer ideas that haven't been thought of yet, *cough* *cough* Egypt *cough* *cough*, would have a better chance of producing interesting killers than ones that already exist.

3. Literally everything is broken right now

Survivors randomly get iron will, the End Game Collapse can happen at the start of a game, the killer can be phased through when they vault. My point is, the devs really need to stop content updates for a bit so they can add some much needed bug fixes. If you take anything away from this post, take away this:

Dbd has been long overdue for it's variation of Rainbow Six Siege's Operation Health. But ideally a version that actually fixes the game a bit.

In summary:

  • Fnaf is not seen as scary by most people due to its reputation, and thus Springtrap wouldn't be taken seriously
  • The game has enough licensed characters for the time being, original killers are more interesting
  • The devs need to focus on fixing the mountain of bugs in the game and hold off on content updates for a bit, the game can literally end the moment it begins thanks to the End Game, the last thing dbd needs right now is content that brings more bugs


  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    The problem with point 3 is if the developers were to skip a chapter, a lot of the community would be disappointed.

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    I would be in support of the same idea R6 has, but I would still be a bit disappointed if we skipped a chapter as I admire the creativity every two-three months.

  • itsaconehead
    itsaconehead Member Posts: 236

    I love playing Pig sometimes, she's fun to play.

    Fnaf does totally rely on the shrieking on the screen which in my opinion, is totally a cheap tactic to use in horror. What I love about DBD is the classic killers (I know demo is in the game and I do love stranger things, but even if it wasn't added I'd still love the game). I'm just glad other people are agreeing that fnaf isn't a good add to dbd.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    I mean do you really think 8 year olds aren't watching stranger things?

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    I think the devs really need to try to do what R6S did, stop content, fixed a lot of bugs and then came back again.

    No joke but that greatly improved R6S from being filled with bugs to have a small amount and makes me think why the devs haven't done that yet.

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    Yay, another fnaf post. Like we needed more. I hope they never add anything from fnaf.

  • Ghost_Face_Main
    Ghost_Face_Main Member Posts: 618
    edited July 2020

    Compared to most slashers, Ghost Face was the only one where they gave you no room to breathe when he/she chased victims. An agile, stealthy serial killer with an appearance such as that rushing my way would have me take that more seriously than a motorized hunk of metal that wouldn't realistically be fast by any means. Uncanny valley, sure, but that shouldn't be all of its substance.

    And BTW, PLEASE do not use his spoof iteration as direct reference to the character, period.

  • DetectiveBingBong
    DetectiveBingBong Member Posts: 67

    DbD doesn't feel, seem or play like horror anymore though. Survivors aren't scared and Killers aren't very scary anymore. Besides, if you go and read the lore of Springtrap, he's very much a fit. A relentless monster of a man who, in his words, "Always comes back?" What people gotta realize is, the horror of old? Scream, Friday, all that stuff? That doesn't get the people going anymore. The new horror genre is for people younger than us. People who don't know why being a teenager foolin around at a camp is dangerous, or why you gotta stay vigilant in the showers, or why you shouldn't answer the phone after watching a strange tape. The genre has moved on, and if we want this game to survive, maybe it's time to get more modern. Demogorgon was a solid addition, why not an animatronic with a child killing psychopath's soul?

  • HarleyQuinn
    HarleyQuinn Member Posts: 247

    I like licensed DLC.... 👀 I don’t particularly want FNaF but I love seeing licensed content come to the game.

  • Deathslinger
    Deathslinger Member Posts: 570

    So much I wanna point out but others pretty much got it done. If I was to add anything more it’s that furries are already in the game and also, why is everyone focused on Springtrap? Probably the least scary too me, I’d be more terrified of Balloon boy, especially if he said “Hello?” every time you entered his terror radius.

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871

    Big oof. There is already kids on this game as is. This game requires less skill than Fortnite. You should stop while you're behind your ignorance is showing.

  • chase131119
    chase131119 Member Posts: 839

    Why don't we just add herobrine while we're all wanting FNAF?

    Get two terrible additions in one!

  • Zeon_99
    Zeon_99 Member Posts: 463

    Ninja played this game for a solid week and none of his viewers were interested in the game. Also you're confusing difficulty with game knowledge. DBD you have to learn all 20 killers and how to interact with their power, learn over 130 perks, learn all the maps, learn how to run every loop optimally, know when to drop chases or go for saves, handle the extremely toxic fan base, AND dump the money into the game when they have Fortnite which is free and much more appealing to someone of their age. This game may have some kids, but its not kid friendly in any way.

  • Victor_hensley
    Victor_hensley Member Posts: 800

    DBD community don't act childish?

    I don't care who they add, if their gameplay is good, then i'm fine.

    (even then, why would BHVR turn down a huge opportunity to bring in a lot more people to pay more money, even it they are children?)

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    I'm glad to hear your perspective, and thank you for not trying to turn this into another pointless argument. The later FNAF games have gotten a decent bit scarier (Especially help wanted). But it is unfortunate the reputation FNAF has recieved, although the community has calmed down a lot as of late. I'm not sure why, could be that kids either grew up and got smarter or lost interest and left. And I agree, the devs should absolutely take a break from new content to focus on the game, I'm surprised more people aren't asking for this. Although the licence and bug thing aren't exclusive to springtrap and will eventually solve themselves. I do find the licencing complaints kinda funny considering chapter 17 seems to be licensed.

  • Frareid88
    Frareid88 Member Posts: 276

    How can you say its moved on from jump scares when every point you made is about the jump scares. We have jump scares in the hag and myers.

  • Frareid88
    Frareid88 Member Posts: 276

    Why would you want children playing a game like this???

  • CrusaderNella
    CrusaderNella Member Posts: 331

    To be honest. No red Rank Survivor takes any killer seriously, except the Nurse Spirit and Billy.

    Also, i don't really think anyone finds Leatherface scary? I find The Texas Chainsaw Massacre to be more shock value then scare value to be honest.

  • MongolPSR
    MongolPSR Member Posts: 1,032

    As a furry I will say no, no I will not go crazy and buy him day 1. if hes good or interesting maybe but Id be sad it wasnt foxy. ;)

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862

    It's absolutely incredible how I actually agree with your overall point that Springtrap should not be in the game, but I disagree with almost every sub-point you made.

    1. "He cannot be taken seriously"
      1. This is probably the point I can most get behind, there's a kind of Stigma that surrounds Fnaf and it's playerbase and it's something I sincerely don't want Dead By Daylight to have any part of or connotation with. At the same time however, this point brings me flashbacks of people from back in the day in 2016 / 2017 / 2018 who told me that nobody would take Ghostface seriously and that "he's not even scary" yadda yadda yadda which still intensely pisses me off even today. (Although I can now relish the feeling of knowing that Ghostface not only now scare people frequently in the game, but is also a highly viable killer who consistently sits at the top of mid-tier or bottom of high tier)
      2. So much to my own dismay, this is the exact kind of evidence that would favor springtrap. A killer like Ghostface who also saw opposition to being included from people who felt he would be "a joke" draws obvious parallels to Springtrap, which is especially interesting considering how that story ended: he not only did make it into the game but as one of the most well liked and viable killers.
        1. In fact plenty of licensed characters saw some kind of opposition to their inclusion, certain people had no idea who would be the featured killer in a Saw chapter and for that reason they weren't on board. Some people didn't want to see Leatherface because we already had a killer who featured a Chainsaw and therefore he wouldn't be unique. Up to our latest Pyramid Head who many (including myself) didn't want to see for various reasons but one of which was because he was from a lesser known video game, for others (like myself) it was because they simply had a preference to see a different licensed property.
    2. "The Game Does not Need more Licenses right now"
      1. This is the most intensely frustrating and outright egregious point out of your three. Dead by Daylight is an amalgamation of different horror stories, both original AND licensed. Dead By Daylight is the Super Smash Brothers Ultimate of the horror genre it is quite literally defined and characterized by your ability to play as or against some of the most historic and recognizable figures in all of horror. This is a good thing. It is exactly the reason for what puts Dead By Daylight on the map for circles of people largely outside the gaming industry and media / news sites. Were it not for the licensed characters we do have, Dead By Daylight would undoubtedly not be as successful, popular, or as well known as it is today.
        1. Because of this, if anything we both need and want to see more licensed characters. Your point of "there are seven licensed characters" is exactly a point that can be used against you that is under half! How can you in good conscience say that "we can't have more" when under 40% specifically 35% of the roster are licensed characters. Some of the most popular and well liked characters in the game licensed, Steve Harrington, Nancy Wheeler, Bill Overbeck, Ghostface, Freddy alongside his rework became one of the most powerful killers in the game and rightly so, etc. You pointed out 2 licensed characters that had a less than popular reception and failed to provide any more examples than that, one of the 2 of which is getting a rework right now on the upcoming PTB coming out tomorrow!!
        2. Interesting is very much a subjective term, and what may not be interesting for you is very much so for others. For many of the people who play DBD especially and most specifically those newer who came later, it was the interest in the licensed characters that brought them to play in the very first place. Not to mention, it is the exact interest of the community itself that pushes the developers to continue releasing licensed content in the first place! it is exactly because most of us want to see this content that it is created and released, for the reason that we (aka the overwhelming majority) asked for it.
        3. Of course it is important to recognize and appreciate just who well written and created many of BHVR's original characters are, the fact that there are people more interested in their content rather than what was created by other people is an impressive feat on it's own and something the devs should be commended for. But this has absolutely no impact or influence on whether or not the game should continue to see an influx of new licensed character that are well liked and well known on a wide scale. Without question if more characters are coming, some must be licensed
    3. This has no impact or relevance on whether or not Dead By Daylight can and should be getting updates of new content. The fact is that the Dev Team is broken up into multiple different parts, one of which is dedicated on creating and producing new content, the other works on bug fixes.
      1. And you can't tell me "just have them all focus on fixing bugs!" because that's quite literally not their specialty. The people creating new content are artists who develop concept art for the original or licensed designs, create the 3D character models and animations, you've got sound designers and composers working on the new sounds killers they make - their breathing, their weapon, their power, the music track or theme that's created for the chapter / character, and you have writers who are detailing the accounts of these characters writing their backstories and lore, descriptions for each cosmetic and in-game add-on or offering, etc.
        1. By telling me "we should have all of them focus on fixing bugs!" you're telling me you want Artists, Writers, and Composers to fix complicated programming issues and bugs. Good luck with trying to push that idea through to anyone who has even a smidge of common-#########-sense.
        2. By also telling me you want to halt the production of new content, you are also indirectly saying "let's not give these people work for a period of a couple of months while the health of the game is improved". That's just flat out a ######### thing to say.
      2. And to address your comparisons to Rainbow Six Siege's Operation Health, anybody who's played Rainbow Six Siege for any decent amount of time knows that Operation Health had an incredibly negative reception. Not only were people intensely disappointed new content that was promised for that season would be put on hold for a period of multiple months, but also for much of Operation Health, nothing actually got done or fixed.
      3. Quote from a simple google search found from a user on Reddit discussing Operation Health:

    "Essentially, a week before the Chinese operation was suppose to hit, they cancelled everything and said. "Sorry, game's broke." and that they needed to cancel an entire season in order to fix things. This would have been fine, but the timing could not have been worse and the announcement that there wasn't going to be a Polish map pissed pretty much everyone off as the Polish operation was one people were looking forward to.

    What followed was one of the most pathetic excuses at communication I've ever seen from a game company. Multiple times, they would change their philosophy without telling anyone, make drastic changes with less than a weeks notice and release pathetic patches that did nothing to actually fix the game."

    But again to bring this around full circle, yeah, I don't think Springtrap should be in the game. But almost everything you said was flat out wrong.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,164

    There may be 8 year olds watching, that's the parents decision to let them watch, but it's geared towards adults. In the show there's multiple implied sex scenes and the books are not found in kid sections of the book store. The demographic is largely adult also due to the nostalgia.

    Fnaf is geared towards kids so their demographic is largely kids. It's found in children's sections because that is where they grow their fanbase. There's a difference between a franchise targeted to adults that maybe a some kids are watching and a franchise targeted to children that some teens/young adults are still into because they grew up on it.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    This is the best worded post I've ever seen covering this topic.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    So, idk how old you are, so this may be meaningless, but the setting itself of FNAF is kinda rooted in the fear center of 90's kids. That was it's target demographic. That says nothing of the fanbase, as it ended up being more popular with kids, but still. The only thing, for me, that made it stop being scary was when my frustration exceeded my immersion. The reason people want Springtrap specifically is because it's confirmed that he was the one that was actually commiting murders in the lore of the game.

    Also, as a side note, regardless of what you think about MatPat, some of his theories about FNAF were outright confirmed by the creator of the game.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited July 2020
  • Victor_hensley
    Victor_hensley Member Posts: 800

    Your acting like a baby by telling the devs not to do something that they may or may not want. They made the game, you didn't.

    An adult would be able to accept it with open arms, and not whine about it.

  • NightmareReborn
    NightmareReborn Member Posts: 810
    edited July 2020

    If you're talking about why I defended FNaF by saying "its not just jumpscares", that's because it's what OP saw FNaF as, and I wanted to show how that's not the case.

    What points did I make about jumpscares being the only scary thing about FNaF? If you're referring to the examples I listed about the VR games, those aren't jumpscares, or atleast not the type of jumpscares that everyone else is referring to. They're not just "boo!" and then its over. They're prolonged moments of fear, intentionally supposed to fill you with dread, more like traditional horror.

    I can maybe see an exception with the Foxy example, but even then, the fear in that moment is still more prolonged than a traditional FNaF jumpscare, since its not just a "boo!". It's supposed to be a brief moment that fills you with pressure, but not so brief to where it's a jumpscare. There's nothing "up and in your face", but rather a moment of sharp dread as you're forced to react quickly. I know I over explained it a bit, but hopefully you see where I'm coming from.

    Yes, FNaF VR has jumpscares, but that's not where its only horror aspects comes from.

    EDIT: words

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,259

    Pyramid Head over Deathslinger any day. BHVR has some really good originals, though I believe some are inspired by licensed killers they don't have the rights to. And yeah, don't pot shot Pig. She's damn fun and pretty good in the right hands.

    However, I agree about FnaF. If it comes, just like the anime discussion, I won't be mad about it. I just don't feel like it fits DBD, which now has a roster of classic horror icons. Maybe I'm biased though, since I'm older, and associate FnaF with my kids and their classmates first stumbling upon it.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,150

    I need to see original ideas by the devs.

  • Izo_Quartz
    Izo_Quartz Member Posts: 250

    I'd rather have springtrap or any charcter from fnaf and bring a younger audience then have a character from some random anime or manga and brings weebs into this game...

  • xFAKExAxoN
    xFAKExAxoN Member Posts: 73

    I can understand this but as for the first reason, I mean yeah, he is nowhere comparable to the top slashers in history, but thats mostly because they are older and also they were from movies which more people see than there are people playing videogames, also when you really take a look back at those movies they mostly do jumpscares also for the main scare factor, otherwise they aren't really that scary most of the time they just do really predictable stuff or just stand there watching their next victims, I'm not trying to diss on them though I'm just pointing out that even though they can't be compared on terms of horror, they do have similarities. Fear comes from different places and in some cases they aren't very common fears like the fear of animatronics/manequins, kind of like the fear of clowns (cough cough), so even though most people wouldn't take him seriously, there will be a lot that do, also those that are fans will also.

    As for your other two points, if he were to be added at some point, and I'm not saying he will be, but if he were then it wouldn't have to be anytime soon, I don't think anyone want's to see him be for sure the next killer, people just want him to be added at some point, so they can add however many killers they want or fix however many problems (which everyone knows are a lot) the game has, but those that want him in the game just want them to consider it.

    If I'm being honest I wouldn't mind seeing him in the game, but if they do it they should do it right.

  • xFAKExAxoN
    xFAKExAxoN Member Posts: 73

    I don't know if you've noticed but the fanbase of this game is already torn apart right down the middle, between the balance of killers and balance of survivor debates and the debates of swf the fanbase is already like this, adding a killer that not everybody agrees with wont change anything, just look at demo, and it wouldnt surprise me if some people were against some of the other licensed killers. If you ask me whenever something like this happens it's just better to just either debate it without taking shots at the others or just sit back and grab some popcorn and watch as they fight about it

  • xFAKExAxoN
    xFAKExAxoN Member Posts: 73

    You ask that as if there weren't already children playing this game, adding fnaf wouldn't make that much of a difference especially since it's fanbase isn't exclusively kids, they probably were when it was starting out but not anymore, especially with how dark the games and books have gotten over the past couple of years

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    I will just adress your first point, because that is all that really matters here. (I agree with 2 and 3, myself.)

    Horror is subjective. Hell, one man was able to define a subgenre that inspired this game. I am sure you are familiar with Lovecraft? And the main fear that everything has when put together is... fear of the unknown.

    We do not fear the killers in the game. They have no unknowns, and are bound by the rules put in place by the devs on what they can and cannot do.

    So by claiming this is a horror game is just... false. It has a horror aesthetic, but it is inherently not scary... at least for most killers. Hag, GF, and Pig can be scary to me, but that is because there is a sense of unknown about them. You don't know where they are. They could be anywhere, and that adds a sense of tension to the match.

    Something very similar to FNaF. It is about the tension and the suspense. You cannot fight back, you cant even move, you just have to react to your environment. And when against springtrap, you have no defense in the game. Except distractions and diversions. A sense of dread is in the air when you realize that he hides from the cameras, something no other adversary tries to do in the series.

    I don't find Pyramid Head scary. If he was in the context of the original game, maybe. But not here. And he is probably the only killer remotely close to Springtrap in the game atm.

    And, moving on to the fanbase, it is true that they used to be kids. But FNaF has been around for 5 years. Many of them (including myself) have grown up into the target demographic of DBD: teens & adults. Sure, some FNaF books might be targeted to kids, but he has built a franchise around the original concept. Which is impressive for one guy to do by himself.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    And there's a pile of dirty jokes in most Disney movies that go way over the heads of kids.

    Stranger Things is not an 'adult' show that some kids watch, it's a kids show that some adults watch.

  • MeatBycicle
    MeatBycicle Member Posts: 756

    Any killer from any of these game franchises would be the cringiest most joke addition to the game ; FNAF, Minecraft, Fortnite.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    DBD is supposed to be for mature players? wouldn't know playing matchs they all toxic cry baby that for both killer and survivor side all toxic cry baby i bet fans of FNAF more mature they this player base.

    i got in to fnaf find it interesting because i was kid of the 80s so i live with this on my b day

    chuck-e-cheese pretty much where the idea fnaf come from most people found them creepy why the games got popular like facing your fears.

  • NightmareReborn
    NightmareReborn Member Posts: 810

    Fortnite and Minecraft have absolutely 0 connection to the horror genre. People want FNaF because, well, it does.

  • MeatBycicle
    MeatBycicle Member Posts: 756
    edited July 2020

    For 12 year old kids sure.

    Edit* The ones asking for it now are were probably those 12 year old kids back then.