DaedraLord Member Posts: 5
edited September 2018 in General Discussions
Post edited by DaedraLord on


  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    So it's working as intended, ok but I really dont see how we could nerf it. At least propose an idea of how to nerf it 
  • Demonsouls1993
    Demonsouls1993 Member Posts: 261
    His just a salty survivor main just git gud noob
  • guest602
    guest602 Member Posts: 149

    @PhantomMask20763 I think they should remove the aura-reading.
    I think rancor is the equivalent of NOED, that's a perk which rewards a poor gameplay.
    I play on both sides, and I never use NOED. But it happened to me once to be able to get one kill (after having hooked them all), and unfortunately, I got the obsession who saved his DS until the end, so I ended up having no kills. In this case, I understand why a perk like Rancor was made.
    But as a survivor. I never use DS. And when nobody in my team does, I am ALWAYS the obsession. Unlucky, you're going to say...
    But it really pisses me off that a perk which has been created to counter DS is used on me. It ruins my game, because as OP said, all they do is wait for the gens to be completed, so I don't get any rescue or bold points and I finish the game having 6k.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    guest602 said:

    @PhantomMask20763 I think they should remove the aura-reading.
    I think rancor is the equivalent of NOED, that's a perk which rewards a poor gameplay.
    I play on both sides, and I never use NOED. But it happened to me once to be able to get one kill (after having hooked them all), and unfortunately, I got the obsession who saved his DS until the end, so I ended up having no kills. In this case, I understand why a perk like Rancor was made.
    But as a survivor. I never use DS. And when nobody in my team does, I am ALWAYS the obsession. Unlucky, you're going to say...
    But it really pisses me off that a perk which has been created to counter DS is used on me. It ruins my game, because as OP said, all they do is wait for the gens to be completed, so I don't get any rescue or bold points and I finish the game having 6k.

    I guess that could help but I mean it's just been 1 day too. Let's wait for a while, maybe 2 weeks once people start stealthing during rancor and see if it's still considered OP 
  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857
    guest602 said:

    @PhantomMask20763 I think they should remove the aura-reading.
    I think rancor is the equivalent of NOED, that's a perk which rewards a poor gameplay.
    I play on both sides, and I never use NOED. But it happened to me once to be able to get one kill (after having hooked them all), and unfortunately, I got the obsession who saved his DS until the end, so I ended up having no kills. In this case, I understand why a perk like Rancor was made.
    But as a survivor. I never use DS. And when nobody in my team does, I am ALWAYS the obsession. Unlucky, you're going to say...
    But it really pisses me off that a perk which has been created to counter DS is used on me. It ruins my game, because as OP said, all they do is wait for the gens to be completed, so I don't get any rescue or bold points and I finish the game having 6k.

    An effect that only works on one survivor getting exposed is broken? Doesn't need a nerf, if it gave all survivors exposed then sure. You just have a mentality against those kind of perks but seeing it isn't noed and doesn't gaurantee much, it's fine. Also, the reading is after gens are done for 3 seconds.
  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857
    Also, how it is now, it shows what direction you moved, the aura reading doesn't follow real time movement, idk if you actually used rancor. 
  • laKUKA
    laKUKA Member Posts: 406
    edited September 2018

    calm down! you can see the killer aura every time the gen is done...just HIDE!

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    Spine Chill > Rancor

    I had a match earlier where I was the obsession. (I was running Self-Care, Urban Evasion, Spine Chill, and Technician.) Once I had enough progress on the gate the little bonus speed was enough to open the gate and deny them their free kill. I have since then swapped Technician for Wake Up and am eager to test the further potential of this phenomenon.

  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857
    Peasant said:

    Spine Chill > Rancor

    I had a match earlier where I was the obsession. (I was running Self-Care, Urban Evasion, Spine Chill, and Technician.) Once I had enough progress on the gate the little bonus speed was enough to open the gate and deny them their free kill. I have since then swapped Technician for Wake Up and am eager to test the further potential of this phenomenon.

    A fellow spine chill wake up user. Been using that since day one. Takes a good couple seconds off and saved my life from noed killers. 
  • mcNuggets
    mcNuggets Member Posts: 767

    @guest602 said:
    @PhantomMask20763 I think they should remove the aura-reading.
    I think rancor is the equivalent of NOED, that's a perk which rewards a poor gameplay.
    I play on both sides, and I never use NOED. But it happened to me once to be able to get one kill (after having hooked them all), and unfortunately, I got the obsession who saved his DS until the end, so I ended up having no kills. In this case, I understand why a perk like Rancor was made.
    But as a survivor. I never use DS. And when nobody in my team does, I am ALWAYS the obsession. Unlucky, you're going to say...
    But it really pisses me off that a perk which has been created to counter DS is used on me. It ruins my game, because as OP said, all they do is wait for the gens to be completed, so I don't get any rescue or bold points and I finish the game having 6k.

    If you get genrushed => bad player?
    Your logic is flawed, billy main.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    Rancor is not that great

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    It's not that great, doesn't need a nerf whatsoever.

  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857
    mcNuggets said:

    @guest602 said:
    @PhantomMask20763 I think they should remove the aura-reading.
    I think rancor is the equivalent of NOED, that's a perk which rewards a poor gameplay.
    I play on both sides, and I never use NOED. But it happened to me once to be able to get one kill (after having hooked them all), and unfortunately, I got the obsession who saved his DS until the end, so I ended up having no kills. In this case, I understand why a perk like Rancor was made.
    But as a survivor. I never use DS. And when nobody in my team does, I am ALWAYS the obsession. Unlucky, you're going to say...
    But it really pisses me off that a perk which has been created to counter DS is used on me. It ruins my game, because as OP said, all they do is wait for the gens to be completed, so I don't get any rescue or bold points and I finish the game having 6k.

    If you get genrushed => bad player?
    Your logic is flawed, billy main.

    Nah his logic is flawless. We are all bad players. Survivors have nothing else to do unless we attempt to go for a slug and force heals and people to get off gens. We are bad because survivors have nothing else to do and we can't just chase one at a time without getting rushed, we gotta remember that we have to give them alternative objectives at a cost mostly to ourselves or we are noobs. 
  • michaelmyers87
    michaelmyers87 Member Posts: 458
    guest602 said:

    @PhantomMask20763 I think they should remove the aura-reading.
    I think rancor is the equivalent of NOED, that's a perk which rewards a poor gameplay.
    I play on both sides, and I never use NOED. But it happened to me once to be able to get one kill (after having hooked them all), and unfortunately, I got the obsession who saved his DS until the end, so I ended up having no kills. In this case, I understand why a perk like Rancor was made.
    But as a survivor. I never use DS. And when nobody in my team does, I am ALWAYS the obsession. Unlucky, you're going to say...
    But it really pisses me off that a perk which has been created to counter DS is used on me. It ruins my game, because as OP said, all they do is wait for the gens to be completed, so I don't get any rescue or bold points and I finish the game having 6k.

    What killers do you use. And do you have proof of being a rank one killer 
  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857
    guest602 said:

    @PhantomMask20763 I think they should remove the aura-reading.
    I think rancor is the equivalent of NOED, that's a perk which rewards a poor gameplay.
    I play on both sides, and I never use NOED. But it happened to me once to be able to get one kill (after having hooked them all), and unfortunately, I got the obsession who saved his DS until the end, so I ended up having no kills. In this case, I understand why a perk like Rancor was made.
    But as a survivor. I never use DS. And when nobody in my team does, I am ALWAYS the obsession. Unlucky, you're going to say...
    But it really pisses me off that a perk which has been created to counter DS is used on me. It ruins my game, because as OP said, all they do is wait for the gens to be completed, so I don't get any rescue or bold points and I finish the game having 6k.

    What killers do you use. And do you have proof of being a rank one killer 
    Rank doesn't mean much with swf around, new emblem system, and balance patches. 
  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428
    Glad we go back to the "NOED is the Killer's DS" arguments. Nice to see Rancor is getting the same treatment! 
  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    Why are you complaining about Rancor again? It's too OP? That's just laughable. Rancor does 2 things and only 2 things. Rancor Exposes the Obsession AFTER the generators have all been repaired and it grants the ability to the kill the obsession. So, Rancor lets you down and kill one out of the four survivors at the end of the game. There's nothing wrong with this, and here's why.

    1.) Being exposed doesn't "expose" you necessarily.
    I get it, going down in one hit sucks, however, they can't hit you if they can't find you.

    2.) Secondly, 1 survivor is 1 survivor.
    Look, there are 4 survivors in a normal trial, if the killer gets to kill off one of you for free that's okay. You are the minority. You are 25% of the team, you are expendable.

    3.) Rancor has two clear counters: Stealth & GTFO.
    The killer can punish you severely if they catch you, so don't get caught. Just take it slow in stealth or Blitzkrieg rush the gates with allies as shields.

    4.) Rancor comes into effect at the end game. This means that it cannot be combined with Dying Light and is risky at best with Remember Me. This forces Rancor to be used as a last-chance perk, kind of like Decisive Strike! Rancor will only come into play if the killer hasn't killed off the obsession, sort of like how Decisive Strike can only be used once you are picked up.

    Overall it's a situational perk that has potential but lacks potency unless you are an arrogant fool.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    Sorry @DaedraLord , I think you're absolutely wrong there. HIDE, when exit gates are powered. Killer has very limited tools to find a specific survivor. There's Bitter Murmur of course, but unless you're very unlucky, you'll have an easy time hiding if you just stay away from exit gates. That's why I find Rancor the weakest of the three new killer perks.
  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857
    Sorry @DaedraLord , I think you're absolutely wrong there. HIDE, when exit gates are powered. Killer has very limited tools to find a specific survivor. There's Bitter Murmur of course, but unless you're very unlucky, you'll have an easy time hiding if you just stay away from exit gates. That's why I find Rancor the weakest of the three new killer perks.
    Also, the aura reading isn't like bitter murmor, it only shows where survivors were when the gen pops, it isn't a live feed like murmor. 
  • iceman2kx
    iceman2kx Member Posts: 462

    I kind of think it's overrated TBH. Then again, I'm not typically in favor of RNG perks. Intending to use the mori on Rancor is essentially planning on failure. I just don't like relying on end game perks like that.

    So not only do you not have to kill your obsession the entire trial, but you have to keep track of who your obsession is and find them before they exit. That's just too much for me to what to consistently use the perk over something like Enduring which benefits me ALL trial.

    Honestly, the only killer I would use this on is Freddy, at least until he gets buffed.

  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 2,047
    edited September 2018

    Getting randomly screwed over at the end of the game is a lame feeling. Previous obsession perks encouraged the killer to interact with the targeted survivor, but it was the killer's choice of how to play that determined what the experience would be like. The killer was free to tunnel you if they were running Dying Light, but it wasn't any easier for them to kill you. Conversely, if they were running Fire Up or STBFL there was an incentive not to kill you. If the player was punished for being the obsession, it wasn't because of the game itself. On the contrary the game gave the obsessed survivor bonuses when being the Obsession encouraged the killer to kill you faster (Remember Me, Dying Light).

    This is the first perk to directly punish you for being the obsession. I would say it'd be better if the perk didn't make the killer have an obsession, so that it only punished those survivors who ran obsession perks i.e it punishes people who run DS. Then, at least, the obsessed survivor brought the pain on themselves and it makes sense to say they need to accept that making themselves the obsession has consequences.
    he problem with that is the killer could nevertheless just run any other killer obsession perk and then the arbitrary 'lol get ****ed' element is still there even if there's some kind of tradeoff in limiting a killer's perk options. It's a problematic perk.

  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857

    Getting randomly screwed over at the end of the game is a lame feeling. Previous obsession perks encouraged the killer to interact with the targeted survivor, but it was the killer's choice of how to play that determined what the experience would be like. The killer was free to tunnel you if they were running Dying Light, but it wasn't any easier for them to kill you. Conversely, if they were running Fire Up or STBFL there was an incentive not to kill you. If the player was punished for being the obsession, it wasn't because of the game itself. On the contrary the game gave the obsessed survivor bonuses when being the Obsession encouraged the killer to kill you faster (Remember Me, Dying Light).

    This is the first perk to directly punish you for being the obsession. I would say it'd be better if the perk didn't make the killer have an obsession, so that it only punished those survivors who ran obsession perks i.e it punishes people who run DS. Then, at least, the obsessed survivor brought the pain on themselves and it makes sense to say they need to accept that making themselves the obsession has consequences.
    he problem with that is the killer could nevertheless just run any other killer obsession perk and then the arbitrary 'lol get ****ed' element is still there even if there's some kind of tradeoff in limiting a killer's perk options. It's a problematic perk.

    Not sure how it's problematic on anyone that isn't freddy, who doesn't need it due to class photo and black box. Looking at the perk in it's actual usuage, seeing how it is end game, it isn't good for anything but stbfl or maybe remember me. Goes nuetral with pwyf, if obsession dies not sure if you still get the reading, if not then you keep one person alive at least end game if it is an ok game. Also, it doesn't show auras like bitter murmor so it isn't reliable, it just shows the location survivors were when the generator popped, it doesn't give continued reading feed like bitter murmor.
  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    "I got killed by a very situational perk that doesn't guarantee the killer a win... Can we please nerf?"

    You see how ridiculous it sounds now?
  • guest602
    guest602 Member Posts: 149

    So first off, @mcNuggets @Dabrownman1812 I've never said a such thing. I'm just going to say what Tru3 once said and that I find very interesting: "If you use NOED on one killer, you're never going to really learn how to play him, because you'll only rely on NOED to get your kills.
    Also, maybe I'm Billy main, but I also enjoy playing Piggy a lot (she's my bae), Hag, Doc & Freddy. And yes, sometimes I have bad games where survivors gen rush me, but it's not for that reason that I'm going to run NOED. I used to use it, and I realized that I gave all I had when I wasn't using it.
    @michaelmyers87 I'm rank 4 as a killer

  • mcNuggets
    mcNuggets Member Posts: 767

    @guest602 said:
    So first off, @mcNuggets @Dabrownman1812 I've never said a such thing. I'm just going to say what Tru3 once said and that I find very interesting: "If you use NOED on one killer, you're never going to really learn how to play him, because you'll only rely on NOED to get your kills.
    Also, maybe I'm Billy main, but I also enjoy playing Piggy a lot (she's my bae), Hag, Doc & Freddy. And yes, sometimes I have bad games where survivors gen rush me, but it's not for that reason that I'm going to run NOED. I used to use it, and I realized that I gave all I had when I wasn't using it.
    @michaelmyers87 I'm rank 4 as a killer

    That's a stupid quote then.
    I like tru3, but that's stupid.

    You can rely on NOED on rank 10+ but not below.
    You have to play strategically.

  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857
    It's up to you, always play your best regardless. You can slack with noed, doesn't mean I will. Also even if so, bitter murmor guarantees more kills cause you track better anyway. Better tracking leads to more potential downs.