Can we all agree Pyramid Head's addons suck?

After playing this character for quite some time (going from rank 20 to rank 5 only using him) I feel like I at least have a general idea as to his ability and addons, and I've gotta admit, most suck ass.

There are only three addons I consider to be overall useful to PH, and that is the addons that extend the range of punishment of the damned, the others are either useless, situational, or make barely any difference that it doesn't matter. Increasing killer instinct and the amount of time trails remain on the environment are good in theory, but the problem is that survivors in the red ranks will rarely ever step on a trail, especially on accident. If you try to lay down a trail to counter looping, they'll use that opportunity to run away so using killer instinct in a chase is pointless, and even less as a way of finding survivors because they practically have to be playing with their eyes closed to step on them.

His very-rare and ultra-rare addons are even more a joke. Other than Scarlet Egg (Increased Killer Instinct), which is only slightly useful, the rest are jokes. Seal of Metatron sounds good in theory, but like I said, very rarely will you get all 4 survivors inflicted with torment, you'll be lucky to have 3, and even then you'll probably only get one or two uses out of it since every time two survivors will lose torment and you'll have to get it back again, bbq is pretty much better. Obsidian Goblet is one of the few addons I haven't used but it seems incredibly situational.

It seems gone where the days where ultra-rare addons would give you something extremely useful, even if it hindered you in something else. Where are the addons that cause trails to injure survivors, or replace killer instinct with aura, ultra-rare addons are supposed to be absurdly strong, so what's up with this trash?


  • Altarf
    Altarf Member Posts: 1,045

    His add-ons aren't great, but they're better than some of the most recent ones (Freddy, nurse, demo, slinger, ghostface, etc).

    His range add-ons and extended duration you can drag the knife are really good. Cooldown is worthless and so is killer instinct; killer instinct just isn't good enough to make an accurate shot with how predictable Punishment of the Damned is. His purples are all useless as well, and the seal of metatron is boring and not great.

    However, I will defend the obsidian goblet till the day I die. It's transformative and is actually fairly good; not as good as double range, but still good. You can use it to make trails on patrol routes to sneak up on gens; combine it with Nurse's and the like and without spine chill, you're like Wraith without an uncloak who can hit through walls. Some maps, like blood lodge aren't very good with it, but most others are great. Try it out sometime.

  • Altarf
    Altarf Member Posts: 1,045

    His add-ons aren't great, but they're better than some of the most recent ones (Freddy, nurse, demo, slinger, ghostface, etc).

    His range add-ons and extended duration you can drag the knife are really good. Cooldown is worthless and so is killer instinct. Killer instinct just isn't good enough to make an accurate shot with how predictable Punishment of the Damned is. His purples are all useless as well, and the seal of metatron is boring and not great.

    However, I will defend the obsidian goblet till the day I die. It's transformative and is actually fairly good; not as good as double range, but still good. You can use it to make trails on patrol routes to sneak up on gens; combine it with Nurse's and the like and without spine chill, you're like Wraith without an uncloak who can hit through walls. Some maps, like blood lodge aren't very good with it, but most others are great. Try it out sometime.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    I actually think they’re perfect except for the reds and purples that give stupid conditions... the range, direction, etc all all good and not stupidly broken

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    I actually think the KI ones are ok, the extra duration can really let you predict where the survivor will go.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    At least you dont have to run add ons to do good with him though

  • LazyPayday
    LazyPayday Member Posts: 420

    He's still relatively bad in my opinion, definitely not the worst to come out (plus he looks badass). My problem is, if you see a swf of red ranks you're gonna wanna get whatever advantage you can get if you wanna face them, and these offerings barely do anything to help.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Pyramid Head gets bullied quite easily by decent survivors if you don't run a proper build.

    Tru3 (who spent his entire subathon playing exclusively Pyramid Head and thus should have a decent idea on how to play him well) got bullied by what looks like a russian-2man SWF + 2 solos yesterday.

    Skip to 1:46:15 to see the results. Now imagine an optimal 4 man SWF team. Tru3 even tried to slug, camp and tunnel and nothing helped. Still 4-man-escape. Pyramid Head just isn't as strong as people think. Against decent survivors he needs a proper build including addons and lots of lucky hits through the wall.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Yeah hes really not that good. The range deal needs a touch more flick to be useful

  • Macymj6
    Macymj6 Member Posts: 93

    Hes already an A tier killer. Doesn't need anything else. His add-ons are fine.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    well i mean, he was running a terrible build. yet he still got tons of hooks and downs. Also, the only killers that can really perform very well with no build are the top tier killers- like huntress, nurse, spirit, etc.

    and imo he played that pretty badly when he had the 3 man slug, he shouldve caged david to avoid DS and then hooked feng and kate. It wouldnt have mattered if David had gotten saved instantly by the other guy, because he would’ve still had 2 hooks for pressure and the other guy could’ve skipped out on finishing the gen to uncage david

    also, he went for a bunch of really blind shots as him, which is never a good idea. If you miss that blind shot the survivor gets a ton of distance which can easily lose you the game if you do it in your first chase (which he did, and missed)

    and i mean, pyramid head still is relatively new to the game. nobody has mastered him yet so nobody knows his true potential in the game

  • Valor188917
    Valor188917 Member Posts: 649
    edited July 2020

    True is not that good in the first place so yeah, average killers like you and me and tru3 will get bullied on most killers, nothing new here. Aside from that he played this horribly. If you want to wath somebody as an example of how to play killer go watch fungoose or scottjund.

    If he used NOED then he'd probably at least get a 2k but his boosted ego won't allow it which is why I don't watch him anymore.

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826

    He has a lot of questionable addons to be sure. I usually just run range sometimes with trail duration. Long lasting trails negatively impacting survivor efficiency quiet a bit. You just never see it unless you play survivor and see it from the survivors perspective.

  • Mozzie
    Mozzie Member Posts: 618

    Can we all agree that the majority of addons on killers suck in general?

  • FogLurker
    FogLurker Member Posts: 337

    The only add-ons I use on him are range. The only other thing I wish he had were add-ons that made his ranged attack fire off quicker or made the recovery time quicker after shooting off a ranged attack.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Yup. Uninteresting easily countered

    Not helpful and weak.

    I only use the range extension that's it.

  • BubbaMain64
    BubbaMain64 Member Posts: 546

    Pyramid Head needs some real tweaks in general to be honest. Easily countered ability with little range and neutered tunnel ability.

  • LazyPayday
    LazyPayday Member Posts: 420
    edited July 2020

    If you think he's A tier than you're either brand new, or a garbage survivor main. I agree that there could be some hidden potential we haven't found yet, but he is not strong, mid B tier at best, high C tier at worst. He was accidentally made the tunnelling king which they took away practically immediately and like others have said, his ranged attack is just worst than the others. Since cage is so situational and his ranged attack is worst than the others, it makes him pretty weak, like I said not the worst, but far from A tier. You're really trying to compare this guy with Huntress, Hilbilly, Spirit, and Clown (obviously Clown is better than you guys think, the devs said so after all). Also no, his add-ons are bad, do you even play this killer?

  • Mozzie
    Mozzie Member Posts: 618
    edited July 2020

    Michael Myers should be the gold standard for how the developers create addons for killers. With the exception of vanity mirror they all feel worthy of spending bloodpoints on.

  • Customapple0
    Customapple0 Member Posts: 629

    Devs are being a lot more careful with addons. They mostly compliment the kit of the killer rather than make them more powerful, which is the way it should be. A killer shouldn’t have to rely on add ons to win.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921

    IMHO all purple rarity hemmorage addons should come with a free bloodhound for the duration.

  • LazyPayday
    LazyPayday Member Posts: 420

    You're pretty funny, have you seen Billy's new add-ons? They're a complete joke, and exactly, it should compliment their kit by improving something, survivors can bring in items with extremely powerful abilities (with little to no downsides, unlike most killer's strong add-ons) yet killers can't? Their add-ons should buff or make up for one of their weaknesses, not to the point where it's unfun mind you (like insta-anything killer builds or 5 blink nurse), but some of these add-ons change literally nothing, like survivors getting obliviousness for 15 seconds after stepping on a trail? In what scenario would this be useful in every match you play? If you have an add-on that only has a chance to be useful for the match you're gonna use it then it's situational, making it bad. The add-ons are getting worst and worst, to the point you have to question the thought-process behind the creation of them.