Tryhard / Sweaty? Someone who uses this as an insult, help me understand

TheWind Member Posts: 59
edited July 2020 in General Discussions

Is this the killer equivalent of calling survivoral candidates tunnelers or campers? I am legitimately asking what this means.

Logically, I'd think that a try hard is someone who's trying to win. Isn't that... everyone? Killer is trying to kill you (I would imagine) and survival candidates are trying to well... not die. So ######### is a sweaty tryhard anyway and how is it different from any other player or insulting?

I feel like understanding could do me some good so help a guy out.

Post edited by TheWind on


  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    Just one that uses a build, that is hard to play against. Mostly said by sore losers.

  • Lumionesty
    Lumionesty Member Posts: 98

    These terms are both thrown around way to easily. People will often call you them for simply playing the game. However a textbook definition would be someone who solely cares about winning and nothing else, putting in maximum effort to achieve the goal of winning. I would say an example of this would be a Spirit with OP add-ons (Ring + Amulet combo) who brings a Mori.

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,259

    It's a new term that has sprung up over the last year or two in most competitive gaming communities. Basically means you played as optimally as possible and tried hard to win. Like Bald said, usually said by sore losers or someone joking around. You also have people who think you shouldn't play to win though... so they can, because logic.

  • NinjaDette1
    NinjaDette1 Member Posts: 1,289
    edited July 2020

    The more I hear tryhard it becomes stale to my ears.

  • GoodJobGuys92
    GoodJobGuys92 Member Posts: 102

    Guess someone who's trying to everyone else. Usually said by sore losers, like this.

  • TheWind
    TheWind Member Posts: 59

    I really wish someone like Tru3 or anyone who actively uses the terms insultingly would chime in and defend the point. I really want to have the discussion so I can understand better.

  • FootMan2893
    FootMan2893 Member Posts: 333
    edited July 2020

    In any other game? An insult from salty people. In DBD? People being toxic a-holes and bringing in the strongest and most optimal strats. For survivors it'd be running the meta perks with a full 4 man coordinated team in discord and playing to just rush gens as fast as possible. For killers it'd be running certain add on combinations on killers like Huntress or Spirit, then maybe bring a mori as well.

    The reason why DBD can be treated differently is because everyone knows that at it's highest form of play it's unbalanced as ######### and unfun to play against. A meta built team of coordinated survivors playing well will one sidedly stomp any killer in the game regardless of how well the killer plays. A Spirit or Huntress with the right addons is just going to stomp solo queue games unless the team is somehow filled with god tier survivors. In both instances it's just not even fun gameplay, it's only purpose is to stroke an insecure ego while ruining the game for the opposite side.

    There are varying lower levels of being try hard and sweaty for both sides, however a lot of that will end up being subjective. Some people will consider running Dead Hard, DS, BT, and adrenaline/unbreakable to be sweaty. Some people will consider even thinking of touching Billy, Nurse, Spirit, or Huntress to be sweaty. In those cases you just gotta decide what is what for yourself.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    Yeah, it's the weirdest attempt at a burn.

    "You tried! You put effort into an activity you're engaged in! What a loser!!!"

  • TheWind
    TheWind Member Posts: 59

    I'm going to ask you some questions because you were cool enough to offer your insight if that's ok.

    I understand what you're saying here, I just don't fully grasp the implications. When you call someone Sweaty or a Tryhard are you mad that they used a combination that's in your eyes unfair or because you feel like the other person is trying to actively ruin your fun?

    What is the inciting emotion?

  • Lx_malice
    Lx_malice Member Posts: 1,417
    edited July 2020

    The only people I've found who call me a tryhard or sweaty are the ones who have no other excuses for them losing. Can't blame me for camping or tunneling. Can't blame me for playing an "overused/boring/low skill" killer (I main Nurse on console). Can't blame me for bringing "op" stuff like noed or a mori. Can't blame me for "getting lucky". So all they can call me is "sweaty" or a "tryhard" :p

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826

    Just sore losers. Usually it's my easiest and lowest effort matches I get called a sweaty tryhard.

  • Venoxxie
    Venoxxie Member Posts: 300

    Tryhard is more of a term when people use a specific build. So for example Forever Freddy + Mori. Or a survivor with a meta build (Adren, DS, BT, etc) + Purple Flashlight with best addons. They are "sweaty tryhards" even though they're just playing the game as intended.

    Or maybe even when someone disconnects during a match and the killer isn't friendly by letting everyone live (when there is NO RULE that says they have to be).

    Just dumb people being dumb.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,866

    I've always been baffled by this myself.

    "Sweaty tryhard!"

    "Are you not trying?"

    I think where this sentiment derives from is when you are losing a match and feel like you never really had a chance. I think whenever you see someone use the phrase "tryhard" you could replace it with "I'm really frustrated by the way that match went" and be accurate. People just don't want to own their negative feelings so they project it onto someone else. And this is a game that is practically built to be as frustrating as possible.

  • DBD_Noobinoob
    DBD_Noobinoob Member Posts: 89

    "I actually tried my best, but I'm too insecure ti admit that, because if I had to admit that, I would also have to admit that my performance wasn't good enough and that my opponent did better than me. So I'm just gonna pretend I didn't give my best, like I was just trying to chill and expecting my opponent to do the same, and then I can blame them for not engaging in that. Now I just gotta repeat that to myself so that I can suppress the truth and therefore my lack of self-worth."

    Just like when I was 15 and handed in empty sheets during an exam to get the worst grade possible instead of the average grade I would've gotten due to not studying - because, you know, I didn't even try, so it doesn't say anything about my skills.

    The only context where I personally use the term is when I am in an Overwatch free for all match where everyone is emoting and voice lining with each other, until that one tryhard comes to the map and kills one of those dancing people only to show off how good he is at killing a person who cant even shoot during their emote.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    I think it's mainly used against people that use the most frustrating and broken builds. Like if there's a nurse that's using infectious, pop, thanatophobia etc then I'll probably call her sweaty. I don't use it as an insult tho. It's just how I describe certain people.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    It means your skill is superior to their skill. They want you to play worse so they can win.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    Example: Got 4 cakes stacked in a game, only for the killer to bring an ebony mori, facecamp, and mori people off first hook? Playing with every possible advantage even when it's not even necessary, just because you need to to win?

    That's a sweaty tryhard. And yes, I have killers do that ######### to me. If you don't call that sweaty or tryhard, IDK what you would call it.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Did you seriously just compare legit gameplay with cheats?

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    Okay so when I use the word tryhard or sweaty as an insult, I use it to refer to players who try their damndest to win with no regard to the other side's fun. I'm talking survivors who actually rush gens, leaving friends on hook till the last second so they can have their 4 minute match. I'm talking a nurse who slugs everyone ASAP with infectious, colourophobia, nurses, and sloppy. I'm talking the insta-saw Billy who tunnels one poor soul relentlessly despite three others bodyblocking for them.

    I play to have fun, and if you want to win go for it. But at least try and do it in a way that's fun for everyone, please.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,153
    edited July 2020

    Tryhard is generally used to describe someone in a non competitive environment that still gives his all to win while the side that uses this term is, in their mind atleast, just playing for fun.

    Sweaty was introduced in dbd since games on the killer side need much micro management of pressure since you have to divide your attention between 4 opposing players, atleast if you always aim for the 4k. You have to put effort aka sweat for it.

    Both terms degenerated to insults in online games.

    Edit: both terms are rather vague when it comes to dbd, since this game only has "ranked mode".

    This in itself would void the value of both terms since the environment would no longer be non competitive but we all know rank means nothing when there are only 20 and you get resets in a months time frame.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Yes, you did, by saying that victories achieved by legit gameplay are comparable to victories achieved by cheating, in that they have, quote, "no meaning/value".

    So no, reading comprehension is not the issue here.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    Try-hards are players who take the game more serious than others like they have money on the match their life depends on it 😯

    We're all trying are hardest to win so we are all try-hards 😂🤣 ignore and move on

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Yes, people play to win in a competitive setting. That's normal, not something to be reprimanded. However, people who play to win do so within the confines of the game, they don't use cheats. Cheaters have a completely different mindset.

    And yes, you are assuming too much. I just know that playing competitively in a competitive setting is not bad, it's literally the purpose of a competitive setting.

    If you're a true casual player - someone who doesn't necessarily play to win - then you shouldn't care about losing.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    It’s basically trying your absolute best against opponents who aren’t. As a DBD example, a Spirit with full meta perks and an ebony mori against a team that are plundering chests and shining their flashlights on each other’s butts. Or a full stacked SWF with Object and a key against a moonwalking Myers.

    You wouldn’t call two competitive teams going head to head sweaty, because it’s expected that both sides want desperately to win and will use whatever tactics are allowed to do so. But if you had a charity sporting event and one side showed up for a fun, lighthearted game and the other side really went for it, that would probably be “sweaty tryhard” territory, just as an example.

    The problem with DBD is that there’s no casual mode and you don’t know what your opponent will play like before the match. So you can bring a full try hard load out expecting the other side to do the same, but if they don’t, they’ll be mad and call you names. But you can’t really know pre-match.

    I wouldn’t take it too seriously as an insult. I say it sometimes if I’m frustrated (just to myself, I don’t insult people in post game chat). The only time I think someone who’s being sweaty is genuinely being an unpleasant person is a smurf or de-ranker trying to bully new players. Otherwise, everyone has had a “sweaty” match after a string of bad ones. If it’s in the game and intended it’s fair play.

  • kosmi
    kosmi Member Posts: 363

    No it is not. Usualy swf and killers call that each other as when they lose game hard and they feel intiitled not to lose. Now there are some valid points when you call someone sweaty, for instance swf that only genrush so that they could esc trought hatch when they bring a key or killer that runs really hard build and see survs are bad but never the less he/she stomp them to the ground.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    We'll have to agree to disagree. In my experience, people who play to win take pride in their accomplishments and heavily admonish cheaters. People who abuse exploits are just toxic, plain and simple.

    If you don't care about losing, then you should have no problem with tryhards who try to make you lose. Problem solved.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Yeah Isnt that the point of playing the gsme? Winning?

  • TheWind
    TheWind Member Posts: 59

    I'm still really conflicted. Most of the opinions I've read here tall about how one side is taking it way too seriously where the other side isn't however my confusion lies in the statement itself. In my experience you don't result to name calling if you don't care or are just having fun.

    You get angry in some way and in a game with such a clear contrary objective on both sides (survive or don't) I can only assume it's because you couldn't survive or couldn't get kills?

    This is why I'm asking everyone here, how can you call someone a sweaty tryhard as an insult when it means you yourself where trying hard but came up short?

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    It's just a whiny insult, that's all.

    I had a 4-man SWF call me "sweaty" (among other things) for playing Doc, when they had brought toolboxes and a BNP. As if they weren't trying or something? Hah.

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    Usually its people that, just wanted a chill game and somehow expects you to do the same. Which is stupid, because its not up to you to play the game the way they want. But this upsets them so they have to take their anger out on the anonymous person that in their mind didnt play their way. This should be ignored.

    Or sometimes its people that are trying to win but, to them is not doing anything thats as "overpowered"/"strong" compared to what you are doing. Again these people are living by some unknown rules and expect you to follow them. Again this should be ignored.

    Sometimes its people that wanted to troll you or are just too cocky. Like flashlight spamming, going for pallet stuns constantly so they can tbag. Or are just underestimating you because you are playing a killer that in their mind is really weak. So when they get killed. Well again back at the upset + outburst. Too much salt is bad for you, so this should be ignored.

    I just got called tryhard for using everything I possibly could use of very strong/op add-ons perks. Plus a mori. On a spirit. Why would I go so far? Because I hate keys and blendettes. 2 blendettes brought 2 keys in a 4man swf. I just wanna play normal games. But since I cant control what the survivors want to do, I can at least make the game a lot easier for me since I dont want always want to play the best of the best.

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,259

    Put it this way: I've been called sweaty when I've lost. No moris, no camping, no tunneling -- and any of those things could have helped me secure a kill. It's a flimsy insult that's usually used flimsily.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Not surprisingly, that killer try to ridicule this. Both means basically the same, though used for different kind of situations.

    Meaning in general: Somebody whose effort level and emotional investment is excessively high for the level of play in which they are competing. Those people are overly ambitious and taking the game too serious and act like their life depends on it. Someone who just uses the most cheap "tactics" to achieve their goal by any means, regardless of others experience.

    "Try Hard": Most likely used on killers that use the most OP builds possible, something like Iri Huntress or Forever Freddy + Ebony.

    "Sweaty": Most likely used for killers slugging for the 4k.

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    I mean if it is a broken unbalanced mesh. Its still a competitive enviroment. You have 2 teams playing against each other. Thats the definition of a competition. Ofc there is different levels of competition, like boardgames with family vs World tournaments. But you cant stop people from being competitive by nature. Just because some people want to play one way (more relaxed, within a set of made up rules so to speak) doesnt mean that others have to as well. And in fact most people that play with moris/keys and the like arent all that competitive, they are just trying to win or make the opposing player(s) annoyed or angry.

    I deliberately use mori 100% of the time I see a key. And I really dont care how much survivors cry afterwards. I just tell them that bringing a key is demanding to be moried or to have a difficult match. Thats their choice to make. Ofc survivors cant do much to counter a mori. Beyond leaving a survivor on hook until almost death, which isnt that great of a strategy unless the killer camps as well.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    Of course it's you who pops in to declare that killers are somehow to blame for something here. 🤣

  • DBD_Noobinoob
    DBD_Noobinoob Member Posts: 89

    Doesn't make sense, since the killer doesn't see the cakes when they select their mori. Facecamping is another story, but the implication of ruining the cakes by the mori doesn't make sense.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522
    edited July 2020

    No different than the red rank SWF's that do the same and end the game in 2 minutes when there's 5 cakes.

    It might seem like an inefficient use of the cakes, but complaining that they played to win is silly. It's not on anyone to dictate how other people choose to play, which is what this comes off as.

    (The only reason I get frustrated by it is that when I kill people they complain that there were cakes, so I should go easy...and when I go easy they just rush gens and end the game before anyone gets any points. So eventually I just stop thinking about what they want and play however I feel. Break out skill check Doc, get 32k with 5 cakes and 5 gens up. Yay. I get way more points just playing normally than when I farm, anyway.)

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    I used to use the term "tryhard", but that was in games where at least to begin with it had a more specific meaning to me and the people I played with. It wasn't just someone trying to win really hard, but someone that combined that with being a bit of a dickhead to everyone else on the server. The type that votekicks people for using "bad" loadouts or weapons, got extremely mad if they lost even if it was a close and good game, that sort of thing.

    Nowadays it seems quite meaningless just like "sweaty" and to some extent "toxic".

  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174

    I've been called a sweaty tryhard for playing spirit. I played lazy and didn't take the match seriously because I was just finishing up the achievement to down 30 Survivors in the post phase state. Apparently though, just playing as spirit with mediocre add-ons and only her three perks is sweaty tryhard territory.

  • FootMan2893
    FootMan2893 Member Posts: 333

    Both. What they're doing is inherently unfair and completely frustrating to play against. In the current direction of the game the developers don't want to buff killers towards being competitive against SWF because then the killers are too strong for solo queue players to really have a decent match against. On the other hand though they are infact nerfing some of the killers who were that strong so they're more on par with solo queue games but as a result are leaving the killers with fewer and fewer tools to compete against groups with.

    The only killers are really capable of fighting a good group at the moment are Nurse, Spirit, Huntress, and Hillbilly. Nurse was already nerfed ontop of being really skill reliant. She can compete but she's not easy. Huntress and Spirit both have access to strong addon combinations which unfortunately will probably get eventually. Some things like Iridescent head for huntress is understandably not good for the game though. Hillbilly is currently in the process of his rework and will end up being vastly weak and much worse. It's unlikely he'll even be considered good after this upcoming PTB, much less good enough to keep up with SWF groups.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    Try hards are people that run the strongest builds possible and want to not only win, but crush the opponent, making sure they have no fun at all. I've gotten 8k blood points to a team like this.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    That's competitive gaming for you, people actually do their best to win.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    No, the devs have stated time and time again that this game is casual, which is their excuse for the God awful balance.

    Guarantee I am the most competitive person in here, but I don't want to abuse game mechanics and make people miserable to win.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    The game may be intended to be casual, but it's being played competitively. If you're not playing competitively, that means you're not playing to win. If you're not playing to win, you shouldn't care if you lose.

  • TheWind
    TheWind Member Posts: 59
    edited July 2020

    This seems a lot like the discussion around a game's meta, or back with pen and paper RPGs, min maxing or GURPS. It sounds like this is an argument about why some parts of a game are naturally stronger than others and playing without them puts you at a disadvantage. While I understand what you're explaining that you just want to play the way you want it doesn't actually address what I see as the actual source of frustration.

    Every explanation from people who believe in the statement, as I've read it, has basically said that when someone plays in a way that makes it so you feel like you can't win it's that person's fault.

    My argument against this is that the support evidence is always "well the devs" or " they brought a Mori" not what is actually happening. "I wanted to win and have fun and I couldn't".

    Calling someone a tryhard is actually an insult against you and your character since what you're saying is that you wanted to do well but you aren't able to compete so you need to lash out to try and beat them another way.

  • PleassBuiltInNoed
    PleassBuiltInNoed Member Posts: 618

    thats what killers do if they want to win and also survivors never tryhard because they never have to, survivor is like legit very easy to play

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    It's not about SWF or killer exclusively. I just gave an example. The fact that you have to say "No different than the red rank SWF's" shows some bias. Nobody tries comparing the things like that unless they're trying to make it about one side vs. the other, and that's clearly not what this is about.

    So please don't try to make this into a survivor vs. killer competition. I gave one example that stuck out to me because there's not a lot that people can do against being tunneled and mori'd off first hook. The killer is a lot more in control of the game, at least in a 1v1 aspect, so they have the capability to just completely shut somebody's game down and not even let them get like 3k points if they really want to. I don't give a rat's ass TBH if there's a survivor equivalent to that, so don't try to make that what this is about please. I do understand what you're saying, because I prefer playing killer anyway but still I hate that us vs. them crap. It's not productive.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I have no idea what you're even trying to say here. Please explain, I'll be happy to get a few laughs out of you.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480
    edited July 2020

    That doesn't make any sense, because a killer can still use a mori in game and not be a complete dick about it. As you said, "facecamping is another story" and that's what I'm talking about. People who will literally do everything in their power just to shut everybody's game down, in the most scumbag way possible.

    So yes, the implication does make sense. You can use a mori and not be a camping douche that moris off first hook. I'm not saying the act of bringing a mori in itself makes you a scumbag but there's definitely a scummy way to use it. Take a look at how people would mori animation cancel over and over back before the feature got removed: people will literally just do scumbag things just because they can. Honestly, the people responding and trying to make it about killer vs. survivor in their replies to me are probably exactly that kind of person. Either that or they're just trying to be combative for the sake of it.

    I think it's hilarious how people are jumping in to white knight for killers because of what I said, just because it happens to be an example of a killer doing bad things. I could have said the "red rank SWF" example that other dude tried to bring up to me, but then it would just be the opposite, with survivors trying to get pissed and say "well what about killers doing blah blah." This isn't directed at you necessarily, but it's just funny how I give a perfectly on-topic example of what sweaty or tryhard would be (at least to most people, I would imagine) and I get people jumping down my throat about... IDEK what. I thought my example was perfectly fine.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,333

    I've had people say it for ANYTHING. These are just 2 examples that I just happened to have on hand. Clearly nothing OP here.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    It all depends on who you ask. The meaning will vary from person to person. If I were calling somebody sweaty/a tryhard it would be a Huntress with Iri hatchets an Ebony Mori and Noed. To me it's something like that which screams to me they are desperate to win.

    Others will say it because they are mad they lost. Or sometimes because they felt like the other person is taking the game/themselves too seriously.