Just shows us again that devs have no clue
Devs mentioned they liked the original billy alot, more likely for it to change and if not, they’ll change the overheat so chainsaw sprinting is more common. BHVR wants this game to last for a while so they are always listening
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History shows otherwise as the only time they listened to PTB feedback at all in any significant way was for the doctor and ONLY the doctor.
They also said this is a "Slight nerf" even though it takes over 40% over heat to break a pallet with the chainsaw.
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The game does not fall/succeed depending on one killer. It is just another fun thing removed from the game.
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I've seen the devs play on stream, they really don't know their own game and it shows in their balance decisions. They're middle of the road on skill and play bad survivors.
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For how long am I supposed to stay optimistic before dropping the coin? Another 4 years? At one point I try to look reality into the eyes and base conclusions on past actions.
It's veeery unlikely that the devs will listen time.
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Before: Billy stronger than Bubba
Now: Bubba stronger than Billy.
Bubba is a DLC, Billy isn't. $$$$$
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The Devs do know their own game,
they know their game very well indeed.
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If they had, we wouldn't be having this discussion.
I love watching apologists try to make excuses in situations like these.
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In which meaning is this pay to win? Do you even know what it means? And do you know that nurse is still the strongest killer?
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It's still pay2win if the strongest free2play killer needs hundreds of hrs of playtime to be good at and maybe 1k hrs to master her... When You simply can buy spirit or Freddy and do very well after 10 hrs.
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Tofu strikes me as a shill, at times. I wouldn't be surprised if he outright supported the decisions the devs made. I hope I'm wrong though.
Also - he's far from a high level Billy main.The best ones don't stream.
Nurse getting a cooldown is not the same as Billy getting a cooldown. You need to play more killer.
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How about getting Spirit and Oni for shards? Or Huntress for free? Go through the top tiers of ANY streamer and 4 of 5 of the strongest killers are either base or original DLCs. Freddy is literally the only money-only top tier killer
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So if a far-from-high-level-Billy main performs well with him, it would rather support my point that I can come back laughing if this happens, right? And on a stream like 4 days ago he already said that he doesn't think it is too much of a deal
Besides that - nurse gets a cooldown on every power usage, Billy can control the cooldown. So yeah, this is something different indeed
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I think this addon made me lose hope that the devs understand the game more so than the Billy nerf itself. They made an addon that gives you a slight movement speed boost only if a survivor uses a specific item on you. An item that's almost exclusively used when you're either A) breaking a pallet or B) picking up a survivor. You know what you can't do during either of those actions? MOVE.
And then they made it a green addon.
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The more you think about it the more insane it sounds, isn't it? I'm just speechless, idk what to say anymore at this point. It feels like pure beginners designed this.
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Well - he just said he's not touching Billy anymore.
Come come come. Laugh.
If you can laugh louder than me. KEKW
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I'll try. What I heard from him is that he is probably at the same level and just less fun to play because you cannot go for the insane chainsaws anymore as punishment is too hard for that. First game testing, then 2 4k's in a row. So yeah, the initial "even godlike Tofu needs 5 seconds of rev" but still 4k's is what I laugh about
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Really? Tofu literally said on his stream, after trying the PTB, that "He won't be touching Billy anymore". You're quoting his twitter from days ago.
Just stop, silly goose.
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Silly goose? You want more details? Maybe take more that a torn out single line from his stream. How about "I will get better in adapting to the changes, I just don't want to". He is not touching Billy anymore because for him the fun thing was trying to go for the insane chainsaws (which is for him the same fun thing to dodge when going against Billy) which is not possible anymore. Not because he is not viable anymore. So basically the same problem as nurse: same tier, less fun to play. He even says Billy is still viable. Someone in stream says "mobility gone" and he responses "he still has high mobility, just a bit less than currently".
"He won't be touching Billy anymore" without any explanation why doesn't really get the point, you know. If you want to keep laughing pointlessly, go on, but it would make you be the silly goose
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It’s like £1.99 right now on steam. I very much doubt they nerfed Billy and buffed LF with the idea that they would make mad profit from a 3 year old dlc standalone killer whose selling for pittance.
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It is not just LF. Spirit is very strong and so is freddy and also ph. But hey all just a coincedence, just wait when they gut huntress too.
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When did they say clown is underrated? Because he isn't at all
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Again, all dirt cheap and old aside from Pyramid head.
Theres only a few free killers anyway so it makes no sense to compare. Nurse was free and by far the strongest killer in the game for years, hell in the right hands she still is. Huntress is good and free
Doc and LF were paid dlc for 3 years and weak, Pig is still not that good, Clown hasn’t been really strong either.
I think you’re trying too hard to make your theory work.
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Nurse is bugged af and there are no right hands that fix bugs. So no has nothing to do with the player when the game decides you can not blink anymore. She has been bugged since the rework. She is utterly unfun and the devs not fixing anything regarding her just supports the theory.
I didnt name pig or clown. Doc is annoying af and is the best facecamper in the entire game.
Huntress will also be reworked so no worries she is next on the list of trash. Was wraith fixed? Cause you could keep him in stunlock.
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When I say perfect state, I mean balanced better excluding bugs. I'm a rank 1 nurse main and I don't have too many issues with bugs. They happen from time to time but it's not anything that makes me lose my games.
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this will age up like wine because you we're right,too bad player opnion doesn't matter to devs
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The bigger issue with Nurse rn is the fun factor. Idk about you but all the fun from pre nerf nurse is gone and it's really a unfun to play new nurse.
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i haven't played for over 2 months, i checked back in to see bubba and billy changes.. after watching videos, they just switched roles. What was the point of all this? You destroy Billy so no one uses him, you buff Bubba so now chainsaw users will gravitate to him.
Why even bother with all this? You just nerfed Billy because he was next in line from all the whiners after Spirit was nerfed. And next will be Freddy.. and down the list..
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Just if you want it clearly. Seems like a good on point summary