How Likely Is It That Your Main/Favorite Character For Survivor or Killer Gets Replaced?

icemancat Member Posts: 150

Do you think you have found your specific main/favorite character in the game or do you think your main is still waiting to be added? Trapper has been my main since the beginning. However, for my favorite survivor, Dwight was my main at first until Ace took over for my favorite survivor spot.

How Likely Is It That Your Main/Favorite Character For Survivor or Killer Gets Replaced? 116 votes

My current favorite will never be replaced. They are my favorite character hands down.
Techn0SnakeSound222White_OwlIhatelifebevdog67TheRockstarKnightSkeletalEliteWalker_of_the_fog_96AngryFluffyPájaPandamoniumEliteManny7EnderloganYTEndstilleIronBaby_Dwight_MainMarigoriaBassTramSpookyStabbyIamDwight 33 votes
Unlikely. They would have to be a very interesting character for me to replace my current favorite.
Science_GuyCamoRangerSeiko300GHERBEARRULESVolantConch1719MiniPixelsCougarOPAven_FallenNightmareRebornHertsuFINTaigaAhoyWolfSunaIIanuGreentheNinjatenoresaxThePoliceAwkward_FiendFluffySharkz_ShrekTheThird69Equus 45 votes
Neutral ground. It's possible that they get replaced.
CheersZerLukasalyssuh[Deleted User]NuclearBurritoUistreelImpalaanonymous31337pichumudkipkinTodgeweiht[Deleted User]Hero_awesomeGothicPrincesscheetocultleaderCephalon_LebronbrubliPayneKillerschadenfreudez28illiumred 29 votes
Likely. My current favorite could be replaced as soon as the next chapter coming out.
NekoGamerXDr_LoomispalletsryummyDominum_vestriMaxwellhahadrillgobrrrHarleyQuinnSeantheHuman 8 votes
100% chance of my current favorite getting replaced. None of the current characters in game are appealing to me.
Eredin_Bréacc_Glas 1 vote


  • bevdog67
    bevdog67 Member Posts: 57
    My current favorite will never be replaced. They are my favorite character hands down.

    The moment I saw Ace, I knew there was something special. His gray hair, his cheeky smile, his finger guns... I knew from that moment Ace would be the one for me. It's not a perfect relationship. I have been tempted with the likes of Steve or Cheryl, but I come back to that happy-go-lucky beef cake every time ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703
    Likely. My current favorite could be replaced as soon as the next chapter coming out.

    I think Myers was my first favourite killer, but that's just due to me being a huge life-long Halloween fan.

    Afterwards, I enjoyed playing Clown the most. But I think it's just because I like the Clown character and lore.

    At the moment, I usually use Leatherface with a good build of Surveillance, Corrupt Intervention, BBQ&C and Pop.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666
    Neutral ground. It's possible that they get replaced.

    As survivor: Very possible, I mean, i dont have a main in the first place, but currently im choosing between Cheryl and Ash

    As killer: Most possibly never, Demo is a good boy and it thrills me every time I play him.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited July 2020
    Unlikely. They would have to be a very interesting character for me to replace my current favorite.

    I said this before on a different thread, but my main for survivor, Ace, was actually originally meant to be a temporary main something I forgot about for years until just recently.

    In 2016 I wasn't attached to the original four survivors very much, and the next two, Nea, and Laurie didn't captivate me either. When the trailer for Chapter 3 of Flesh and Mud dropped and I saw Ace something clicked with me about that character like nobody else before. Although I thought for sure somebody "more cool" would come along so I decided he'd probably be a temporary pick as a main.

    But nobody else ever did, and over time I became more and more attached to the Lucky Bastard, and the thought of ever having a new main was completely forgotten and disregarded.

    I hit a new milestone with Ace yesterday actually, I now own every single cosmetic that you can possibly purchase for him with Iridescent shards. Every cosmetic that you could ever earn for free for the character in the shop, during events like the moonrise event or recent 4th anniversary, and the one shirt he got in the 2nd tome of the rift, I've got it all, and I'm pretty happy about it.

    He's got maybe 4 or 5 cosmetics locked behind a paywall for auric cells, and I don't doubt that at some point in the future I'll grab at least maybe one or two of them.

    The only thing that could ever tear me away from being an Ace main, would be a Scream Paragraph Chapter that introduces Randy Meeks as a brand new survivor. Then and only then would I have a serious contender to replace my main for survivor, but people always go nuts about Sidney Prescott just because she's the final girl and lead role so I hardly think that would ever happen unfortunately.

    As for my killer main, ever since 2016 I had one in spirit, but he wouldn't actually show up in the game until 3 years later in 2019: Ghostface. I like playing other killers for sure, but I'll always call myself a Ghostface main no matter what, and absolutely nobody could ever replace him for the role of my Killer main. If nothing else than to rub it into the faces of anyone and everyone who ever told me he'd never make it into Dead By Daylight.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277
    Likely. My current favorite could be replaced as soon as the next chapter coming out.

    I have many Favorite Character and it grow add new characters get added right now

    Survivor david,dwight,Nea,Yui,Laurie,Cheryl

    Killer legion(Susie),the spirit,michael myers,the nurse,the huntress

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171
    My current favorite will never be replaced. They are my favorite character hands down.

    No. Never.

    Huntress is too cool.

    I mained her back when my only teachable was Devour Hope, and I versed Red Ranks abusing a SWF bug to face Brown and Yellow Ranks.

    I mained her through her Hatchet hitbox nerf, when you could throw Hatchets through Survivors and miss.

    I'll main her when she gets a red cooldown meter that keeps her from throwing more than one Hatchet every 20 seconds and her add-ons become her garbage teachables but even worse (Very Rare add-on that shows you the aura of Survivors in the basement for three seconds when you're 32 meters away from the basement and hit a Survivor from 20 meters away with a Hatchet when?).

    Why? She's a tall and buff one woman army who raised herself alone in the Russian wilderness, she's the first and as of yet still the only Killer that can yeet Death at people from across the map, and I have all the Killer perks in the game on her.

    As for Nea and Quentin; they have beanies. Beanies!

    'Nuff said.

  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621
    My current favorite will never be replaced. They are my favorite character hands down.

    I'll never abandon my Jakey boy

    GHERBEARRULES Member Posts: 265
    Unlikely. They would have to be a very interesting character for me to replace my current favorite.

    I moved away from meg because of Jane, I barely play anyone else.

  • TotemsCleanser
    TotemsCleanser Member Posts: 617
    My current favorite will never be replaced. They are my favorite character hands down.

    They gave me everything I could possibly dream of with Cheryl, and I'm still playing Steve lol. So yeah.

  • Black_Pink_Switch
    Black_Pink_Switch Member Posts: 4
    Neutral ground. It's possible that they get replaced.

    These kind of polls/questions are hard because when there is multiple people to choose from i ususally have at least a top 5 with any game for that matter.

    In this order

    1.Kate Denson

    2. Jane

    3. Nea

    4. Chreyl/Lisa more Lisa though

    5. Feng min

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,797

    I don't have a main. I just use whoever has dailies or rift challenges, and otherwise use all of the good items/add-ons/offerings for my character with the weakest inventory/perks so I can prestige them.

  • Hero_awesome
    Hero_awesome Member Posts: 301
    Neutral ground. It's possible that they get replaced.

    I say neutral because I play everyone I don't just play one character all the time. Even the characters im not strongest with.

  • romerojoel
    romerojoel Member Posts: 35
    Neutral ground. It's possible that they get replaced.

    right now my “mains” are spirit and plague, but i cannot call them main because i play other killers very often, but these two are the ones i enjoy most and play most often.

  • Equus
    Equus Member Posts: 324
    Unlikely. They would have to be a very interesting character for me to replace my current favorite.

    Never say never, they might come up with a character I can't resist. That being said I thoroughly enjoy The Legion, it is so thrilling to turn a bad match around with a good FF. For survivor I picked Kate when I started playing because I love her style. I do stray from both my mains but end up picking them the most.

  • HarleyQuinn
    HarleyQuinn Member Posts: 247
    Likely. My current favorite could be replaced as soon as the next chapter coming out.

    I play Steve or Quentin. I like both of their characters but there’s currently no survivor that I’m just like absolutely hyped about. No “dream” character has been added for me yet.

    If they added Dean Winchester, then I would be able to say I have a forever main.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246
    My current favorite will never be replaced. They are my favorite character hands down.

    Nurse forever, never gonna tire to ######### about the bugs until it is fixed. Nothing comes close to her.

    Survivor i don't really have a fav. All p3 and just use what outfit i feel like.

  • Zayn
    Zayn Member Posts: 365
    My current favorite will never be replaced. They are my favorite character hands down.

    Ghostface and Freddy are staying my mains for sure. I've loved the Elm Street and Scream as well as the Halloween movies far before I started playing DBD. I bought the game in the first place for Michael Myers in fact but after adding Ghostface, I started playing Michael less. As for Freddy, I loved old Freddy even though he was quite weak and even though he's very strong now to the point where most of the community dislikes him, I'm still sticking with him.

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,259
    Neutral ground. It's possible that they get replaced.

    On killer, I'm still trying everyone. So far it's Pig. I love her aesthetic, utility, versatility, traps, stealth, & snoot boops. Plus I seem to do so well with her, it amazes me she gets kind of a bad rep.

    For survivor, it was originally Nancy because my husband was playing Steve. He no longer likes Steve, because he's loud and annoying. :( So, for a bit it was Feng, then Nea, and now Cheryl. I haven't P3 a single character yet, and considering how good hers look, it might just be her. I could be swayed though if a character is added that really matches my aesthetic needs, but I'm a long time Silent Hill fan girl.

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,216
    Unlikely. They would have to be a very interesting character for me to replace my current favorite.

    For Survivor, it would need to be a really interesting character for me to drop Adam. There's just too much I like about him.

    As for Killer, there would have to be a character who can transform into a panther-like beast for me to even CONSIDER dropping Doctor. Or maybe a Xenomorph, emphasis on the maybe.

  • BassTram
    BassTram Member Posts: 195
    My current favorite will never be replaced. They are my favorite character hands down.

    I started the game only playing survivor and Jake has been my main since the beginning and always will be. For killer though I started playing when Freddy came out and he was replaced by the Deathslinger. Pretty sure I'm gonna stay as a Deathslinger main though.

  • V1V3
    V1V3 Member Posts: 87
    My current favorite will never be replaced. They are my favorite character hands down.

    My main for survivor has been Ace since the game was free on PS+. I wanted someone who wasn't a quirky teen, someone experienced and chill who could dress promptly. Some of his cosmetics are indeed weird, but if you get your hands on a trilby hat with shades and a pineapple shirt, you look like a million bucks. Followed by the lucky rabbit pants to let people know luck was always your partner in crime.

    For killer however, it was first Leatherface, then Hillbilly, Pig, Spirit, Legion, and currently Freddy. Freddy has been my favorite by far and I have Behaviour to thank for making him from one of the worst, to one of the best killers.

  • Pior_Morte
    Pior_Morte Member Posts: 526
    My current favorite will never be replaced. They are my favorite character hands down.

    Ace forever, It was the first one that I leveled up and now its the only one that I have P3 all perks.

    I don't have a main killer, I love them all (except Hillbilly).

  • Eredin_Bréacc_Glas
    Eredin_Bréacc_Glas Member Posts: 24
    100% chance of my current favorite getting replaced. None of the current characters in game are appealing to me.

    I'm replacing Billy not gonna main him anymore ######### the nerfs

  • ManyAchievables
    ManyAchievables Member Posts: 667
    My current favorite will never be replaced. They are my favorite character hands down.

    Okay, so I have two answers to be honest.

    For Survivor, Jeff forever. Jeff is love, Jeff is life.

    For Killer, honestly I'm starting to feel burnt out on playing Killer. Like, none of the Killers are fun anymore since they keep murdering them or they're not strong enough in the first place.

    If they added Leprechaun though, he would 100% be my main. No matter how bad he was, no matter how much people made fun of me for it, I would be a tiny little irish man that rhymes at people menacingly.

  • Iron
    Iron Member Posts: 241
    My current favorite will never be replaced. They are my favorite character hands down.

    Nea has been my main survivor for 3.5 years, that won't change, especially since they keep coming out with some really nice cosmetics for her.

    Killer I've never really had a main since I play them all, but nurse and plague are my favs and have been for a while.

  • JustZed32
    JustZed32 Member Posts: 213
    Neutral ground. It's possible that they get replaced.

    Ok, lets just claim that Steve is an absolute warrior.

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953
    Likely. My current favorite could be replaced as soon as the next chapter coming out.

    RIP Billy.

  • Awkward_Fiend
    Awkward_Fiend Member Posts: 687
    Unlikely. They would have to be a very interesting character for me to replace my current favorite.

    Jeff is just a dude, and a pretty chill looking one at that. He's also a cool guy.

    I've flipped killers frequently though. When I first started playing it was Myers, then Doctor for a long ass time, then Wraith, then Slinger, now Pyramid. Pyramid Head though feels really slick, I don't think I'll drop him for a while. Punishment has a much more instant satisfaction than the redeemer, while still filling the reason why liked the Redeemer.

  • Dominum_vestri
    Dominum_vestri Member Posts: 47
    Likely. My current favorite could be replaced as soon as the next chapter coming out.

    RIP billy

  • SeantheHuman
    SeantheHuman Member Posts: 40
    Likely. My current favorite could be replaced as soon as the next chapter coming out.

    I used to Main Freddy, and oh boo hoo I didn't really like the remake of him much. Sorry if I sound mean I just have been told by a lot of people that new Freddy is here to stay and that is how it is. So I probably will just change mains when a new one comes out.

  • AgitatedPenguin
    AgitatedPenguin Member Posts: 93
    Unlikely. They would have to be a very interesting character for me to replace my current favorite.

    Unless we get a new Japanese girl, Yui will always be my main.

    I doubt anyone will replace Long Leg Myers as my favorite killer, even less if he gets a shirtless cosmetic like David did.

  • tenoresax
    tenoresax Member Posts: 796
    Unlikely. They would have to be a very interesting character for me to replace my current favorite.

    getting a good punishment hit on survivors with Pyramid Head is the best feeling, until we get a killer who's more satisfying to play, I'm sticking with my boy.

    yes I know we have Huntress, I've gotten some sweet hits with her but I play on console sooo...

  • Grimmy_Bluues
    Grimmy_Bluues Member Posts: 354
    Unlikely. They would have to be a very interesting character for me to replace my current favorite.

    As soon as I saw the reveal of the Silent Hill chapter, I found my main. Pyramid Head is my absolute favorite horror icon.

    Unless they add a very VERY cool original character, I don't see myself changing my main.

  • Walker_of_the_fog_96
    Walker_of_the_fog_96 Member Posts: 1,238
    My current favorite will never be replaced. They are my favorite character hands down.

    ash williams can never be replaced because there is no one like him.


  • KateDensonMain3331
    KateDensonMain3331 Member Posts: 45
    Neutral ground. It's possible that they get replaced.

    I said neutral because while I do main Kate a fair amount of the time I like to play as many other characters, like Claudette, Feng, Cheryl, Zarina, Jane, and Yui. Basically any of the women that have cute cosmetics lol. And since Meg is getting a cool looking dress in the rift pass I might start to play as her also. Really as long as it is a female survivor I will play them because I like to look good if I'm going to lose (although some of the guys do have some cool cosmetics). I know that may seem like such a shallow thing to base mains off of but for me I like to have fun with the cosmetics so essentially that plays a big role in who I play as. So it's possible that the next character might replace all my other mains for a while but it's also possible they won't.