Legendary Skins (Cosmetic Sets) are a Terrible Idea

All of Cheryl and Pyramid Head's (save for a few basic shirts on Cheryl) aren't able to be swapped out with other cosmetics, why? For Lisa it makes sense because it's supposed to be a totally different character (although I still feel you should be able to mix and match), but for the rest? Why can't I wear the other outfits without being able to swap at all? Now you won't be able to use Prestige if you want because you'll be forced to wear their default outfits. It just removes options and the fun of making ridiculous outfits is removed. I implore you to let us mix and match these customizations like we could with every other survivor and killer, even if it causes clipping bugs.
Edit: Now you're doing it for non-licensed survivors too? Really? If skins continue in this direction I won't buy any of them; there's absolutely no reason why that new Nea skin can't be customizable. A few simple tweaks would make it work with her other stuff and it's not like her other cosmetics are 100% perfect with clipping issues either, so I can't believe why you'd restrict a cosmetic so badly. These forced sets are a terrible idea and should not exist in the game unless if they are Legendary.
It is entirely possible that this is not something which came from BHVR. Maybe it was part of the LIcense Deal that Outfits should not be mixed with other Outfits.
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But then why does she have some crop tops that can be switched around with her default and P3 outfits?
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It makes sense for Lisa/Alessa, but the Cheryl cosmetics?! I should be allowed to use the top with the original hair/pants or any other combination of the Cheryl cosmetics. I wanted the longer hair but with the original outfit. It's so stupid that we can't mix these like we can with other survivors.
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If someone from the BHVR team could answer this, I would love to know why they chose to do this.
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Hii - thanks for reaching out on my post as well. I just wanna reiterate and say I agree with everything you said. There's absolutely no good reason for us to not be able to mix and match Cheryl's outfits and PH's one outfit. If they have the same model, there's no reason for us to not be able to. BHVR, PLEASE at least explain to us why you decided to do it this way and if there's any chance of this change being undone in the future. I would rather be able to mix and match certain cosmetics and have them look wonky rather than not being able to mix and match at all. I mean, this was the same issue they had with Bunny Feng for the longest time (they were worried about how the hood would be if it was it's own headpiece) and it turned out just fine. I think that cosmetic sets (barring the Lisa one, I understand why that is separate) should not exist.
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Yeah I assumed it was part of the licensing deal, knowing Konami it wouldnt be surprising but it would be nice to have confirmation.
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Well it doesn't make sense for Alyssa because spoilers
Alyssa IS Heather/Cheryl
. With Lisa I understand, but I still don't think the cosmetics should be restricted to that degree2 -
Yeah but Alessa doesn't actually wear Heather's/Cheryl's clothes?? She's a separate being. But it still doesn't make sense that they would restrict these so much. maybe forcing us to buy them together? yeah ok, but not being allowed to customize further? that's dumb.
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Now THAT would make sense. But confirmation is necessary. And going forward, hopefully not all legendary skins will be like this.
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But Alessa does in SH3, seeing as Heather IS the reincarnation of her & Cheryl from SH1 after she dies trying to save her dad and Cyble.
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Yeah I agree 100%, I don't mind having to buy the full set but I got pretty upset when I saw that I couldn't mix that with other sets.
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Yeah, thankfully we're only getting one in the foreseeable future (for Oni), but I really want them to just let us customize Cheryl and PH (besides Lisa).
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The crop tops are apart of SH3 where as you beat the game on certain modes or possibly certain ways it rewards you with an alternate outfit for Cheryl/Heather. Only thing is instead of her skirt they came with jeans so it's a bit of a bummer you can't combine it with atleast her rare cosmetics. Also I do believe on the Q&A live stream they mentioned something about linking these new cosmetics due to clipping issues which doesn't make sense considering the amount of clipping issues you can create with Nea alone, most of her singlets clip with skirts from memory and on some of David's pants the charms just get lost inside them. I feel like if it was due to clipping issues then they should've held off releasing the cosmetics till they found a way to reduce or fix it like how they move the charms to the front of the survivor from the side if something blocks them most of the time.
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Ok, but clipping issues aren't an excuse for restricting customization (not directed at you). Fact is I won't buy any of her cosmetics if I can't mix and match them, because there's no point. I know where the crop tops are from, but it doesn't explain why they are the only cosmetics you can customize; and as you mentioned, it doesn't even include her jeans, choker, different arm patterns, and different hair/eye color. There is no excuse for this, and I agree that they should have let the cosmetics sit in the oven longer (hell the whole PATCH should have been worked on more).
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Yeah oath man if I bought some cosmetics and noticed they clipped I'd either suck it up or opt out using that cosmetic until it was fixed etc. Also I agree with the other SH3 additions to those out fits choker etc. they definitely should've been uncommon outfits considering theyre all just slight deviations of eachother but brightside atleast Cheryl has some unique cosmetics that can be swapped. Locking these behind a link system just removes some enjoyable factors about making your characters unique to you and your fashion sense etc. It's a bummer and I really hope they don't continue with this and/or it is a licensing issue.
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The funny thing is that some of her cosmetics STILL have clipping issues even though they're in locked sets xD
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well like other have said lisa is understandable but the other should mix and match like dev say more on this like why.
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I would like that too.
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Technically they did on stream, but the answer didn't make sense, nor was it something that should cause so much restriction
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Or it came from the suits at the top of the company, enforced onto the devs. I mean, they had their over-expensive shop, a battle pass, and now these skins. Either way, they are here now.
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Its not dumb, it is greedy. If they allowed you to get the individual parts, they will not get as much money.
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Actually they would, because if you buy a whole cosmetic by it's parts you're spending more cells because you don't get the discount for buying the whole set.
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I think this is entirely Konamis doing. Probably in the license there was something similar to the Halloween license that the characters have to be „exactly“ the same as depicted in the source material (that was in the beginning why it was hard for behavior to give Michael and Laurie some skins) and if Konami made a similar agreement and keep in mind this is Konami, getting a Konami license for a camo/playable character is hard af in the gaming world, than it would be totally reasonable that they had they had the final say in what you can mix and match and not Bhvr.
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But if that's the case, then why are her crop tops not accurate to the game? Not to mention her two "moving on" skins NEVER appeared in SH3, and PH's alternate skin never appeared in any SH media form. Plus with Halloween they let you still mix and match stuff. Do I doubt that Konami did some fuckery? No, but I'd at least like to KNOW that it's all Konami's fault and that Behavior literally can do nothing to let us customize Cheryl or PH; because if Behavior can let us customize them and is just refusing to let us, then that's just dumb.
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Aaaaaaaaand now they released a Nea skin that you cannot customize at all even though you easily should still be able to. There is no excuse for this and it's really dumb on their part to think that this is a good idea. I was going to buy Nea's new skin until I found out it was a cosmetic set, couldn't care less about it now; and I can guarantee that I won't buy any more sets in the future either. Not about to spend $10 on something I can't customize at all.
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Agreed I saw the Nea skin leaked a while back, was super excited was gonna Auric cells, and get the body and legs. However seeing the forced sets translating into the non licensed characters is worrying. I loved the uniqueness of mixing and matching I’ve spent a embarrassing amount of money over the past few years. I just hope this isn’t a trend however unless they are hurt financially by it they won’t care, I don’t see them really doing much about it unless they see a decrease in revenue from cosmetics.
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Yup, couldn't agree more and seeing as how the upcoming Jane and Clown skins (and most likely that Jeff skin too) are going to be sets I can say with 100% certainty that I'll never buy them. If this new Nea skin or any of Cheryl's skin can't sell me on this anti-consumer decision, nothing will. Oh well, less money for the devs, hopefully they'll just revert this terrible decision and make all these skins into pieces again.
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Jeff Skin won't be a Set (fortunately)
I think Cosmetic Sets should be cheaper than a Cosmetic that consists of three unique pieces that you can mix and match.
And their excuse with Clipping issues is so dumb. I previewed the new Nea cosmetic and her jacket clips through her hands everytime I rotate her.
Some people were able to bug her head cosmetic into other outfits and her head (from behind) is totally bald, not even shaved to simulate her hairstyle. To me, personally, Sets are just a cheap excuse to lessen the worktime.
BUT, I'll be gladly buying the Jane Set IF the only locked cosmetics are the top and bottom, since it isn't connected to the head (like Nea's hoodie) it would be quite dumb to lock all three slots.
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Yeah, if they were cheaper it'd take some pain off, but I still wouldn't buy them. Also the Jane set will be forcibly linked, seeing as how all of Cheryl's cosmetics are even though they have to reason to be.
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Agree, however in regards to Cheryl Cosmetic, I believe that Konami [Bad Word] BHVR by forcing them to do sets, because the green ones are totally mix and match worthy. Lisa and Alessa are one thing since they're supposed represent different characters and they wouldn't make any sense by being able to wear Cheryls clothes.
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I don't think I'm ever going to buy linked cosmetic sets. Part of the fun is mixing and matching my outfit to make something unique and not looking exactly the same as the other guy in my lobby. Additionally, very many times, I only like one of two pieces of a particular cosmetic. Most often, the culprit is the the hair pieces which are god-awful most of the time. Christ does this game have terrible hair. If I played Nea, I would probably like to buy the gas mask part of her cosmetic only and nothing else because it would look cool with other items. But I can't do that, so I will refrain from making a purchase at all.
Point is, I almost never buy a complete outfit, therefore, I will probably never purchase a linked cosmetic set and bhvr is losing out on sales.
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But Cheryl is Allesa
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But I guess since Alessa is Cheryl from another timeline, it would be awkward to let her wear clothes that belong to her other self
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Not at all, Alessa wore Cheryl's exact outfit from Silent Hill 3 (her default outfit), it's from the same timeline and it wouldn't be weird at all.
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My bad then. :)