Please add dedicated servers ASAP!

The only solution for the matchmaking issue where some killers have to wait too long or some cant even find a match is adding dedicated servers for this game, there is no alternative solution.


  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    First off, if there are not 4X as many survivors as there is killers, you're going to see the matchmaker struggle. Your suggestion would do little to fix the matchmaker issues we ALWAYS have when a new killer drops. You'd be better off asking for a BP bonus on the survivor side for the first week after a patch drops (Actually, a passive bonus to BP based on which side is short on players wouldn't be a bad idea to have all the time)

    Second, each game only requires 5 players. Buying servers for games that are too small is stupid and economically inefficient.

  • DukeJukem
    DukeJukem Member Posts: 114

    speaking of dedicated servers i'd like to redirect everyone to another post. keep in mind that this post is about all of us, both killer and survivor, coming together and making our voices heard. our differences need to be overlooked here

  • DukeJukem
    DukeJukem Member Posts: 114

    @FrenziedRoach said:
    First off, if there are not 4X as many survivors as there is killers, you're going to see the matchmaker struggle. Your suggestion would do little to fix the matchmaker issues we ALWAYS have when a new killer drops. You'd be better off asking for a BP bonus on the survivor side for the first week after a patch drops (Actually, a passive bonus to BP based on which side is short on players wouldn't be a bad idea to have all the time)

    Second, each game only requires 5 players. Buying servers for games that are too small is stupid and economically inefficient.

    yea yet death garden has dedicated servers yet less than 20 people are online right now. makes total sense right? and yes dedicated servers would help with matchmaking. p2p is based on the single hosts connection and there is no way of ensuring a quality connection with said host, be it when it comes to finding a match (connecting to the host in general) or during the match. how many times have u seen 60 ping in lobby then u get in game and its laggy as all hell. could be a lag switch or torrent etc.....but it could also be the fact the killers connection isnt strong enough when the actualy game loads compared to sitting in a lobby. dedicated servers would fix alot man.

  • DukeJukem
    DukeJukem Member Posts: 114

    a dedicated server with a completely stable connection that is properly set up would elimate many issues. can't rely on some 13 year olds connection who runs pornhub through internet explorer bro.......think........

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600
    edited September 2018

    @DukeJukem said:

    @FrenziedRoach said:
    First off, if there are not 4X as many survivors as there is killers, you're going to see the matchmaker struggle. Your suggestion would do little to fix the matchmaker issues we ALWAYS have when a new killer drops. You'd be better off asking for a BP bonus on the survivor side for the first week after a patch drops (Actually, a passive bonus to BP based on which side is short on players wouldn't be a bad idea to have all the time)

    Second, each game only requires 5 players. Buying servers for games that are too small is stupid and economically inefficient.

    yea yet death garden has dedicated servers yet less than 20 people are online right now. makes total sense right? and yes dedicated servers would help with matchmaking. p2p is based on the single hosts connection and there is no way of ensuring a quality connection with said host, be it when it comes to finding a match (connecting to the host in general) or during the match. how many times have u seen 60 ping in lobby then u get in game and its laggy as all hell. could be a lag switch or torrent etc.....but it could also be the fact the killers connection isnt strong enough when the actualy game loads compared to sitting in a lobby. dedicated servers would fix alot man.

    And you have complete ignorance of the tick rates required for something like a shooter vs something like dbd which has a huge impact on the host.

    Nice try though.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    hehehe... waves the magic wand... Dedicated servers..... DONE!... ggs....

    See you in the fog.

    I loved the ASAP btw... made me laugh even more.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    @DukeJukem said:

    yea yet death garden has dedicated servers yet less than 20 people are online right now. makes total sense right? and yes dedicated servers would help with matchmaking. p2p is based on the single hosts connection and there is no way of ensuring a quality connection with said host, be it when it comes to finding a match (connecting to the host in general) or during the match. how many times have u seen 60 ping in lobby then u get in game and its laggy as all hell. could be a lag switch or torrent etc.....but it could also be the fact the killers connection isnt strong enough when the actualy game loads compared to sitting in a lobby. dedicated servers would fix alot man.

    Don't forget DeathGarden is in early access aswell. I imagine they learned allot from their release of it in EA and will be retooling it quite a bit. 20 people playing an early access game is kind of irrelevant.

  • RuneStarr
    RuneStarr Member Posts: 850
    Jack11803 said:

    Dedicated survivors ain’t gonna fix there being too many killers and too little survivors buddy

    Maybe right now due to new killer and double BP (killers just earn more. makes sense). but typically I get instantly full lobbies as killer. Most I wait is about a minute. 
    Survivor side I usually wait minutes to even load into a lobby (if playing SWF could take much much longer). 
    If we had a surplus of killers and not enough survivors... wouldn't it be the opposite :lol:

    As far as dedicated servers, just wait for the 17 people playing deathgarden to abandon it and let it die. Steal them for the game that actually has a playerbase lmao.