We need more tension in the game

What do we have atm? we have loud music in chases.
This game would be so much more atmospheric with nice sound effects all over the place and creepy map themes that constantly play outside of chases.
There is so much room for improvement on the sound side of the game but it could have a huge impact on how playing as survivor feels.
The entity has more then one playfield where it sends survivors, you could even add far away screams from other trials that are currently going on not far away.
This game is such a great idea but theres so much more potential!
No that would make dbd an actual horror game
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Want tension? Just play killer. 😂
Survivor is what I play when I just feel like chilling out.
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First let's fix existing sounds before adding more lmao
In all seriousness the graphics update seems to be looking amazing and the changes to lighting we've seen so far do look actually scary.
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I play killer when i just feel like chilling out.
Its so relaxing getting 200k bp per game by farming
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Sure, the BP on killer is nice.
But there's really no denying that - assuming you're "trying" - killer has much more tension to it than survivor.
That's not me saying that one is easier than the other, so no one needs to argue that. Simply that survivor always feels relaxing while killer feels tense.
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I think that's mainly because most of the time you're holding M1 and hitting space every now and then. It's an easy Quick Time Event, but I don't know if making it hard will be fun. Honestly not sure how to make repairing generators more tense
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If you want more tension then tell the devs to stop nerfing killers.
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It's not so much the nature of the gameplay as the fact that survivors aren't under the same kind of time crunch that killers are.
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We want that though!
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I can get behind this, creepy music makes things.. well... creepy....
Music that you could monologue about a killer's backstory or a murder spree that happened 20 years ago to.
Identity V actually has some of these pretty creepy, nothing-intense-is-happening-yet tracks in its game. I think they're a really good reference for what OP is talking about:
Imagine something like this playing on Father Cambell's Chapel:
Imagine a track played as an intro to each map, or there's a low-calm but subtly intense track that plays after a survivor has been repairing a generator for a decent amount of time, or a really malevolent piece of music whenever you enter the basement, or a unique track that plays whenever you enter the center building of a map like the aforementioned Father Campbell's Chapel, the asylum, or if you get too close to the warped and gnarled tree in the center of Shelter Woods (these would only play once per game as if you're just discovering this place for the first time), etc.
I agree with OP, new music that's creepy and for the calm moments between chases in a trial and other situations would work wonders for the game.
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i was joking of course i want dbd to be a horror game
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The best Games are the best games because of the soundtrack fitting so well.
And since the maps are really different in their looks I think a good composer could create something very epic.
I hope the Devs value Soundtrack a bit more, but they are on a good way creating chase music for every killer. Its the right direction.
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I was begging for an actual ost with this game. Imagine actual scores playing running through the hospital? Or the sounds of the machinery in the Game. The way I see it it's beneficial and detrimental to both sides therefore an lovely even ground. Please BHVR. You have TONS of money from us at this point. Hire a team.
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Have you played against myers with a scratched mirror build????? That iis more tense than walking into work on a Monday secerly hungover