[IDEA] Limit SWF games by adding "Corruption Rank"

SWF offer advantages that are otherwise unavailable to solo players and break fragile balance of Killer-Survs interactions. Higher the survivors rank and cooperation is the less successful Killer will be. How about adding some limits to SWF chaining and slow down rank boosting by making a new mechanic that will prevent abusing swf?
For each SWF game player accumulate Rank Corruption pips (new tracker). Once maximum corruption is achieved player cannot play any SWF games anymore until all corruption is purged. You can purge it by playing and getting pips in solo games.
- Depending on individual SWF player rank Entity assigns corruption pips (independently from group size):
- Brown: +0 for participation
- Yellow: +1 for participation
- Green: +2 for participation
- Purple: +3 for participation, -1 on escape
- Red: +3 for participation, -1 on escape, +1 on death
- Additionally, depending on how many players took a part in SWF individual player would be assigned Rank Corruption Pips:
- group of 2: +0 on safety pip, +0 on pip, +1 on 2 pips
- group of 3: +0 on safety pip, +1 on pip, +2 on 2 pips
- group of 4: +1 on safety pip, +2 on pip, +3 on 2 pips
- Max corruption that player can accumulate depends on his rank:
- Brown: 4
- Yellow: 5
- Green: 7
- Purple: 10
- Red: 14
- Once player reach max Corruption he can no longer play in party until all RCP are purged. Each SOLO game will remove certain amount of RCP:
- 4 on 2 pips
- 2 on pip
- 1 on safety pip
What's the point of that?
- Removes boosting from the game as you can no longer play SWF games only, you have to use your own skill in solo games to prove your worth.
- Players with skills out of their rank will be forced to "recalibrate" more often.
- Prevents SWF spamming because you cannot chain SWF endlessly - you have to play some games solo, especially if you dominate in matches.
- Newbies and Immersed players won't be as punished for playing in party as higher ranks since their cooperation isn't that impactful.
- To remove RCP player need to win games so there is no point in joining solo queue just to suicide early.
- If party is way too successful it means their cooperation and individual skill is way higher than killer can manage. Which means they should receive higher party "penalties" to reduce their impact on health of overall community.
What can be improved?
Numbers are arbitrary and not cross-calculated, they may be still improved by taking into account things I haven't thought about.
By starting this topic I want to start discussions on how to improve things, I'm not looking for confirmation if my idea is good or not. I'm just giving a starting idea that can be improved further, let's brainstorm here for a while...
Git gud
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Stop suggesting ideas to punish SWF. Whether you like it or not they are here to stay without any handicaps.
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How can this punish anything? It stops SWF chaining if anything. No other penalties to players. No nerfs to addons and perks, no change in gameplay mechanics that would impact BOTH solo and SWF. No separate lobbies and indicators that would make other players dodge games. No BP/shards/pip nerfs, etc.
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No? Who are you to try to force me to play solo when I want to play with my friends?
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All this does is prevent people from playing with friends which may be why they bought the game.
This then could just drive players away instead of making them play solo as they could just play another game with friends.
Its not a great idea as it can affects all players queue times.
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Who are you to force me to play against 4 red rank SWF with coms over discord while game was clearly designed to be played without any coms?
And do not misunderstand me. I'm surv main. But I'm not gonna ignore problems that exist out there just because they don't apply to me. I see communication outside of the game as cheating that ruins other people fun.
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I play in a 2-man SWF and you can always dodge, I won't feel offended.
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if you're that afraid of swf then dodge. nothing is stopping you.
if you dodge swf than that means you'd probably sweat it beyond belief too when its probably people being casual. it means a mroe enjoyable match for everyone.
if you feel like you face death squads really often, maybe it's a you problem. death squads are not common.
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I say it again, the best way to deal with SWFs is:
They can't prevent SWFs. So they should try to embrace it and rebalance the game around it. Implement voice chat for all survivors. Then buff killer and change perks that don't work versus SWFs to make up for it.
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I am also a survivor main and think this is a bad idea. You can't punish people for wanting to play with their friends, period.
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Or that. But implementing VOIP isn't going to solve all problems, whole game would need to be redesigned. It's easier to balance everything if for every 4 party matches surv have to play 4 solo matches. Is that so bad?
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This is a joke, right?
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No. No one wants to get punished by playing solo queue for having fun with their friends. Did you even think about this?
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This is probably the most horrible idea anyone has ever suggested for SWF.
You can't /punish/ people for wanting to play with their friends, that's atrocious.
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So it's fine to punish someone that's playing against party that's not plaing the game by the rules? It's their fault for being queued with players that entity gifted with fifth perk called telepathy?
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"Punished" "by playing solo". Got it. Every solo player in this game is being punished.
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I'm sorry, but playing SWF isn't "not playing the game by the rules". Is it strong? Yes. Is it cheating? No.
But still, you can't punish players for playing with their friends.
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no. people shouldnt be punished for playing with their friends.
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I didn't ask for Party removal. I asked for additional rules to prevent constant and intended exploitation of game mechanics without hurting honest and fair party players, solo players and killer players.
But okay. Let's scrap whole idea and let me listen to yours. How to balance the game. If. there is well known ADVANTAGE that is proven to SHIFT BALANCE of the game that was never designed to be played in party AND every other perk in the game only confirms that this game is based on LACK OF COMMUNICATION with other survivors.
So how do you balance whole game to make it FAIR for SOLO, PARTY and KILLERS at the same time? Without changing the ACCESSIBILITY of having PARTY?
It's a situation in which you cannot improve the game without compromises. And so far I have not seen any good ideas that did not ask for actual removal of stuff from the game, huge nerfs or truly abstract game reworks that would kill whole game concept.
I asked for constructive discussion so if you have anything to say, try to suggest something. Even small ideas are good.
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*and forced to play solo
And nice nitpicking of the quote. How about you address the actual issue here, which is no one likes this system, because no one wants to be punished because they play with their friends.
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Isn't playing solo a way how majority of players play dbd? Isn't game balanced around players playing solo and not having a way to communicate?
I totally understand why people want it to stay like that. I would be totally with you if this game enabled cooperation by having communications readily available in the game... but there isn't even a chat during the game... It's wrong game to demand it to stay as it is now. I would fight for it in any game that is explicitly built around communication like majority of "team-based competitive" combat/racing/shooter/arcade is.
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if they implemented voice chat into the game I would stop playing, even if they offered a mute option, I like the immersion of playing solo, and wouldn't want to get cucked by team mates because I chose to mute them.
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Just give the killer a 5th perk slot 😁
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Actually we can't, survivors always ######### and moan whenever anybody suggests a way to see SWF in the lobby.
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I dont think Developers will risk loosing a big part of their playerbase with stuff like this. Personally i also would not want to see people leave, for the sake of queuetime or matchmaking in general. It is what it is, SWF will probably stay the way it is right now, if you like it or not.
From me a No, sry.
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Actually, I think it would be awesome that, let's say a group of friends join that are all chatting on comms. They have a sort of walkie talkie effect, being that when they talk, it could be heard by the killer over a walkie talkie type noise, but not super loud. That would require them to shush when the killer gets closer and adds more emmersion.
There's always horror movies that a walkie talkie gives away the person hiding. It would be awesome.
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Just open up their profiles.
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after cooldown to nurse and billy let's add cooldown for swf xD
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This is literally the most eye rolling thread I’ve seen all day.
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Thank you for taking a part in discussion. I highly value your insight on topic and innovatory approach on a balance of 3 sides of game in an asymmetrical game in which one side may gain an observable and substantial advantage just by teaming up and using 3rd party software. Your idea brings new hope that everyone will be satisfied without having to resort to unnecessary compromises.
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then let us know when we facing swf how big the group killer get more blood points for staying not dodging.
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I mean if you bring up a smart idea sure I'll give input, but this is as dumb as they come. If you want the playerbase to flop then sure, lets implement your idea! I'm sure the devs will love having such a small amount of people playing their game, and people will surely love having the same survivors and killers in their lobbies over and over and over again.
They implement you idea, it will surely kill the game. The playerbase is 75% SWF.
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That literally does nothing because 90% of players have private profiles.
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God forbid people want to socialise and play their favourite game with their friends.
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Dead by daylight is a party game for many players and isn't fun for some people without friends to relax with.
Rather than stopping players from playing SWF there should be a benefit to the killer for going against a SWF team. This wouldn't restrict or disincentivize SWF, but would reward the killer for playing in what is objectively a more difficult match.
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I understand. Totally and truly. But this game is flawed. I know that people want to play with friends together but this game is not designed to handle outside communication. I don't fight players, I fight developers. It's not players fault the game gives them ability to overcome main obstacle that's part of game mechanics.
It's like having open survival competition that's about finding your way in unknown terrain and reaching some finish line and saying "it's fine and fair that certain runners get free map with all landmarks written on it because they really like having fun with map and gps devices".
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I totally agree that SWF gives an unfair advantage to the survivors, but if BHVR were to remove SWF this game would die by the end of the month. There has to be a way to balance SWF without removing the fun of playing with friends. Otherwise, BHVR has no choice but to leave it how it is.
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You know that this will only killer the player base right? A lot of killer usually struggle against swf because they're bad.
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That's why Instead of asking for SWF removal I suggested limiter that will stop SWF (exploiting ones) domination streaks in their matches. If SWF get 2pips they certainly had ADVANTAGE over their opponent AND they'll have to INCREASE their rank a little bit by playing solo before playing again. Then they'll probably RANK UP and won't get queued with the same low ranked baby killer. If you get safety pip or 1 pip then you can play more matches. If you get 2 pips you get less. It's all about your performance in matches that'll decide if you're not abusing your party advantage.
Just like in mmo. If your party destroys low-area mobs then you have to change farming spot because you're clearly overgeared for this location. If you're equally matched then you can stay there longer and have some fun before resources are exhausted.
I wonder if anyone that replied with short "no" or something like that even tried adding numbers and see if it's really that bad as they imagine. Playing solo for some time shouldn't be considered "a punishment" but actually a main part of the game since it was first designed to be enjoyed solo AND only then, after some time devs given in community pleas and added party without changing game mechanics much or even at all. And they still are suited towards solo players.
Post edited by Reyer on0