What is the point of sneaking and hiding?

CertArn Member Posts: 78

When every killer have Barbecue & Chilli? I just lost to Oni 17lvl with this perk, another one. I didn't know he have it! How could i? And when i know, its already to late. :/

HOW this is fair?

IMO that's why gameplay is a mess, basically devs cannot balance killer and survivors with shared perks, because those will pile on and they just can't balance every perk with each other.

When i play against Leatherface i know, and Leatherface playing against 4x Laurie Strody will know she can free itself. But now its free for all and unbalanced mess.

And after reading comments about perks from killers and survivors side, it is frustrating for everyone. :/


  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    When people reply to this post I hope they bear in mind that you’re new and cut out their condescending remarks.

    This is something that you learn with experience - you’ll know which perks to expect, how to play around them, and how to identify that a killer is running them. There are a lot of perks so it can take a while but BBQ is extremely common and you should assume that every killer is running it.

    You can hide in lockers, hide behind generators (their aura hides yours), or just fake going in one direction and then go in another.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    Always assume every killer has BBQ.

    It's one perk that you can count on being in a huge number of your games.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557

    Devs even gave people the perk Distortion which you dont even have to do anything just sit on the gen. Playing around perks is a challenge to some people in this game. They just want to hold m1 or W

  • Demonl3y
    Demonl3y Member Posts: 1,416

    Imagine thinking BBQ is op..

    Locker and mindgames exists.

    Also Jeff have a perk that COMPLETELY counters BBQ AND many OTHER perks too.

    I guess thats not op?

    (Its not, same as BBQ or noed or whatever)

  • baron
    baron Member Posts: 142

    There isnt one. If you successfully play stealth, and the killer struggles to find anyone in my experience they just dc. It is also made too difficult to actually lose a killer in a chase. Stealth game play is not a game play style supported by design.

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877

    With every match, no matter the situation, you have to get into a habit of hiding in a locker when someone is about to be hooked.

    A spicy match is when the Killer takes BBQ & Chilli and Iron Maiden.

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    Just to add to this, you could also start entering the locker just after the survivor is hooked. The killer will see you climbing in the locker. Wait a couple of seconds, then get out of the locker, go hide behind a rock and wait for the killer to come and check every locker in the area.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    To more broadly answer the OP, though...mostly people don't actually bother with heavy stealth and sneaking at the high end.

    They just run all the second chance perks, get good at running strong tiles, take hits intentionally because it doesn't matter, and just try to waste as much killer time as possible while gens get done.

    It's part of why killers talk about the role being more stressful. Because against these groups you're just constantly on this very short timer and even when you're just beating the living crap out of them it doesn't seem to help.

  • CertArn
    CertArn Member Posts: 78
    edited July 2020

    Damn, you guys are missing the point.

    First of all, where did i write B&C is OP? I guess nowhere. Perk alone is fine.

    Second, lockers are not good "advice" just because some random thing (i didn't know about) can be randomly countered. It is not a lottery.

    Gameplay expect me to hide from a killer, right? But i can't do this without knowing what to expect. Against LF i know he will have it so i'm more mobile, just like i'm aware of Huntress axes when i run like a madman always trying to stay behind some tree or something.


    And on top of that that's why gameplay overall is badly balanced, because devs cannot balance everything with everything. It's impossible. And those perks will pile on giving us more and more broken combos. There is a reason why all red ranked players have similar perks. Buffing or nerfing will not work, because one perk will be replaced with another from this pile.

    Maybe i'm low level, and you are on rank 5 or higher, but guess what - you are 10-20% minority here. From my gameplay experience 50% of killers have B&C. On higher levels maybe it is a waste of perk slot, but on lower not. It is unfair.

    I don't even have problem with infamous NOED, because when gates are opened players know what to expect.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    You are new. Everyone here has been new. One of the most exciting things for me when i started out was learning what perks others were running. Everytime i was able to determine in game what i was going against, it felt good. I felt like i was making progress. Learning.

    My best advice for a mew survivor i can give, is to play killer. The experience of being on that side, offers so much information. You get to learn about killer powers, perks. You get to see how survivors counter your perks. You see how hard it is to hide behind a tree unless you are a blendette.

    Also watch killer gameplay. Some streamers go out of their way to teach things. Tru3talent, int3ract, skorpionz, even monto and puppers are really good.

    This is a notoriously hard game to learn as a beginner. It almost goes out of its way to not hold new players hands. For me, that was fun part.

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 696

    Not gonna lie i will always equip BBQ & chill. also not a lie, i always forget that it allows you to see survivors and isn't just a bonus BP perk.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Ok so there are a finite number of tracking perks that will reveal your location in one way or another. All of them have at least one counter:

    • BBQ - As mentioned Lockers, Running back after 4 seconds, hiding behind a gen, Anti-aura perks
    • Spies from the Shadows - Crouch if you have to get close to crows, otherwise avoid them if possible. Alternatively bring calm spirit
    • Infectious Fright - Try and stay out of the Killers terror radius while they are chasing an injured Survivor. Alternatively bring calm spirit. You will know if they have this perk
    • Thrilling Tremors - Let go of your gen after a Survivor is downed and then wait out the 16 seconds
    • Discordance - Only work on gens alone
    • Iron Maiden - Avoid lockers or bring calm spirit. You will know if they have this perk
    • Bitter Murmer - After completing a gen run in one way and double back after 5 seconds. Do this for 10 seconds after the final gen is completed. Alternatively run anti-aura perks
    • Deathboud - Heal at the edge of the Killers terror radius or run calm spirit. You will know if they have this perk
    • Nurses Calling - Don't heal too close to the Killer or run anti-aura perks.
    • Gearhead - Hit great skillchecks
    • Rancor - Switch your position after each gen completion. If you are the Obsession you will know if the Killer has this perk
    • Surveillance - Do not commit to repairing regressing gens. Just tap it and leave.
    • Tinkerer - Once the gen is 70% complete start hiding for 16 seconds before doing the rest
    • Dead mans switch - Stay on the gen for the duration for as long as possible after the Obsession is hooked. You will know if the Killer has this perk.

    A perk that can help with this is Repressed Alliance. Since a lot of these counters involve leaving a gen unfinished you can use the perk to lock it's progress while you are leaving. While there are a few other perks I didn't mention with tracking components, they are all mid chase tracking perks or aren't able to find a Survivor at range.

    Also some Killer powers have a direct tracking component:

    • Doctor - Hop in a locker if you are in his terror radius when he attempts a static blast. Otherwise try and stay out of his terror radius at all times
    • Legion - Make sure you are out of his terror radius when he hit someone with Frenzy. Otherwise it's already too late no matter what.
    • Hag/Trapper/Freddy/Demogorgon - Avoid their traps
    • Executioner - Avoid his trail
    • Plague - Do not touch infected objects unless you are already infected yourself
    • Oni - Prioritize healing
  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Always assume the killer has bbq and play around it. Its really that simple. Lots of people here have told you how to counter it. Hide in a licker when they pick someone up, run i to their terror radius if your close, you can also position a gen between you and them and they wont see your aura. We get that youre new, but learning to play around these perks is part of the skills required to get better and bbq isnt going anywhere.

  • Horror_Gaming
    Horror_Gaming Member Posts: 275

    There’s also survivor perks that can completely counter BBQ like distortion. While you may only get 3 tokens. It still gives you info on what perks or addons the killer has

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Ways to counter BBQ & Chili

    • Hide behind a generator aura (don't work on the generator)
    • Hide in any locker
    • Be within a 42m radius to the killer (pretty big range)
    • Be further than 42m from the killer and simply move away from the spot
    • Use the perk Distortion
    • Use the perk Sole survivor (or don't its horrible)
    • If there are 3 survivors still alive then you naturally have a 2/3 chance of NOT being the target anyway
    • Use the short time the killer CAN see your aura to sneak away so as to waste their time looking for you (don't run, Urban Evasion is great for this)

    There are tons of way to avoid this perk. When I play survivor (solo 99% of the time) I tend to have a "stealth" play style where I'm often the last to ever be chased. Avoiding detection perks is all part of the game and learning how they work (playing killer AND survivor) does wonders for learning how to counter them.

  • CertArn
    CertArn Member Posts: 78

    Yeah, best thing to say, right? "You are new, i know better after 2000 hours and that's why my opinion is superior." And you know what? I'm not new. 50 hours is enough of my time investment in one game. I'm new with 5, maybe 10. Also i will never waste 2000 hours on that game. And i will not waste time to watch some streams. If game like this cant give enough feedback to player, it is badly designed. Simple as that. Lets be honest here, this is not MMO, roguelike, flight simulator or any other complex idea of a gameplay. Its simple.

    Anyway, i know how this perk work. Don't treat me this way.

    Also you should learn how to read.

    ...it is like talking to a brick wall over here. :-/

    I don't have problem with perk, i know how it works, I DON'T KNOW THEY HAVE IT SO I CANT REACT TO IT.

    Damn, it is really so hard to understand?

    Let me put it this way, following your logic - You guys should always expect someone could sneak behind you and slap your head with baseball bat. You can duck, so you should be ducking all the time to prevent this from happening. And when i finally sneak behind you one day and hit you like that, you cant be mad at me, because you should expect i will do this, so it is your fault for not ducking this one time in the right moment.

  • Deathslinger
    Deathslinger Member Posts: 570

    You know Jeff has a perk you might be interested in, it’s called Distortion.

    You get 3 tokens, when your aura would be shown to a killer it activates. For the next 6 seconds you leave no scratch marks and aura will not show.

    If your going the stealth route and you feel like you can sacrifice a slot in your build, it might help you out. Assuming you stay out of site and no have other killer perks trigger aura reading perks, then when someone falls on a hook and it procs, you know for a fact they have BBQ and you can decide to save stacks by hiding in lockers or eat your tokens to stealthy finish gens.

  • Equus
    Equus Member Posts: 324

    Killers with BBQ act a certain way you need to pay attention. You can figure out they have it when they head straight for you after hooking someone. Or when you are in the proximity and you see the killer do a 360 after hooking. I remember and then counterplay it with the tips mentioned above. In solo queue I often bring kindred and with that you can see the killer heading straight for you or a teammember while you are miles away which is a dead give away they have BBQ.

    I don't recommend hiding in lockers just in case because if they don't have BBQ you'll have wasted valuable time for nothing. Figure out their perks and then try a counterplay.

  • WTBacon
    WTBacon Member Posts: 593

    Every survivor with experience always assumes the killer has BBQ and will play around it.

    You are not used to playing around it because you are inexperienced.

  • MeatBycicle
    MeatBycicle Member Posts: 756

    Cool, give up then. Honestly everyone has given you a ton of advice and you are blaming your lack of skill at this game on the gameplay / balance / devs. Do you know how stupid it would be if the survivors knew every single perk the killer was bringing before each match? SWF already make the game unbalanced as it is.

  • Valor188917
    Valor188917 Member Posts: 649
    edited July 2020

    So how much more handholding as a survivor do you want in this game? Show every perk that the killer has? There's tons of Perks that you'll NEVER know if the killer has it or not, like Shadowborne. The only way to make what you want possible is to show the killer's and survivor's perks before the game starts which would be terribly boring and break many perks that are meant as a surprise in the first place.

    There's already too much, you even get notified when the killer has an instadown through haunted grounds basically killing the perk unless it gets cleansed in one of those 1 in 10 games where you run into 3 ppl while somebody cleanses HG while you have infectious Fright.

    You don't need to know if the killer has barbecue and chilli, the whole point of the perk is to give killers a new chase so that they don't camp, you also shouldn't hide all game because occasionally you need to take "aggro", otherwise your teammates will die way earlier.

    If you have dead teammates while the killer is neither actively tunneling or camping and you haven't been in a chase then you did something wrong.

    This by the way goes both ways anyways, a killer will never know if you have resilience, premonition, solidarity, DISTORTION ( a free perk by the way) etc.

  • Customapple0
    Customapple0 Member Posts: 629

    Some people complain how this isn’t a true horror game and is instead a game of cat & mouse, this is why.

    The killer has so many perks that counter stealth gameplay that you’re better off just M1 on gens till you get found then loop the killer for long enough for a gen to get done.

    At this point with the current meta it’s detrimental to play stealthy.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    So, everyone here has been really nice and have attempted to be really helpful. So now you get angry with us. I dont have 2000 hours in the game. I have less then 1000 to be honest. And the fact that im still learning things shows just how absolutely wrong you are about the complexity of this game. Simple concept but difficult to master. Like chess. Speaking of, tell anyone whos played chess as more than a hobby that you have 50 hours and are now a pro. See what they say. They'll laugh at you.

    You are mad at the game because you dont feel the need to put the time in to learn. Your loss. Instead of bitching at us because you are too entitled to practice and put effort into the game, go play something else.

    Yes this game does not give away information freely. Ask football coaches if they give the other team the playbook before a game. In Pokémon or magic the gathering, do you look at the opponents hand to make sure there are no surprises?

    Nope. Its pvp not a hand holding competition.

    And as much as i hate to say this phrase, GIT GUD

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    I agree, it is like talking to a brickwall as everyone has given you the solution and you're ignoring it. And this game is WAY more complex than youre giving it credit for. The ocean of difference between a 50hr player and a 2000hr player is MASSIVE.

    Part of the game is figuring out what perks your opponent is running and playing around them, and for the perks you cant discern knowing when to assume those are going to come into play.

    As an example a couple of days ago i was killer, i had 2 dead, 1 on hook in struggle phase and i hooked the 4th survivor for the first time. Gates were open. There was nothing telling me that 4th survivor had deliverance, i just assumed she did because i have more than 50 hours of game experience. So i threw my clown bottles at her feet to inflict exhaustion just incase. And then she used her deliverance, because of my bottles she couldnt use her dead hard and she went right back down. Had i followed your logic and not made that assumption she could have popped off, ran over and unhooked her friend and they both could have got out. The number of times i just assume a survivor has ds is incountable. This is how the game works. If its too difficult for you, maybe dbd isnt for you

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Stealth is not just hiding in a corner and hoping the killer doesn't see you. You're still learning about the game, you're going to find things you'd never seen before. As for this...

    Let me put it this way, following your logic - You guys should always expect someone could sneak behind you and slap your head with baseball bat. You can duck, so you should be ducking all the time to prevent this from happening. And when i finally sneak behind you one day and hit you like that, you cant be mad at me, because you should expect i will do this, so it is your fault for not ducking this one time in the right moment.

    This is what's known as "risk assessment". Here's an analogy: I don't expect to get into a car crash, but I always put on my seat belt and make sure everyone else has theirs on as well, because the minor inconvenience of having to put it on or having the people in the car be a little upset is worth it if the seat belt can potentially safeguard me from death (which it has, more than once, although I wasn't driving then).

    So yes, unless you're impervious to baseball bats to the skull, you should absolutely be trying to dodge them because you know someone is actively hunting you to hit you with one. You should also cleanse totems if you're worried about NOED and get into lockers if you're worried about BBQ.

  • pedroframil
    pedroframil Member Posts: 45

    I really didn't get why are you so offended. Nobody here was bragging about being experienced players, just trying to give you some advice.

    There are some ways to discover if the killer have B&C, if that's your problem. You can use Distortion and see if a token is spent when a friend is hooked. That way you can react accordingly to it.

    Or you can learn to read the killer moviments. I usually stay on a far generator, and if he comes right after me upon hooking, then i know he has the perk.

    BTW, it's an easy perk to counter and stealth playstyle is not made impossible by it. There's a lot of things that break you out of stealth, and BBQ usually is not one of them, unless you are hiding on a dead corner while your teammates are being hooked.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064

    If your primary issue is how do you know they are even using the perk so you can react to it, that's been answered too: You can't know, so assume they do.

    There's no way to know what perks another person will bring into any given game, even other Survivors unless they tell you in pre-game chat or otherwise in contact with them. That said, you can expect Barbecue and Chili to be more common than others because of the blood point bonus it offers. I use it so much more for the points I often forget to check for auras. This means the best move is assuming they do have it until you can be reasonably sure they don't.

    If the perk bothers you that much, and you have the option to do so, look into leveling Jeff for his Distortion perk. If it triggers after someone is hooked, you now know and can react accordingly.

  • pedroframil
    pedroframil Member Posts: 45

    (WUT, my answer just vanished. Or was it deleted?)

    I really didn't get why are you so offended. Nobody here was bragging about being experienced players, we are just trying to give you some advice.

    There are some ways to discover if the killer have BBQ, if that's your problem. You can use Distortion and see if a token is spent when a friend is hooked. That way you can react accordingly to it.

    Or you can learn to read the killer moviments. I usually stay on a distant generator and if the killer comes after me right after hooking somebody, i know he has the perk.

    But to be fair, BBQ is not exactly a "stealth killing" perk. There is a lot of ways of breaking survivors stealth and BBQ is not even one of the best. Unless you are hiding on a dead corner and stay put until the killer finds you.

  • Oicimau
    Oicimau Member Posts: 897

    BBQ is a basic perk to assume the killer has. In the beginning of the game is possible to verify if he has the perk after one or two hooks by his behaviour.

  • Oicimau
    Oicimau Member Posts: 897

    Let me tell more. Hope the killer is using BBQ and not other locating perk, cause BBQ is the easier to counter. A Gearhead can be much more agressive, given it gives location (no aura hiding possible) and has no counter cause you cant imagine the perk is working. A Thrilling Tremors is more counterable, but only if you saw the entity blocking a gen, or else you will give your position when the killer grab the survivor.

  • ZerLukas
    ZerLukas Member Posts: 294

    The point of sneaking and hiding is that after he sees your aura and comes to you, you can try hiding behind objects and continue moving out of his sight so he must waste time looking for you.

    It's still likely that he will find you anyway but at that point he has already wasted at least some time and still has to chase you down.

    Also a killer is likely to see more than 1 person with BBQ, he might not go after you at all. But if it is still a problem there are still counters:

    • Lockers
    • Distortion
    • Walking one way for 4 seconds and suddenly switching directions

    Also if your problem is whether a killer has it or not, BBQ is meta, it's easy to assume that every killer uses it. Majority does unless they go for a specific build or don't have it.

    But usually it's best to simply continue sitting on a gen without trying to somehow counter BBQ. Use Spine Chill if you want an early warning that a killer is indeed coming for you.

  • DetectiveBingBong
    DetectiveBingBong Member Posts: 67

    This guy gets it. I only play survivor on the rare occasion my friends come back to this, and when I do I use it as a way to learn what techs and tricks you all do. Treat it like a spy mission, you'll learn so much more.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    There are many counters to BBQ. If you get found by it, it is your fault for not taking precautions against it. You can always learn how to go against them by going to the wiki, as it has all the information in the game in one place.

    There is also a thing called observation. If you get hooked and see the killer do a scan, you can guess that they have it. Most competent players can figure out what perks a killer has just by observing them.

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303
    edited July 2020

    I can tell your new, so, you'll want to assume most killers are running BBQ, especially when it's a high mobility killer. That's there easy way of getting you if you let them. When you notice someone go down, pay attention. As soon as he's about to hook them, jump in a locker or behind a gen, and your good to go.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    edited July 2020

    The point of sneaking and hiding in DBD is that a series of unfixed issues, mostly sound bugs, made it ridiculously strong and borderline OP in certain maps.

    And, as just about everyone has said, BBQ is easy to counter. Honestly, I barely care when a killer has it, because if they actually see my aura I still have plenty of time to hide. I often use it to trick killers into crossing the map, then wasting time looking for me as I stealth away because they just have no idea that I'm no longer there because they have no real ques to allow them to know.

    Edit: I would also like to say, 50 hours is still very, very new. DBD is not like any other game, you need a very specific skillset to play it. You need to memorise a whole bunch of perks, abilities, maps, add-ons...the list goes on. It took me til around devotion 1 to grasp the basics.