Why is Zarina's prestige so badly done?

Why doesn't she have a drop of blood on both hands? No droplets, not counting her face, which looks nothing less than sweat mixed with dirt and horribly spread on her face, just a little bit here and a little bit there.
Can't you devs update this urgently? For me, prestiging a character is one of the most important things in the game. I love Zarina, but I don't see any victory in achieving that in her.
I really love her, but this is not a prestige. I only ask to put blood on her hands and put some more on her face.
A picture to illustrate of Zarina, Yui (released before) and Cheryl (released after) and you guys can get your own opinions.
It's the same picture.
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To piggyback off this thread, I'd like to call attention to prestige Nea as well.
There is no blood at all on her arms even though it shows in the cosmetic picture.
Please BHVR, add more blood to all prestige cosmetics.
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Wow this is horrible, what's the point? Kate also has a tank shirt and her both arms are fully blood.
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I'm looking at my prestige III Nea, and she's got the blood on her arms. Maybe its just a graphical bug on your end?
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that's clearly a super old pic.
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Most of the survivor P3's are plain.
Pyramid Head and Nurse are my top 2 for bloodiest.
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Yall just gonna forget about P3 Oni?
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okay bigger question why is her hat clean
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I would like to point the fact that to see more than simple blood on characters who prestige 3 would be wonderful.
Scars on the face, wounds, bandages, stitches, maybe even a missing finger on some... What do you think? Cm'on BHVR, we know you can do it. Please? Or maybe even adding these details on a Prestige 4 new level? Pretty please?
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Agreed. Her P1 is the worst, it looks like the showered and put on her bloody Jacket afterwards. In general, her Prestige looks quite bad, which is a shame since Deathslinger has such an amazing Prestige Outfit. And Cheryl, which got released one Update afterwards, also has one of the best Prestiges in the game.
That is an old picture, but yeah, Nea is still missing Blood on her Cleavage and Beanie. But this gets ignored every time it is brought up.
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Personally, I'd rather they show abit of restraint than some of the prestiges that just look like the character was dipped in a red paint bucket.
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It is
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P3 Ghostface wants to talk
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Im p3ing bill just for a decent cosmetic. Zarina previously was my only prestiged survivor. I was very disappointed. She needs some love.
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I love Dweet's P3. He looks like he took a bath in blood.
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DBD players: Devs why are you releasing cosmetics and not fixing the game !!!!!!
DBD players:
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This is what I'm talking about. This is a prestige.
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Obviously she put a clean hat on over her hair. And the blood in her hair and face is dry so it won't stain her hat. fAcTS
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yeah, i dont like some of the changes they've made to some of the prestiges. Nea's legacy used to have some of the sparkles on the hat and now they arent there. don't know if thats intended or not :(
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You looks fine imo. Cheryl should have bloodier hair
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CozyChicken made those renders for Source Filmmaker if I recall. I like Yui's P3 the most of these 3.
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This content has been removed.
why does ur screen look odd
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She's a cool girl of course
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Beats old prestige skins. You ever seen Trapper or Hag? Literally just painted red, doesn't even look like blood.
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Hat gets knocked off.
Ahh blood.
Covered in blood.
Oh my hat.
Pick up and wear hat.
Bloody everything BUT hat.
Mystery solved.
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i mean fair