Which killer have a better chance to get his/her own movie?

And what skin would be better on him/her on that movie?


  • D3_destr0y3r
    D3_destr0y3r Member Posts: 120

    Every licensed Killer

  • Name_Unavailable
    Name_Unavailable Member Posts: 519
  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    Assuming we're talking about unlicensed killers... honestly I can see Deathslinger getting a movie. His lore is actually really really good.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    Yeah Deathslinger, But I've seen some other examples but deathslinger is my highest pick

  • BaschFonRonsenburg
    BaschFonRonsenburg Member Posts: 311

    I would say Trapper, if we are talking about a DBD movie we would probably see most of him. If we are talking about pre entity, Yamaoka would be amazing.

  • caz_
    caz_ Member Posts: 218

    i think Deathslinger would be creepy with 0 terror radius in the woods hunting some teenager

  • caz_
    caz_ Member Posts: 218

    OR just put every non licensed killer in one movie like the movie Thirteen ghost.

  • ZerLukas
    ZerLukas Member Posts: 294

    Trapper. The only real chance that a DBD killer gets there own movie is if they'll make DBD movie and the mascot is the most likely to be featured in it.

    But Huntress would be my pick.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    Trapper. It would be an old-timey movie detailing the young Evan McMillan, the problems with the family business as the workers try to unionize, the mental decline of his father, the emotional struggle between loyalty to an increasingly evil role model and the basic rights of the miners......the big day involving the Suffocation Pit, and finally, the loving murder of his father and his own crossover into becoming a psychotic killer.

    Should the movie movie involve any time spent in the Entity's realm? In my opinion, no. Not much at least. It should end with him snapping the ankles of some innocent wanderers and hunting them down. Maaaaaaybe hang them on hooks, but then that would require explanation to the general public.....and a sequel.

  • D3_destr0y3r
    D3_destr0y3r Member Posts: 120

    I'm going to select dbd original characters for each genre

    Action = Legion(He moves really fast and his ability is just SpEEd)

    Horror = The Hag(She looks like 70% of horror movie creatures)

    Sci-Fi = The Deathslinger(He is an inventor)/The Doctor(Sci-fi Often has a futurised element of the past i.e. electroshock therapy)

    Comedy = Clown(You know why)/Doctor(He's always laughing, if he shared why maybe we'd laugh too)

    Romance = ....I choose to skip

    Adventure: Hillbilly(There will be a lot of adventuring because Hillbilly go ZoOm)

    Animation = Wraith(It will be cheap to animate because he can just be invisible a lot of the time)

    Western = Deathslinger(You know why)

    Thriller = Huntress(Something about a angry tribal lady chucking hatchets at you makes me think thriller)

    Crime = Deathslinger(He is an innocent man you was framed, you can turn that into a crime drama film)

    Drama = The Spirit(Rin is so Bipolar that it ought to make an interesting drama because there is always tension whether because she is mad or because of the fear she will suddenly become mad)

    Mystery = The Hag(The disappearance of Lisa Sherwood)

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    Romance is Nurse! She’s so gentle with your face after the mori!

  • Vox_Nocturne
    Vox_Nocturne Member Posts: 545

    They've all got some potential, depending on how they're used. However, I'm basing these on an alternative reality where The Entity did not abduct them, and they're simply characters for a movie:

    Philip Ojomo: Perhaps a mobster film about his being brought up through gangs; the struggle between him wanting to do the right thing and to keep in their favour.

    Anna: A biopic on her younger years and the gradual change into a murderer, intwined with somewar movie genre.

    Evan MacMillan: This may not focus exactly on Evan, but he could become a secondary antagonist in a movie not directly related to him, and yet it sets up a sequel for his alter-ego taking over.

    Kenneth Chase: Basically a grim, gritty and dark psychological thriller of a killer clown.

    Rin Yamaoka: Definitely a horror, focusing more on her spirit form. Her design would give a unique creature-feature to other ghost movies.

    Max Thompson Jnr.: Either a horror focusing mainly on his parents - maybe making them secret murderers, and again their son is built up for a sequel movie, or a typical hillbilly slasher.

    Lisa Sherwood: Found film footage of both the tribe who captured her and Lisa becoming a monster in the swamps - based on the wendigo idea.

    The Legion: I'd make this a dark comedy, picturing them as punks who'd try to be some super-villain crew but inept. Maybe do a last minute genre switch to horror.

    Adiris: A Game of Thrones style epic with Adiris as one of the varied leading cast, but focusing on the plague thay could wipe out the land. Unlike the other movies, Adiris would be the hero.

    Sally Smithson: A ghost story, but in a really dark setting that also shines a light on the plight and horror inmates had to endure. A period horror.

    Kazan Yamaoka: A period thriller of his life.

    Herman Carter: I'd make it based during the 80s, but have a dieselpunk aesthetic, and make Herman more about using torturous tests purely for creating abominations and weapons.

    Caleb Quinn: A western with steampunk aesthetics, casting Caleb as a good guy out for revenge.

  • SlingerKing
    SlingerKing Member Posts: 65


  • Rey_512
    Rey_512 Member Posts: 1,620

    Realistically? Trapper 100%. BHVR would definitely use their banner character for a movie.

    My preference would be for Hag, as her backstory, setting and power would be great for a typical horror movie.

  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068

    A movie about The Legion would honestly be pretty interesting to me.

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    My pick would be the Huntress

    She is the best killer in terms of originality and it would be awesome to see a movie depicting when her mother was killed, how she went down a path of sadness and darkness by killing soldiers and girls, eventually leading to her being captured by The Entity. The movie could end with her hum and she throws a hatchet at the camera.