Add an indicator for SWF for survivors and killers in the lobby.

With cross play getting closer it seems like it would make sense if killer were able to see what they are up against. An indicator to see who is in an SWF as killer would be very helpful to know what to expect before you go into a match and would mean you wouldn't have to look through profiles like a weird FBI agent. If killers had this ability it would make games more fair because they would know if they were going to get gen rushed by a 4 man so they could put moris on or perks that would increase their chance of actually getting some kills.
This wouldn't effect SWF at high ranks and would make the game less stressful for casually killers who just want to play the game. With cross play being added in the near future killers wont be able to check the profiles of people on console meaning that they will have no idea what they are going up against. There really isn't a reason why this shouldn't be added.
Dude killers are scared to verse swf and it is there go to excuse for their loss. Swf cue times are going to get longer and alot of people will quit because they cant even play with friends. Most killers cant even take swf as an opportunity to get better at the game tell me right now you dont blame swf for your losses as killer.
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You've actually just said yourself why this shouldn't be added: it "wouldn't effect SWF at high ranks".
SWF survivors who play at a high skill level are the only ones who truly tend to be completely unbeatable for killer. Why punish the majority of players who ARE playing the game casually with their friends if you don't even think it will affect the small demographic who are actually causing the problem?
Not to mention that the amount of lobby-dodging and unsportsmanlike conduct that this would probably generate would exist at ALL levels of play anyway (making a generally worse experience for everyone).
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The point is that high rank killers are good enough to face a 4 man swf and be able to win. For people who just play killer casually it is annoying when the match making system puts you with people who are better and also in swf. Good killers won't care about this edition because they can still win where as killers who just want to play for fun and not be extremely stressed get to know what they are going against. Overall a better solution would to have a system that matchmakes based on how well certain players in a party do together meaning that no matter what, killers will always stand a chance against any swf but if i'm being realistic BHVR are never going to do that so this is pretty much the best compromise. Killers already can already check profiles but the feature should just be part of the UI. The only times most killers would dodge lobbies is when it is clear the survivors are going to try gen rush with one person taking the agro.
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It should definitely be added, it's already possible to currently tell via friends lists, just saves the hassle of having to check like that.
As far as taking SWF as an opportunity to get better at the game, yea sure that opportunity can be taken by the game indicating they are a premade.
While true that if premades are shown, even if they're a premade full of potatoes, the killer would either dodge or go in with appropriate perks to better handle the shenanigans they expect to face. As it currently is though, premades basically being hidden is yet another thing in favor of and something that gives advantage to the SWF, on top of their many other advantages they already have; whether they're potatoes or not.
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.-. ignore this text box.
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No. Killers would just lobby dodge to minimize any effort, or even worse, go back to their scummy play like tunneling out those who arent part o a SWF.
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As a killer main I disagree. I don’t think this should be added at all.
i think people tend to forget this IS a game where there are a variety of people playing with a varying range of skill. Sometimes you’ll get 4 solo players who play like they’re SWF, likewise a full SWF group who play as if they’re all solo. On the flipside, a well coordinated skilled group of SWF is a challenge - but killers who oppose this need to realise you cannot win every single trial - and vice versa. But the trials you don’t win, you can still learn from it and improve.
At the end of the day it is a game and people shouldn’t take it so seriously - and if you do - then obviously a SWF group shouldn’t be such an issue because you’re playing more competitively. Again, hone your skills and keep improving - playing against better players only helps you improve. Both roles can’t win every trial. It goes both ways. Move on with your day and enjoy the next trial you’re in. If it gets frustrating, take a minute.
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Why would killers want to minimise effort, if they wanted to do that it would pretty much mean they didn't want to play the game at all. Scummy killers are going to be part of the game if this was added or not. If anything this addition would lead to less toxic games because more killers would know what to expect so they could equip appropriate perks/addons or switch to a different killer where they wouldn't have to resort to these scummy strats to get some kills.
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Yes this is a game but people shouldn't have to scan through steam profiles just to know what they are up against. Yes killers shouldn't win every match but every match should be fair, and it can't be fair when a killer can't tell if they are going in to a game against 4 solos or a 4 man SWF who is in a VC constantly telling each other where the killer is so that they can hide and genrush. It doesn't help that map RNG can lead to stupidly strong set ups for survivors and that match making is broken right now.
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i just read the title no
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Why not? It would make the game way less stressful to play as killer.
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because everyone would be lobby doging impossible to get a game as swf and only about 5% of swf are toxic most just wanna play with freinds
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People wouldn't need to dodge because they could put on offerings(e.g- any map offering other than Haddonfield)/perks or addons that would allow them to have a chance against any SWF. Only killers who were actually that doubtful in their ability with this information would dodge and they would be much fewer than now. Also yes people want to play with friends and that is fine but people also want to play killer without having to rapidly check every profile at the beginning of the round.
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swf toxic is insanly exagrated
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I never exaggerated, killers should just know this.
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Killers would dodge SWF even more than they already do. (On PC you can easily check peoples steam profiles unless they're all private but then the killer might dodge anyway, worried you might be some SWAT-team hyper-sweaty SWF trying to cover it up. I tend to dodge all-privates because they usually do actually turn out to be quick-switch-to-legacy-jake bully-squads.)
I feel SWF should only be indicated AFTER the match in the post-game screen. Throw in a heavy BP bonus for playing vs SWF so there's more incentive not to dodge.