Devs please read this - Things to increase the longevity of your game and make it better

I literally just made an account to post this and give some feedback. I'll just number the different ideas and suggestions to make it simpler.
1.) Play as Killer System - I understand some people only want to play as a killer and it is extremely convenient to specifically look for matches as a killer; although this is overall bad for the game. The main reason for this is because of the matching times as a killer, and it gives me less incentive to play as one (even though I really want to). Waiting 5-15 minutes to play as a Killer is ridiculous and what I think you guys should do is follow the same system as Friday the 13th(RIP). There is no "play as killer/survivor" option, but instead a preference option on what you prefer to play as and have everyone match into the lobby and be randomly picked to be the killer(in a random order where everyone will eventually get to play as killer if they stay in the server.)
2.) Steam Workshop - This has been said a good number of times I'm sure, but I'll say it once again... adding a workshop to your game will literally be a game changer and add a whole lot more fun and longevity to your game. I understand that you plan to release more DLC's and make your money off that and I completely understand, but the least you guys can do is allow the modding of graphics(lighting,shadows,textures), sound effects, (such as screams, menu music, chase music, all this will allow us to customize our experiences exactly how we want to and make the game a whole lot more scary), and last but not least community created maps. Allowing the players to add content to your game would take a lot of pressure off you guys and make it more fun for us as well.
3.) Graphic Settings - Add more graphic options for everyone, to have a few options from LOW - ULTRA is a bit disappointing especially for a PC game released not too long ago and still being updated. It gives me and others the impression that you guys don't really care about optimization and the fact that you haven't added any graphic options in FOUR YEARS just makes it worse.
I've had this game since release, played for a few months, and came back just recently to find out the things I've hoped they would add are still not implemented into the game. I don't have enough knowledge to give any feedback about balancing the game so I just talked about some essentials. If a developer reads this please consider these and let us know your thoughts on it.
What's your reason for #2? Just curious because I don't see any negatives to it.
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The balance issue about the workshop is understandable, but what they should do is add the option for community hosted servers (server lists) or a filter that allows you to pick vanilla servers or modded servers (I prefer the community hosted servers). Overall I still think mods would be better because allowing custom content would add a lot more fun content as well as a variety of content to the game. Think of Garry's Mod, the longevity of that game lasted 16 years and still counting with a strong player base. Why? Because the players roll out the content constantly every single day and people don't get tired of it because there's thousands and thousands of mods, maps, game modes, etc. To me, the workshop is a necessity for most games because of it has so much potential.
About #1, that's why I think the preference button would be good so you could select "prefer killer/survivor" and it could skip your selection if you prefer to stay as survivor, but yeah people who would want to play as killer would still eventually get picked to be survivor (because others want to play as killer too.) You could make the argument though that players should learn how to play on both sides and fully enjoy the game for what it is instead of always playing as killer. This part is a little more subjective so I can't really say what's actually better. I actually really like your idea of bloodpoint incentives, that's actually a genius idea and I hope the Devs look into these posts because the game still could use a lot more work.
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I think #1 is a decent idea. #2 could be fun but I feel like it would just get full of maps that are 3 pallets and 7 generators all suck inside of each other but modding graphics would ruin the game and it should never be added. It would allow people to cheat by changing lighting so that hiding would be pretty much impossible and if they added custom textures that would lead to people cheating and exploiting custom textures. #3 will hopefully be addressed by the graphical update they are bringing later this year.
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1# would literally kill the game faster. Yes some people don't mind playing either but there are so many people that prefere a role that if they don't get the role they want they either straight out disconnect or on killer side just sit in a corner starring at the wall letting survivor do all 5 gens and escape or on survivor suciding immidietly to get another shot on playing as killer dooming their team in the process.