Is this intentional?

turntris Member Posts: 22

Genuinely who decided this matchmaking was a good idea? I wait in a 10 minute queue for a game, only to get completely stomped because I'm going against the highest ranks in the game. I understand that it's hard to find red rank killers, but the widening of the queue to accept all the way down to rank 12 is not the answer. Make those survivors wait longer, it's what every other game does. Until this is fixed, I think I'm done playing killer.


  • yusdacra
    yusdacra Member Posts: 56

    Ah yes classic matchmaking

  • Splitsecond27
    Splitsecond27 Member Posts: 52

    I’m starting to think it is intentional because I’m rank 1 on both sides and all of my games are like this, I get really low ranks on the other side. I guess I’m boosted.

  • JephKaplan
    JephKaplan Member Posts: 308

    well see every red rank killer also quit cuz of how bs swf groups are in red ranks so now the devs are moving those groups to u as no one in red rank plays killer (or at least not as much as survivor since killer is just frustrating)

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    You made up this story. If you think there are no red rank killers, then you don't play in the red ranks yourself. That's the only explanation.

  • JephKaplan
    JephKaplan Member Posts: 308

    Ye its skewed cuz most red rank killers either quit/switched to survivor/don't play as much, which is why they increased the ranks u can be matched with up to 10 rank difference, thats why a rank 2 is in the same game as a 12 etc. Its been getting worse and worse if i solo q at rank 1 survivor im going against a killer thats rank 10 or 11 with either red or green rank teammates

  • turntris
    turntris Member Posts: 22

    Update: still getting completely screwed in matchmaking. One of the rank 3's said he was grouped with a rank 17, which honestly I'm shocked there's not a system in place to prevent that. What's the point of having ranks if anyone can play with any rank? It defeats the purpose of even having a matchmaking system...