New Game Mode Idea: "Raise the Stakes"

Pauliewogger Member Posts: 17
edited September 2018 in Creations

"Raise the Stakes" is more of a luck based game-mode, here's how it plays out:
Survivor Objective- Find 3 Diamond cards, 2 Club cards, and 4 Ace cards hidden around the map, these cards are hidden in decks, if you search all the decks, and are still missing some cards, you must find the Shuffle Station (looks like a pool table) the Shuffle Station takes 15 seconds to use, upon use, re-makes all decks around the map, and gives you another chance to find the cards you still may need, once all cards are collected, you must bring them to the bar, there are 2 bars on the map, once you visit the bar, you must complete a 20 second channel, during this time, if you cancel the action, you must restart it from the beginning, after you finish with the bar, the exit gates will open automatically.
Killer Objective- While the goal of the killer is still to find and kill the survivors, he/she has a new way of slowing them down, if the killer finds 3 joker cards around the map, the survivors will enter the exposed state for 45 seconds, and their auras will be shown during that time, he picks the joker cards up by standing within 5 meters of range of the card, he will automatically pick the card up, and collect it. If the killer hooks a survivor, the survivor can perform the "Bet on my life!" action, and it has a 25% chance to get the survivor off the hook, a 25% chance to instantly put them in to hook stage 2, a 25% chance to let them escape from the hook with the "broken" effect for the rest of the match, or a 25% chance to instantly kill them.
New Map- "The Rigged Casino"
Design- "The Rigged Casino" is an indoor and outdoor map, the map has three exits/entrances to the Casino, so that it isn't just indoor. The indoor is your typical casino, Generator Spawns inside the Casino could be: Next to the slot machines, once the generator is powered, the slot machines start, and they all spin 3 "Sacrificed" icons on the wheels. The next gen spawn inside the Casino could be at the pool table, and once powered, turns on some smooth lighting and maybe a jukebox that plays quiet radio static. The outdoor looks like a rather large shopping district, with different buildings with obscure and scratched out signage, some cars scattered around the parking lots, some street lights, and some police tape and traffic cones to border off the map. Some other obscure buildings would be open to go through, and might have the killer basement inside, these buildings would include a dollar store type building with nearly empty shelves and a vault point at the cash register, and maybe a gas station.
Lore of the Map- "The Rigged Casino" was once a place where big-shots would take a stack of cash, and come out with nothing more than the rubber band that held the stack together. After awhile people realized the machines and decks favored the house way more than the players, after these accusations floated around for awhile, the Casino was shut down, after that, the whole shopping district had gotten sort of a bad reputation, and eventually, became nothing more than a useless lot of nearly empty buildings collecting dust and falling apart. Then, one day, the survivors around the campfire had a new realm to discover, as well as a new, twisted game to play, where in order to survive, they might have to raise the stakes.

Thank you for reading! Sorry if the lore wasn't that on-point, but if you have anything that might make the fictional game-mode more fun or balanced, please leave a comment down below!

Edit: I think the map offering would be called, "Unlucky Deck" (Increases the chance of being sent to The Rigged Casino)
