Unpopular Opinions



  • Taconter
    Taconter Member Posts: 25

    i perfered the lunar event bonus points > x2 bp

  • AsianMammoth
    AsianMammoth Member Posts: 86

    @Runiver said:
    My unpopular opinion :
    Hag is top tier, possibly top 2, tied with Billy, after the removal of the vacuum.

    Without her traps she's just a Huntress with no hatchets... You can't trap the whole map.

  • RagingCalm
    RagingCalm Member Posts: 408

    @Runiver said:
    My unpopular opinion :
    Hag is top tier, possibly top 2, tied with Billy, after the removal of the vacuum.

    Have you played her yet? Just wondering, because the patch notes said to avoid Hag in PTB as she could crash client side or some technical #########. I suppose it does make sense, actually.

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095
    edited June 2018

    @AsianMammoth said:

    @Runiver said:
    My unpopular opinion :
    Hag is top tier, possibly top 2, tied with Billy, after the removal of the vacuum.

    Without her traps she's just a Huntress with no hatchets... You can't trap the whole map.

    That's the definition of an "unpopular opinion".
    Tho :
    You don't need to trap the whole map.
    Not sure why you would play her without her traps. Her traps is her main feature.

    @RagingCalm said:

    @Runiver said:
    My unpopular opinion :
    Hag is top tier, possibly top 2, tied with Billy, after the removal of the vacuum.

    Have you played her yet? Just wondering, because the patch notes said to avoid Hag in PTB as she could crash client side or some technical #########. I suppose it does make sense, actually.

    Didn't play her due to the warning. Michi did tho, and told me that the removal of the vacuum is insanely good for her. (for obvious reasons)
    I do play her on the live server tho, at rank 1, and get very consistent kills.

  • RagingCalm
    RagingCalm Member Posts: 408
    1. My favorite Killer map was Disturbed Ward. Basically an old opinion, as now after being infinited there too many times to count I hate it.
    2. Stealth is a viable tactic as survivor, and No Mither effect should be part of the main game(except you still start healthy)
    3. This game has too many hackers(really just my bad luck).
  • Rage
    Rage Member Posts: 1

    Bond and Adrenaline are among the best perks in the game

  • OtherwiseErb
    OtherwiseErb Member Posts: 6

    @Techn0 said:

    @YankeeSan said:
    3. Lery's Memorial is a great map, yall are just cowards

    YES. I AGREE. IT'S SUCH A FUN MAP FOR KILLERS (except billy and nurse.)

    Even then still pretty fun as billy cause its an actual challenge of a map. the rest is human variables I mean survivor "Plays"

  • Caretaker
    Caretaker Member Posts: 764

    @Boss said:

    @Caretaker said:

    @Boss said:
    I believe Hex: Devour Hope is an amazing Perk, and that statement includes the heavy Hex downside.

    I've been wanting to test it as an alternative to Ruin. Seen as if either blows instantly they both had the same effect. However if DH stays up it's NOED until they break it, possible moris, and they WILL go look for it instead of tapping, or just nailing checks anyway.

    It's super fun to snowball with, but that's the downside. Without Ruin you HAVE to snowball.

    If you managed to hit someone who was Healthy while having 3 Tokens, it saved you a lot of time already, for you cut down the chase by a potentially large amount of time.
    Being able to kill them is amazing, sure. But the primary reward is being able to 1-hit.
    Even on someone like Hillbilly it's great to have, for main attacks don't require nearly as much as the Chainsaw.

    That's how I see it. If you get NOED for a good chunk of time it easily pays its weight.

  • RagingCalm
    RagingCalm Member Posts: 408

    Wake up is quite over powered. It steals a kill from me literally every other game.

  • Enigma
    Enigma Member Posts: 42

    Idk I havent seen anyone mention this, but i think the clowns character design is boring as hell. > @YankeeSan said:

    1. Punishing survivors for "unsafe rescues" is stupid
    2. Leatherface is bad and camping needs to be punished more
    3. Lery's Memorial is a great map, yall are just cowards

    I'm a survivor who wants to be killed either because A) the killer was better than me, or B ) I did some dumb stuff and deserved it or C) I tbagged a killer a little too hard. I don't want to die from a killer face-camping my hook, or from my team stranding me by way of DC. And WHY WONT YOU LET ME BURN GLASSES YOU PEONS

    Well any of those things you mentioned can happen and you could still end up being face camped. I mean in order to be camped, one of those has to happen.

  • Zavri
    Zavri Member Posts: 261

    My unpopular opinion:

    10 pallets should be the only amount available at the start, if they have no plans on increasing repair times.

  • Fre_Shavacado0
    Fre_Shavacado0 Member Posts: 106
    YankeeSan said:
    1. Punishing survivors for "unsafe rescues" is stupid
    2. Leatherface is bad and camping needs to be punished more
    3. Lery's Memorial is a great map, yall are just cowards

    I'm a survivor who wants to be killed either because A) the killer was better than me, or B ) I did some dumb stuff and deserved it or C) I tbagged a killer a little too hard. I don't want to die from a killer face-camping my hook, or from my team stranding me by way of DC. And WHY WONT YOU LET ME BURN GLASSES YOU PEONS

    agree! i actually like the memorial institute. even for survivors there’s plenty of hiding places and windows you’ve just got to learn how to play the map. 
  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010
    YankeeSan said:
    1. Punishing survivors for "unsafe rescues" is stupid
    2. Leatherface is bad and camping needs to be punished more
    3. Lery's Memorial is a great map, yall are just cowards

    I'm a survivor who wants to be killed either because A) the killer was better than me, or B ) I did some dumb stuff and deserved it or C) I tbagged a killer a little too hard. I don't want to die from a killer face-camping my hook, or from my team stranding me by way of DC. And WHY WONT YOU LET ME BURN GLASSES YOU PEONS

    agree! i actually like the memorial institute. even for survivors there’s plenty of hiding places and windows you’ve just got to learn how to play the map. 
    Those corner jukes are so juicy
  • TheSkreechingDeath
    TheSkreechingDeath Member Posts: 36
    edited June 2018

    @Nanis said:
    List your "unpopular opinions!"

    1) Removing pallet vacuum = Great
    Removing pallets entirely=Horrible
    Removing an appropiate amount = Fantastic

    2)Removing hatch stand off =Great
    Removing last survivor ability to ever get out = Horrible

    (I think there are plenty of compromises that I've seen posted that still make it in the Killer's favor without removing ALL hope for the survivors)

    PS: And for those who say, "It's called Dead by daylight, NOT Survive by daylight" Please stop taking the title of the game so literal. Killers are supposed to Kill and Survivors are supposed to Survive. If you want a heavily based killer game where you're OP there are other games out there Such as Friday the 13th.
    Survivors are supposed to have fun just as Killers are. Unbalancing a game in favor of Killers just cause it's called "Dead" by daylight is not ideal and you won't have any survivors left to kill. (Remember all these are my opinions only :blush: )

    PSS: I don't want to start riots I just want to have civilized posts so people can just talk about things. No need to fight since everyone doesn't view everything the same :chuffed:

    1) I agree.

    2) If you are talking about how the hatch is in the PTB, the last survivor can still get out... it just takes effort and it's hard. But so is Killer for the most part(this game is literally centered around survivors at the moment, though it is improving), I don't think survivors will have it bad with one thing that is challenging. In MY opinion.

    PS: I've never seen someone make that argument before.

  • TheSkreechingDeath
    TheSkreechingDeath Member Posts: 36

    @Caretaker said:
    A lot of people are blinded/jaded and it's just making the game more and more toxic due to the plethora of balance issues and band-aid fixes. People have become so complacent that minor changes are seen as game breaking. There is a stronger side, I don't have to say which. This hasn't changed for a year + now and it's causing the other side to play even more toxic, and lose all variety which is sad. I love this game and really want it to succeed.

    I also want a fair and balanced game where if I lose it was my fault for playing poorly, and not some broken mechanic, or second chance given to a survivor. Not all killers want survivors to just run in a straight line and die, but I wanna actually have some fun instead of play Nascar.

    Finally, stealth is fun, and it needs to be rewarded a lot more. Even if it frustrates and bores me it's nothing compared to just munching 30 pallets in a row. Even after I swapped to a new target.

    Exactly. Kind of how Rainbow Six: Siege used to be before Op Health. Ugh.

  • TheSkreechingDeath
    TheSkreechingDeath Member Posts: 36
    edited June 2018

    Probably unpopular opinion. Maybe adding more steps to fix gens would help with game time. Example: Searching through chests to repair gens or maybe looking for fuel when you have fixed them so they start.

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428
    Some more:
    - I am indecisive about NOED's current state after they made it a Hex that can completely not activate at all. At the same time, the very first version was just a bit OP being unlimited.
    - After that Deathgarden alpha, people suggested survivors' auras should be revealed to the killer after a certain amount of time by default. I believe I am against it.
    - Would rather play a no camper Speed Limiter Leatherface than a litterally instant chainsaw Hillbilly with turning add-ons and Tinkerer.
    - Clown and Nurse mori animations are the best ones. Second one is either Leatherface or Hag.
    HIPSTERLION Member Posts: 323
    My unpopular opinion is a solo map that we can improve our skills such as hatchet throws , skill checks and much more in it without the frustration of a real match .

    Of course I would love people to see the game from both sides . not only judge blindly and try to make their side op so they can bully the other side . 
  • Saint_Judas
    Saint_Judas Member Posts: 43

    @RagingCalm said:
    Wake up is quite over powered. It steals a kill from me literally every other game.

    Quentin's perks are all underappreciated and secretly very good if used right. Give Quentin love 2k18, and Freddy is still good, give lunge simulator 2k18 more love

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @kimukipi said:

    @Nanis said:

    @ZombieGenesis said:
    My unpopular opinion: If a killer DCs because he's getting destroyed by a toxic SWF group...that's fine. Hopefully he finds it out early enough in the game that the SWF group gets nothing out of it. I find very little as frustrating when I play killer than watching as a SWF group does choreographed acrobatics around me.

    It's honestly a bit surprising how much I read on threads, the amount of hate towards SWF. Personally for me, the most coordination I've had is like taking a map and a key, and obviously talking about unhooking etc. Most of the time my friends and I do our own things, and we "rage" and laugh at each other for getting caught more than trolling or being toxic toward the killer.

    Actually I have played against both kinds of SWF i.e. the "vanilla, non toxic, just having fun with friends" kind and the "flashlight clicking, t-bagging, body blocking, post-game salt" kind where I find the latter to be more prevalent. Hence its no surprise the amount of hate SWF gets from killers. Also you need to understand, killers with just some 50-100 hrs wouldn't even have meta perk load outs while they face against these "3 DS, 2 BT, 4 FL" squads. Its just broken, plain and simple. A proper solution would be not to remove SWF or adding additional perk slots to killers, but to balance the game in general. To mention a few,

    1. Reduce the number of pallets in certain maps (autohaven, macmillan). Also, two loop spots shouldn't spawn really close to each other. Pallets should serve as a last resort in a chase for survivors and not a pallet breaking simulator for the killers. To compensate, can have more LOS blockers which can help survivors to juke more and play mind games.
    2. Body blocking by survivors against killers is laughable. I don't understand why its still possible.
    3. BT should have a cooldown. It punishes non campers pretty hard especially when the exits are open.
    4. Not a surprise but DS needs a complete rework. Either make it usable only by the obsession or make it an ultra rare item. DS as a perk is simply too powerful. Speaking of which, I'm not a fan of the currently suggested changes to DS. It would still be broken and abused by all 4 once the exit is powered.

    As of the post's unpopular opinion, I don't think freddy needs a buff. That would make him even more irritable to play against, especially in low ranks. What he needs is a rework.

    Unpopular opinion. The key to balance is just buffing solo survivor communication to SWF tier, then nerfing both. That simple.

  • JEWberry
    JEWberry Member Posts: 78
    Caretaker said:

    @ThePloopz said:
    Caretaker said:

    @ThePloopz said:

    Caretaker said:

    Gonna drop the hot take here, Sprint Burst is arguably more powerful than DS and allows far more mistakes/escapes. As does the mini-sprint burst after hitting a survivor. I've watched survivors clear the map in the time it took me to catch them, hit them, and watch them sprint off from the hit. If gates are open it's pretty much a free win. Ever seen a Sprint Burst + Hit Burst? They get double speed. That's right, it stacks.
    I'm there wiping and they're already shooting off at ludicrous speed.

    Oh easily lol it makes every gen a safe gen. Hell there could be a gen in the basement and with sprint burst it’s possible get out without being hit

    Oh yea. Drop in a cheeky 360 and boom. Easy distance bois. I gotta admit I kinda like when they do. Free hit for me. Unless I randomly nail debris. It was really iffy on the PTB. Another hot take, Adrenaline is stupidly annoying with how fast/easily gens get done.


    I always thought adrenaline was really funny especially if they were looping because as soon as that last gen pops they’re like” well my job’s done here, bye have a great time✌️” and sprints off into the distance. I usually lose them because I always start laughing at it.

    Now I'm forever going to hear that one show ending, "Bye! Have a wonderful time!"

    “Thats all folks!”
  • Thatbrownmonster
    Thatbrownmonster Member Posts: 1,640

    Meg isn't that pretty

    come on flame me

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @Thatbrownmonster said:
    Meg isn't that pretty

    come on flame me

    Ace would be the prettiest girl in a bikini. Challenge me! I dare you! I triple dog dare ya!

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    @Thatbrownmonster said:
    Meg isn't that pretty

    come on flame me

    How I imagine "Meg" IRL considering her face :

  • Nanis
    Nanis Member Posts: 61
    edited May 2020

    @RagingCalm said:
    1. My favorite Killer map was Disturbed Ward. Basically an old opinion, as now after being infinited there too many times to count I hate it.
    2. Stealth is a viable tactic as survivor, and No Mither effect should be part of the main game(except you still start healthy)
    3. This game has too many hackers(really just my bad luck).

    2) The problem with that is the breathing of injured survivors. I think they would have to reduce the sound, since there are already perks that increase survivors breathing sounds
    Most survivors would rage over that small change without a "balance"

    3) There are wayyyyyyyyyy tooooooooo many hackers along with lagswitchers, it's really annoying

    Post edited by Nanis on
  • Nanis
    Nanis Member Posts: 61
    edited June 2018

    @PigNRun said:
    Some more:

    • I am indecisive about NOED's current state after they made it a Hex that can completely not activate at all. At the same time, the very first version was just a bit OP being unlimited.
    • After that Deathgarden alpha, people suggested survivors' auras should be revealed to the killer after a certain amount of time by default. I believe I am against it.
    • Would rather play a no camper Speed Limiter Leatherface than a litterally instant chainsaw Hillbilly with turning add-ons and Tinkerer.
    • Clown and Nurse mori animations are the best ones. Second one is either Leatherface or Hag.

    On NOED: I think instead of a Hex, there should be a timeframe in which it is enabled. Something interesting would be = for every survivor hit, gain 5 seconds on NOED. (idk actual time)
    Lots of survivors run Self Care, Aura Perks, We'll Make it, so they usually heal up.

    EDIT: something like that could "Help" with tunneling/camping

  • Nanis
    Nanis Member Posts: 61

    @ObscuredbyFog said:
    My unpopular opinion is that

    @ThePloopz said:
    My unpopular opinion is that a lot of people don’t actually want the game to be balanced and they want their side to be the stronger side. Some killer players want their turn to be op and some survivors players want the survivors to stay the stronger side.

    I'm a survivor main, and I wish some killers were stronger. To me its the point of the whole game. If you get out alive you won. If you Rank up you did well. If you literally spent your entire time looping and tea-bagging the Killer, and he gets you.. well that's on you. Same for the locker hiding Dwights XD

    I have to agree with both of you. Sadly, I believe a lot of minor changes could fix most of the actual balancing problems. But I do think there are people who don't truly want balance.
    I've never had much problems personally with one side being "Too OP", I always just "sucked it up" and tried to adapt. Mostly I want balance for the sake of the toxic side of the community. (Even though that would never truly go away :/)

    And yeah, I find some killers not that strong...they deserve to be buffed 100%. But at the same time, some people don't know how to capitalize on killer's strengths.
    I played against a Freddy (and there's only two categories: BAD Freddy and OP Freddy), and he surpassed all the OP Freddy's I had ever played against. This guy would hook someone, and then stay near the hook. When survivors came, he would sandman them, chase for a bit, go back, sandman another trying to unhook, chase them, and over and over again. We ended up all dying with only 2 gens done. It was a very sad game for me but I applauded him. Just the way he did everything, using Freddy to the max, I was ashamed at my gameplay

  • JEWberry
    JEWberry Member Posts: 78
    Hook escape and locker juke builds are viable
  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    @Nanis said:

    2)Removing hatch stand off =Great
    Removing last survivor ability to ever get out = Horrible

    Hey dude, great title of post - I think 2 is slightly skewed however as it doesn't remove the last survivor the ability to get out. As they can finish whatever remaining gens are left to either reopen the hatch or the exit gates..just because your team is dead and the hatch is closed doesn't necessarily mean its GG - Also @YankeeSan I love playing Lerys as a survivor

  • Rescultir
    Rescultir Member Posts: 185

    as long as the game is not 1 sided, I am fine with how it is. The only thing they should do is give timeouts for people that leave games, and no not "BAN" them, that's just stupid since the player count would drop dramatically. Timeouts are fine and the more they leave a match, the higher the time queue will go, this will allow new and experienced players to try and better themselves and SWF groups to stay in the game instead of leaving when the main person they are trying to protect dies first. Idk how other feel about that but it is just my opinion/idea.

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    My unpopular opinion is that camping is no worse than pallet looping

  • ZeBee
    ZeBee Member Posts: 47

    @Nanis said:

    @Tru said:
    Well that didn't take long... basically calling for killer nerfs already.. Must be a survivor main who thinks their already easy job wont be as easy anymore.

    Oh I'm sorry you read it that way! I in no way requested Killer nerfs. I in fact play both sides almost equally :) I just want a truly balanced game, which can be hard to do for lots of reasons! :blush:

    my unpopular opinion is that the game shouldn't be balanced and that the game SHOULD be on the killers side. I mean they are supposed to be the big scary monsters that kill people, but if they can't kill people then what's the point.

  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010
    ZeBee said:

    @Nanis said:

    @Tru said:
    Well that didn't take long... basically calling for killer nerfs already.. Must be a survivor main who thinks their already easy job wont be as easy anymore.

    Oh I'm sorry you read it that way! I in no way requested Killer nerfs. I in fact play both sides almost equally :) I just want a truly balanced game, which can be hard to do for lots of reasons! :blush:

    my unpopular opinion is that the game shouldn't be balanced and that the game SHOULD be on the killers side. I mean they are supposed to be the big scary monsters that kill people, but if they can't kill people then what's the point.

    That is balance 
  • Enigma
    Enigma Member Posts: 42

    @ZeBee said:

    @Nanis said:

    @Tru said:
    Well that didn't take long... basically calling for killer nerfs already.. Must be a survivor main who thinks their already easy job wont be as easy anymore.

    Oh I'm sorry you read it that way! I in no way requested Killer nerfs. I in fact play both sides almost equally :) I just want a truly balanced game, which can be hard to do for lots of reasons! :blush:

    my unpopular opinion is that the game shouldn't be balanced and that the game SHOULD be on the killers side. I mean they are supposed to be the big scary monsters that kill people, but if they can't kill people then what's the point.

    But that would be balance, its a 1v4 that means 4 survivors are equal to 1 killer in terms of power. Yet one can distract the killer the entire game on top of so many second chances. The odds of them taking on the killer with less than 4 of them at once should be low. Only together should they stand a chance but that isnt the case. Honestly survivor would be a lot more fun that way.

  • ZeBee
    ZeBee Member Posts: 47

    @Enigma said:

    @ZeBee said:

    @Nanis said:

    @Tru said:
    Well that didn't take long... basically calling for killer nerfs already.. Must be a survivor main who thinks their already easy job wont be as easy anymore.

    Oh I'm sorry you read it that way! I in no way requested Killer nerfs. I in fact play both sides almost equally :) I just want a truly balanced game, which can be hard to do for lots of reasons! :blush:

    my unpopular opinion is that the game shouldn't be balanced and that the game SHOULD be on the killers side. I mean they are supposed to be the big scary monsters that kill people, but if they can't kill people then what's the point.

    But that would be balance, its a 1v4 that means 4 survivors are equal to 1 killer in terms of power. Yet one can distract the killer the entire game on top of so many second chances. The odds of them taking on the killer with less than 4 of them at once should be low. Only together should they stand a chance but that isnt the case. Honestly survivor would be a lot more fun that way.

    I think you know what I meant @ThePloopz @Enigma

  • not_Queen
    not_Queen Member Posts: 1,114

    I love Lery as nurse!

    Players are overly confident on that map when they hear the nurse and unless there is an ''unblinkable'' area, it's easy to mindgame survivors.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @not_Queen said:
    I love Lery as nurse!

    Players are overly confident on that map when they hear the nurse and unless there is an ''unblinkable'' area, it's easy to mindgame survivors.

    I like to play Billy on Lerys.
    For the same reason. Survivors are over confident.

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874

    Fresh unpopular opinion

    The forum is better off without the down vote button

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    @Dragonredking I just noticed the down vote gone. I agree, it is better without it there.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Dragonredking said:
    Fresh unpopular opinion

    The forum is better off without the down vote button

    I got over 60 downvotes in 1 day, for having an unpopular opinion.

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874

    @lasombra1979 Literaly 5 minute before they removed it I discovered how many down vote where needed to hide a post in a thread, it was only seven.

    Good riddance

  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891

    @Dragonredking said:
    Fresh unpopular opinion

    The forum is better off without the down vote button

    The fact that they took it away cracks me up super hard.

    Anyway, back on topic:

    My unpopular opinion is that: flashlighters, loopers, bodyblockers, etc. are not actually against the spirit of the game. Actually, they make a lot of sense, as they're all fairly heroic/brave actions at their root. Flashlighters are trying to save their teammates, loopers are trying to keep the killer distracted, bodyblockers are literally taking hits to try to save someone--it all makes sense within the game's basic premise.

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    My unpopular opinion. Survivors under no circumstances should be able to 1v1 any of the killers or have an advantage over the killer in any capacity.

  • Juya
    Juya Member Posts: 63

    @SadonicShadow said:
    My unpopular opinion. Survivors under no circumstances should be able to 1v1 any of the killers or have an advantage over the killer in any capacity.

    What do you mean? I don't recall the survivor being able to fight the 1v1?

    Is there a secret trick to hit the killer with a flashlight?

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    @Juya said:

    @SadonicShadow said:
    My unpopular opinion. Survivors under no circumstances should be able to 1v1 any of the killers or have an advantage over the killer in any capacity.

    What do you mean? I don't recall the survivor being able to fight the 1v1?

    Is there a secret trick to hit the killer with a flashlight?

    1v1 in the context that a good survivor can run a killer on a wild goose chase from pallet to pallet for the whole length of the game and the killer is powerless to stop them unless they make a mistake. The power is directly in the survivors hands not the killers. A killer having to rely on a survivor screwing up is not a balanced situation in a 4v1 asymmetrical game. The only killer that can directly counter this is the nurse.

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428
    Decided to revive this thread, because I just thought of a new one.

    The reworked Calm Spirit is not as OP as people make it seem. This perk is only ever useful against one killer (and this is only a midtier killer), meaning you will give up a perk slot for a perk just as situational as Unbreakable. And even then this killer can use other tools in his arsenal to find you.

    Not to mention not screaming just doesnt feel natural at all. "I wont scream even though I have a chainsaw/hatchet/clawed glove inside me while I die".
  • chemical_reject
    chemical_reject Member Posts: 940
    PigNRun said:
    Decided to revive this thread, because I just thought of a new one.

    The reworked Calm Spirit is not as OP as people make it seem. This perk is only ever useful against one killer (and this is only a midtier killer), meaning you will give up a perk slot for a perk just as situational as Unbreakable. And even then this killer can use other tools in his arsenal to find you.

    Not to mention not screaming just doesnt feel natural at all. "I wont scream even though I have a chainsaw/hatchet/clawed glove inside me while I die".
    Gasp necromancer!!!
  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,531

    Hag, when played right, is ridiculously OP.

  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    Here are a couple of my unpopular opinions.
    1.) SWF has extended the life of the game and it shouldn't be removed. I'm all for balancing it, but removing it is a bad idea.

    2.) The pink mori is too powerful. It can eliminate eight total hooks since each survivor only needs to be hooked once. If the game were more balanced this would be far too game-changing.

    3.) I'm all for buffing the killer role, but that doesn't mean that every complaint from the survivor side comes from a place of entitlement.