Why I don't think Springtrap would be a good addition in dbd



  • NightmareReborn
    NightmareReborn Member Posts: 810

    Not everyone that likes FNaF is 12, especially since the fanbase has matured a lot over the 6 years the series has been out.

  • MeatBycicle
    MeatBycicle Member Posts: 756

    Of course, I'm just making a broad statement that is exaggerated. It's more so the source content and where it stems from is and was so cringy when it was first released that associating it with this game would be a huge turn off for a lot of current players as well as new.

    Obviously there are people who want it, but anyone who isn't a FNAF fan relates FNAF as a childish kid twitch streamer game, same as Fortnite.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    Almost everybody has been begging for BHVR to slow down the updates and actually fix the bugs

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    There’s also the other half of the community that wishes for the bugs to be fixed but also to continue giving new content every couple of months as they’d be disappointed with skipping a chapter.

  • SirCracken
    SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414

    Finally, a well worded response.

    About Ghostface, I never thought that adding him would be a joke, nor have I ever spoken to someone had that view. I don't see how what people said years ago is comparable to what I am saying now.

    But that last part, "but [Ghostface] is also a highly viable killer who consistently sits at the top of mid-tier or bottom of high tier", is objectively incorrect. GF is nowhere near the likes of Nurse and Huntress. At best he's an improved Wraith/Myers that can stomp noobs fairly easily. Good survivors have little problem looping M1 killers, with or without the red stain. GF is no exception to this.

    I'm mostly in the dark if he is liked by the community or not. I'm leaning more towards unliked because of his clunky reveal mechanic and his unparalleled BM potential. He's the only killer in the game that can properly, (looking at Pig), t-bag.

    The next point I actually need to bring up my current views on dbd. Mainly how I don't like how it's now the "Smash Bros of Horror games". Smash Bros was always about pitting characters from different games against each other. Dbd was not. I feel the continued addition of licensed characters has only served to diminish the game's already weak horror atmosphere.

    I can't quite explain it proper. But when I see a Nurse,Trapper, or other original killer I try to immerse myself in the universe in dbd's universe. Even though I'm now an inexperienced survivor, I can still remember my first time playing and can still relate to that feeling of terror. But when I see a licensed character, especially in a map from another franchise, I stop thinking about the universe of dbd and am suddenly reminded that I'm just playing a video game. Like, "Hey it's Micheal Myers from the Halloween movies. Oooooh isn't he scary?" I may be alone in this, but this heavily takes me out of the experience and I feel cheapens the game as a whole. Which is ironic considering how successful licensed chapters usually are.

    It also doesn't help that licensed characters are either laughable weak, (Pre-rework Freddy and Bubba) or have powers that don't fit their appearance in their medium, (Demogorgon). The fact that Freddy and Bubba had to be buffed so much in the first place is honestly just a testament to how licensed characters are usually not well designed. Hell, just how killers in generally are poorly designed. Legion, Plague, Clown, Deathslinger.

    For the last point, I am absolutely not saying that I want Artists, Writers, and Composers to fix complicated programming issues and bugs. Nowhere did I even mention the idea of forcing people who are literally not paid to fix bugs, to fix bugs. I feel like you've taken my issue with how new content always brings in bugs that are left unpatched for months or even years and extrapolating from that, that I want no more new content at all until all bugs in the game are fixed. Not the case.

    What I would like is for Behaviour to allocate for more resources in fixing the game. I have no idea how they operate as a company but I refuse to believe that there isn't a way that the game could be made less broken without suspending the employment of every non-programmer there.

    And you completely ignored my next sentence in speaking about Operation Health: "But ideally a version that actually fixes the game a bit."

    I am fully aware what a failure it was. But even despite that Siege is still doing well. Even after wasting an entire updates worth of work the game is successful. Most likely because Ubisoft had the resources to at least try and fix the game and still keep it running despite the low profit margin that comes with fixing bugs. That's what I want for Behaviour to do. Just spend some extra resources in trying fixing the game. I mean, does that fact that survivors can all instantly die at complete random not seem like a sign that the game doesn't need more bugs right now?

    I appreciate you the taking to time to respond to me in the way you have. But I feel like you put lots of words in mouth with your later points.

  • Mikey4Hire
    Mikey4Hire Member Posts: 271

    I find it funny how most people who don't want fnaf just use the same excuse, "iTs cRinGe".

  • MeatBycicle
    MeatBycicle Member Posts: 756
  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    I personally wouldn't. If you ask me: it's enough. We have enough content in dbd. I dont want new killers and survivors anymore. All I want is reworks, balancing, fixing bugs, performance improved and new game modes.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,159

    Stranger Things target audience is 18-49 year olds and each season that age group is the majority of viewers, not kids. Do a simple Google search for the target audience and ratings age groups and you will see this for each season. You can even find some based on social media followings which will show the under 18 is only a small portion compared to the targeted 18-49 age group. The target audience of 18-49 year olds is why you do not find it in the kids section - in book stores or Netflix Kids. As I said before, it's an adult show that some parents let their kids watch.

    Fnaf target age group 12-17, it's demographics are mostly kids which is why it is found in the kids section with Disney.

  • MeatBycicle
    MeatBycicle Member Posts: 756

    You can like little kid stuff dude no one is saying you can't. People just don't want it in this game. Have fun

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    Im sorry but its hard to validate your last 2 points as we already know theyre both going to keep coming nomatter what or who.

    But with the first its true. The creators who did stuff on it and the community gave it a childish vibe.

    But ignore everything but the game itself, its horror and filled with murderous and disturbing #########.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Exactly, it's easy for people to focus on the negative aspects of a game rather than seeing what the game does very well at. 😊

  • MeatBycicle
    MeatBycicle Member Posts: 756

    Im not shaming at all, FNAF was intended for a child audience, thus its a childrens game. If you enjoy it I don't see a problem. A lot of people don't want to bring childish stuff into the game.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    That's just your opinion, there's plenty of AMAZING adult content creators who love the game because it really scared them.

    Moverover, just look at this video and look at his reaction, no kids game can do this to a person. However, I guess your mind fixated and the best we can do is agree to disagree. πŸ™‚

  • HarleyQuinn
    HarleyQuinn Member Posts: 247

    Okay but look how comical that face is on the video still πŸ˜‚ THAT is supposed to scare people? It’s just so funny lmfao

  • Mookywolf
    Mookywolf Member Posts: 907
  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,159

    Dino nuggets way better than regular. Think the extra edges make them crispier which is tastier.

  • MeatBycicle
    MeatBycicle Member Posts: 756

    And thats great! Like I said there's nothing wrong with liking it. It's just the source content is horrible for this game. Imagine if they added the main bad person from My Little Pony (im sure theres a main villain) as a killer in DBD just beacuse "It would be so cool!!!!!" To me, thats how every FNAF post comes off.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    My Little Pony and FNAF are even on the same level at least FNAF is horror My Little Pony is not that logic is ridiculous.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    People said the exact same thing about Stranger Things, yet it was still successful as a DLC in DBD. Like I said, it's easy to put a negative label on something because it's not your taste. However, a lot of people love FNAF because it game them a great experience and a great scare.

    Your My Little Pony demonstration is stretching things way too far.

    You haven't played the game, haven't you? The core aspect of the game is that you're given little information to survive and have to figure things out yourself β€” which often leads to a jumpscare. These jumpscares are not random actually, as most like to believe, it's because you made mistakes to lead you to that point. However, newer players don't know if they made a mistake and that's why jumpscares seem so cheap but effective.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    funny people looking at the first game and as the game come out they gotten better.

  • MeatBycicle
    MeatBycicle Member Posts: 756

    Of course the my little pony thing was a joke. It was more of the point that those two things FNAF and MLP are on the same level of childish to me. You can like it, but both would be an absolute joke in this game.

  • Mookywolf
    Mookywolf Member Posts: 907

    Hey Nightmare Moon can be horrifying! Im kidding, she has a cool design but other than that eh.

    Anyway the big problem i keep seeing with comparisons is stuff like this, where they talk about something clearly not horror. Fnaf, even though for kids, is still horror. My little pony? Not even close. You'd be better off trying to compare to Slender Man or some other horror thing that became famous because it was all over youtube. Like Siren Head right now. Its horror, but is it really worthy or befitting of dbd?

  • HarleyQuinn
    HarleyQuinn Member Posts: 247

    I know what FNaF is. ANYTHING could pop out and scare you with a jumpscare. That’s the only thing scary about it. The animatronics themselves are cartoony and not scary.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    i just saying never say never fnaf could fit i mean if it happens don't get it i mean with that clown outfit and slient hill bunny anything could come in this game even fnaf.

    now why i really posted i like fnaf in the game but i can wait i like them to skip chapters fix the game alittle bit like all the bug how imbalance it is,also i feel the next chapter should be OC survivor/killer befor another license character comes.

  • HarleyQuinn
    HarleyQuinn Member Posts: 247

    I’m not trying to bash the fandom. But when I see the characters, they just remind me of goofy cartoon mascots. They don’t instil fear into me. They don’t give me the creeps. If anything, they make me laugh.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    You keep ignoring my point about how people also thought Stranger Things was childish, yet when the franchise was made a DLC to DBD β€” it was a huge hit.

    You can say something is childish, but you can't prove it also won't be successful because DBD history says otherwise.

    By the way, MLP and FNAF aren't comparable at all. One is completely child friendly and the other is survival horror designed to make you jump.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    That's because you're looking at the first FNAF game, in which the characters didn't look scary physically. However, there's a reason why people want Springtrap as a DLC:

    • Blood & Gore
    • Destroyed Corpse
    • Haunted

    Overall, he looks very intimidating and lethal β€” you would be out of your mind to get anywhere near him.

  • MeatBycicle
    MeatBycicle Member Posts: 756

    To be honest I didn't see nearly as much dislike for Stranger Things as I am for FNAF. Also from what I recall I didn't see the community spamming the forums every day with multiple Stranger Things as the next chapter.

    Another thing, Stranger Things is at least targeted towards a mature audience.

  • HarleyQuinn
    HarleyQuinn Member Posts: 247

    Dude. I know you’re passionate but please stop forcing your opinion. It ain’t cute. I don’t find the characters scary; any of them. Period. End of story.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited July 2020

    You must have a different understanding of the phrase, but I can reassure you that debating points and counterpoints isn't forcing your opinion. Moreover, the forums are all about debating points and counterpoints (you see it every day on the forums) β€” if, by your standards, that's considered forcing your opinion, then the forums aren't the place for you.

    If you're going to post your opinion here, then you can expect it to be challenged. Anyways, it looks like you're set and stone on your opinion, so I believe it's best that we agree to disagree. My apologies for the inconvenience! 😊

    To be fair, Stranger Things has way more gore than FNAF and movies might have more stricter ratings. To add on, if there's cuss words and so on, that's gives the movie a mature rating. However, both have horror as their genre so I can see FNAF being a possibility β€” it just depends on how well the developers execute the DLC. πŸ™‚

    Either way, I personally want FNAF because it would be different. Demogorgon is the only non human killer, and an animatronic was be the second (assuming we're not counting the dead corpse inside).

  • MeatBycicle
    MeatBycicle Member Posts: 756

    I'm all for more monster / creature killers, I'd love to see more of that for sure, I just would prefer something else other than FNAF, if you want to go with an animatronic / puppet theres several others we can choose from more mature, established mediums.

    Either way, its up to the developers in the end.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    That's completely fair! Whatever the developers decide, I'll support their decision 100%! πŸ™‚

    Anyways, I appreciate our discussion! It was great to hear each other's points and counterpoints! Thank you for being very understanding and attentive!

  • NightmareReborn
    NightmareReborn Member Posts: 810

    I believe all of the points you made are valid, but there's something else I want to add.

    You linked Markiplier's first ever playthough of FNaF, and although I can't say for certain, I think a lot of people think of videos like these when they associate FNaF with children (since mark's audience at the time was tweens/teens).

    I always try to make it a point to prove that FNaF's audience has matured more than people are giving it credit for. I always wanted to post this somewhere in one of these FNaF related threads, but never could find the opportunity to, so thanks for providing the groundwork for me to do it.

    Linked here is Markiplier's video where he plays FNaF 1 in 2020, about 2 months ago. I have no clue if you actually watched the video already, but if you haven't already, I want you to think about what you expect to see. In his first playthrough, people see mark act more childlike, and get scared easily (which made people think he was faking being scared). Now watch this video, does any of that hold up today?

    No, not in any capacity. In this video, he takes a deeper look at the game, viewing it through more of a nostalgic and objective light. He's not screaming. He's not faking being scared. He's enjoying the game for the experience it provides, while talking about how far the franchise as a whole has come. This is actual proof of how the fanbase has matured over time, and I know that Markiplier doesn't exemplify absolutely everyone, but it's definitely representative of a good chunk of the FNaF community.

    It's sad to see how much unjustified hate FNaF gets, and I'm not talking about the people who simply don't like it, but rather the people who rehash the same reasons why FNaF is bad to them, then refuse to listen to criticisms.

  • HarleyQuinn
    HarleyQuinn Member Posts: 247

    Oh dear, I think I may have misunderstood what you were saying. My apologies <3

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862

    It is entirely, comparable, but then again you weren't there (not that I mean you weren't around in the community I don't know how long you've been around, I mean that you weren't present in those conversations which largely took place on the steam forums as these did not yet exist at the time).

    This I can wholeheartedly and entirely get behind as completely unequivocally and utterly false, objectively. As a Ghostface main myself I could write paragraphs and paragraphs about what makes him an undoubtedly great killer, but I'd rather not derail the thread and I would much rather be able to address the rest of your response today. So instead I will rely on the voices of the overall community:

    Based on a community poll that saw over 2500 responses and submissions put together by Fog Whisperer The King:

    On a scale of tiers from lowest to highest - F, D, C, B, B+, A, & S, The Ghost Face was placed by an overwhelming and conclusive majority of 33.6% who voted Ghost Face at B+. Know that the closest runner up placement at 25.1% or 643 votes was people who placed him in A tier.

    Adding up the total percentages of people who placed him at or above B tier comes to a total of 88.5% again, this is based on a poll of 2,565 respondents. Just for sh*ts and giggles, if we eliminate the middle ground and subtract the votes from B tier to keep it purely at votes from people who placed him at or above B+ tier, we're still left with a total of 66.4%. Again, an overwhelming majority.

    Whereas the total percent of individuals who placed Ghostface at or below C tier comes to roughly about 8.7% of respondents. I say roughly because the numbers for those who voted D or F tier were too insignificant to be displayed. So by my own estimation, I'd probably say at most a maximum of around 10% of respondents said Ghostface was at or below C tier if even that.

    Note that this is a poll directly taken of the community, and is not related, associated, or produced by the developers in any way, shape, form, or fashion. These are the views of community members just like you and me.

    Here is a link to the full 52 minute video where these statistics come from:

    With that, I won't say any more as I've already typed more than I intended on this topic. I will let the statistics stand and speak for themselves.

    A lot of this middle section you wrote here is personal opinion, which again, I'll restate that it tickles me pink knowing that so many people enjoy the fantasy of the original creations that BHVR created to the point they'd prefer it over licensed content. Again, something that the developers need thousands of pats on the back for. But of course everything I said in point 2 in regards to why we want and need licensed content still stands.

    Some mini points here:

    • I don't see how Demogorgon creating tunnels through the Upside Down isn't appropriate for the character. Or that it doesn't "fit the appearance of the medium" I assume that's what you mean because you couldn't possibly have a problem with the secondary Shred ability, that seems pretty standard for such a character / creature
    • So because some licensed characters were bad in the past that means all licensed characters are poor by design? Again, the only two examples you provide are characters that have already received changes or are in the process of receiving changes as we speak which heavily hampers the relevance of your argument. This doesn't necessarily mean that your arguments are null and void but it does mean that they are outdated. Heavily relying on prior stigma that licensed characters weren't viable in the past, when this is no longer the case accounting for new inclusions, as well as reworks for existing content.
    • It's not like licensed killers are the only ones that have suffered from poor design or balance decisions. You yourself brought up original characters that are frequently looked down upon as some of the lesser creations that exist in Dead By Daylight (except Deathslinger, no idea why you lumped him in there with the rest). The most hated chapter in the entire game is an original chapter (Darkness Among Us). But Dead By Daylight is a live service game, which means things are always constantly going to be changing and evolving. Things can always be made better, and in this way just because some things had issues in the past does not mean that should have any bearing for the future. If anything those prior design and balance mistakes are lessons for the future about what works, and what doesn't, in this way future licensed killers can on average only be better (because to say that someone is never going to make mistakes again would be ridiculous).
    • You know, I sort of know where you're getting with this but at the same time I really don't (or don't agree with it). Disregarding licensed content for a moment, Dead By Daylight is a game that brings horror stories together to act cohesively in one game. Almost like each individual story is a gear, interlocking with other gears (stories), even without licensed content this is still the core theme represented throughout the entirety of the game, it still is an amalgamation of horror: a combination of all kinds of horror stories and genres, from Psychological Horror, Supernatural Horror, Folk Horror, etc. so on and so forth.
      • In this way I don't see how Michael Myers walking around a Disturbed Ward at the Crotus Prenn Asylum takes you out of the immersion of the Dead By Daylight fantasy but a bloodthirsty Oni Samurai from Fuedal Japan running around a Saloon in the American Western Frontier doesn't. That's part of the fantasy, that's part of the lore, these constructed places outside of time and space serving as battlegrounds for the trials between killers and survivors from different times, places, dimensions even, etc. How you can tell me with a straight face that the aforementioned latter scenario is fitting for the game but not the former is beyond me.
      • and on a slightly separate note, Dead By Daylight has always been the "super smash brothers ultimate" of horror, that's not a recent development or direction that the game is only just now heading in, that's been a reality for about four years now. Ever since the first licensed chapter Halloween came out releasing Michael Myers in October of 2016 we in the community all knew where that was going. As soon as that door opened everybody was clamoring to see their favorite killer make it into the game, countless threads about Jason, Freddy, Leatherface, Ghostface, SAW, etc. were created and it was amazing to see because everyone was so godd*mn excited. The only difference is now, Dead By Daylight (and subsequently BHVR) has more resources than ever to make those chapters a reality which is why it may seem like a sudden "new direction" despite the fact it's not. After gaining the experience of and working with so many people and being graced with the responsibility to handle such prestigious and well respected well respected licenses they have more publicity, finances, experiences, to do basically anything in terms of new chapters.

    ok I'll admit those points weren't so mini.

    Anyway, last thing, you misunderstand me I never said that's what you said. Rather, I took what you said and extended it to it's natural conclusion because that's sort of what's being implied when people say "they need to stop making content and focus on bug fixes". The natural conclusion to pull from there the "entire dev team should be working on bug fixes" and of course that train of thought is suddenly halted and falls to shambles when somebody (in this case me) brings up the fact not everyone on the dev team does that for a goddamn living.

    Artists, composers, writers, etc. these people are on the dev team too and they do an amazing job, these are the people that bring to life the original chapters you seem to love and hail so much. And that still stands, how do you suggest the team "prioritize" bug fixing without giving the shaft / short end of the stick to those people? The answer is simple. Understand that the inner workings of development of a video game is for the most part, beyond the entire community and their capability to criticize. Complain about bugs all we want, even better report the details of when a bug occurs so that the devs can fix it right away, but don't ever try to actually micromanage the team itself saying "focus on bugs!!" when most people don't realize the gravity of what that actually means for the livelihoods of many who work in that studio on the team.

    What we do know is that they are doing the best job they can because obviously they want to, the better Dead By Daylight is the more quality of a product it becomes, the more successful it becomes and the more money they make which they can put back into the game to make it even better than it was before and so a never ending cycle continues.

    That's about all I've got, I really don't feel like dragging this conversation out, since in the end we both agree, "no springtrap pl0x". So this may be my last comment, there is way too much effort going into the writing of responses for two people who both roughly agree on a thing.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    You clearly have not played the VR game then. A 7ft tall malfunctioning animatronic staring you in the face with a decaying corpse inside of it is the definition of scary.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    I forgot about FNAF Help Wanted, that was crazy! 😊

  • NightmareReborn
    NightmareReborn Member Posts: 810
    edited July 2020

    I personally think Help Wanted was the best FNaF game, with Pizzeria Sim at a close second.

    The gameplay was super interactive (and pretty scary), the story wasn't overly convoluted, and it was overall a very well designed and content-packed game!

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    I wanted to respond to your previous comment towards me, but I was very overwhelmed by the amount of backlash for wanting a FNAF DLC and... I was very tired to make a response. πŸ˜‚

    I haven't been involved with the FNAF community personally, but I have seen sneak peeks of the FNAF Community. Communities are unique, they have their own flaws and benefits (I.E. DBD's Community is known to be toxic and FNAF's Community is known for being cringey). However, to be fair, we can't base a game off its own community because I enjoyed FNAF and DBD was a blast for me β€” neither was identical to their community reviews. It's great that Mark brought light onto the game rather than the community, showing us that this game was successful for the right reasons. He also shown that FNAF has done a lot to put a twist into survival horror. 😊

  • shrekedked
    shrekedked Member Posts: 21

    Look... Literally Scott cawthon agrees FNAF is mostly attrackted towards childnres, he literally made FNAF world!!!

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    you do know that out of all games FNAF world! the other one that didn't do that best.

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871

    You don't even nearly have to learn that much, and as far as loops go you only need to learn 4 most common ones

  • NightmareReborn
    NightmareReborn Member Posts: 810

    Scott has essentially disowned FNaF world. He's come out by saying its one of the games he's most ashamed of.

  • Mikey4Hire
    Mikey4Hire Member Posts: 271

    I really find it funny that just because you don't like something means it can't be in the game. Let people request their own chapter ideas and stop shooting everything you don't like down.

  • MeatBycicle
    MeatBycicle Member Posts: 756
    edited July 2020

    I find you funny. If I don't like something im going to state it. Also I'm not a Dev, I don't have the ability to shoot down anything. All I can do is state my reasoning why I wouldn't want a specific thing in game. No one is stopping anyone from requesting chapters, but it gets silly when you are asking for a kids game to be brought into the DBD universe.