Who thinks the hex " no one escapes death " is fair? Because I think it should be removed.



  • cluedup_survivor1988
    cluedup_survivor1988 Member Posts: 64

    Do you know how many games I've been in that someone is hooked in the first minute then some idiot gets downed trying to rescue them.

    You have no choice sometimes because half the time the other 2 will focus the hooked survivor, it really frustrates me.

  • cluedup_survivor1988
    cluedup_survivor1988 Member Posts: 64

    Go for it lol I have never used it anyway and support the removal of abused perks and totoms because it proves it gives you an unfair advantage.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    If you have bad teammates then don’t even try saving them if they are over altruistic like that do your gens fast open gate and walk out but do not blame the killer for bad survivors that is not on them don’t punish them for your team playing bad also I hate to be that guy but was is an average build for you on survivor?

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    You can prevent it from happening entirely. Yeah I know it's frustrating if you're solo and no one else bothers doing totems and it's definitely used as a crutch perk by some killers (you should usually be able to tell which ones these are by how uninterested they are in doing gens) but there's lots of annoying perks on both sides that aren't overpowered. And a hex perk that doesn't activate until the end and can be disabled before it even activates is not overpowered. Accept totems as part of your objective or accept the risk of you choosing to ignore them.

  • WheresTheGate
    WheresTheGate Member Posts: 575

    As a survivor main there is really only one situation where NOED makes me angry.

    If I have cleansed 3 or 4 totems myself and I'm the only survivor that ends up paying the price when NOED activates. It's super frustrating to know the other 3 survivors couldn't be bothered to do 1 or 2 totems combined yet they all escaped.

  • bingbongboi90
    bingbongboi90 Member Posts: 576

    Noed is litterly comparable with all the second chance perks survivors have

    Noed: do Bones

    DS: dont tunnel or dumpster the survivors

    Unbreakable: dont slug

    All these perks arent that great for the game, but a good killer or survivor Will keep these perks in mind when playing the game.

    You see a Just unhooked survivor on a gen and wont run away when you come closer? Well they have ds so prepare to slug.

    Killer played poorly or didn't used any perks during the early and midgame?

    Well he either uses noed or a full endgame build.

  • cluedup_survivor1988
    cluedup_survivor1988 Member Posts: 64

    Usually I'm running Dwight with self care, botany knowledge, spine chill and prove thyself or Claudette with self care, botany knowledge, we'll make it and empathy.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    Alright I can dig it so you do have some reason to be upset about a crutch perk but at the same times it’s an easily counterable one of it procs just leave then if you can’t remove it

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    Dead hard. Played too greedy at a loop, got out mindgamed, out positioned at the exit gate, no problem, e key.

    Ds. Killer hooked someone on the other side of the map and found you again , survivors did an unsafe unhook, need a free escape with the gates open, did a gen right in front of the killer, no problem, space bar.

    Borrowed time. Want to hook bomb right in the killers face, want to body block without consequences, no problem, don't even have to hit a key or face a cooldown.

    You're totally cool with survivors playing bad and getting constant get out of jail free cards, but boy when killer has the same option it's not fair. Heck, the survivor perks are worse, because killer can't remove them. Imagine if dead hard could be removed by destroying a survivor shrine.

  • OniKobayashi
    OniKobayashi Member Posts: 274

    Do the damn totems. Jesus.

  • SpookyStabby
    SpookyStabby Member Posts: 621
    edited July 2020

    I'm the worst nurse in the entire world and I just got 2 downs with NOED. There's no excuse. If you're not doing totems and dying to horribly played Killers like my nurse, who I have no idea how to control because blinking takes forever to charge, sometimes sends me to different elevations, sometimes sends me shooting miles away and sometimes stops me at the wall RIGHT in front of me that I was trying to blink past in the first place and then takes forever to cool down in order for me to get back into a chase with the person, who's across map by now, while I'm moving at turtle speed? If you seriously die to that because you couldn't be bothered to blow out some candles there is absolutely nothing that could ever help you. I LMFAO at myself for the entire match but it pales in comparison to how hard I LMFAO at the Survies who I actually manage to kill. Like holy #########, you really died to that. At that point do you realize there's absolutely no room for excuses and it comes down to either you do bones and you're foolish if you don't OR you are so insanely bad at this game, that you should probably return the game to gamestop or get a refund from Steam and go buy something that won't cause you to blow through blood vessels because you're losing to a ghost who should have been codenamed "The 1995 Dial-Up".

    Edit: Also, not a post directed to OP specifically but just throwing it out there in general. And to be absolutely fair; there was ONE Feng Min who DID take out a hex. I salute her and it probably would have helped if the other 3 weren't busy screaming and running from my 2 1/2 MPH pursuit and instead each took a candle or two out along the way too. But major respect to that Feng Min.

  • cluedup_survivor1988
    cluedup_survivor1988 Member Posts: 64

    Not at all, as I said in a previous comment if there are abused perks remove them. If you need crutch perks you're not as good as you think weather it be survivor or killer.

  • mistar_z
    mistar_z Member Posts: 857

    Its fair unlike the meta survivor perks. You should be doing bones anyways when you go from generator to generator, cleansing only takes 15 seconds. Hell even when you're getting chased, you should be aware of your surroundings so that you can find them later. same way you'd look at gens when you're running around.

  • cluedup_survivor1988
    cluedup_survivor1988 Member Posts: 64

    As I said in a previous post it's usually crutch killers like spirit, legion, ghost face and the huntress that use them and people think they are good with it.

    I use no crutch perks and support removing crutch perks because it ruins the game by eliminating basic fair play.

  • cluedup_survivor1988
    cluedup_survivor1988 Member Posts: 64

    I do all that but it's not always possible to find all the totoms before the gens are finished.

  • SpookyStabby
    SpookyStabby Member Posts: 621

    Yeah, I got nothing for that. I mean, end of the day, you equip whatever you want but my serious Killers: Ghost Face, Pig, Legion and Pyramid Head? They use tracking, attack or status perks. Nurse is the ONLY one I use hexes for and it's entirely a joke theme build: all hexes. I figured she moves so damn slow that dodging her and blowing out all the candles to farm BP would be easy as #########. I mean, I am LITERALLY giving BP farming to Survies because I didnt think it would even be possible to die to nurse but, welp, here we are. Maybe the Switch community just plays different?

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    Survivors don't need crutch perks since they are the power role. I would argue that killers need buffs or gen speeds need to be increased, or matchmaking needs to be fixed so they don't feel like they need crutch perks to stand a fighting chance.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Legion, ghostface and huntress op, you really are clued up aren't ya?

  • TheMonadoBoi
    TheMonadoBoi Member Posts: 346

    It's not that it's OP, it's BAD design. I've been the first to jump on "nerf DS, BT, SWF" threads for months but I can't see how anyone can claim to be objective and not see how poorly designed this perk is. Rewards bad gameplay and is only really countered by, oh surprise, SWF. It's asinine to expect every single solo surv to go around and either do all 5 totems themselves or check every corner to make sure other people did the rest.

  • Valor188917
    Valor188917 Member Posts: 649

    The game is literally balanced around gens being done and 2 people escaping yet people insist that using NOED is for noobs who can't do their objective, you wat mate? This is why the devs don't listen to you guys, you don't have common sense.

  • claudetterealness
    claudetterealness Member Posts: 92

    I made a similar post a few weeks back and was met with a load of salty killer mains who definitely used NOED. It confirms a kill when they didn't deserve it, it's easy to say 'do bones' but when you're playing solo you don't really have that option your time is very limited and you always get players who aren't that good. As soon as end game hits and a gen is completed and killer is right behind you straight into a NOED hit when you literally hadn't been hooked yet is a joker hahah.

    That being said perks like adrenaline work similar to NOED for a survivor as you're instantly healed and that takes away the killers work too.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,333

    Thats a list of choices, you dont have to equip them ALL. Just using 1 of those things is fine.

  • claudetterealness
    claudetterealness Member Posts: 92

    Adding to what I said as well, exit gates need to spawn at reasonable distances apart EACH time because if somebody does have NOED and you can't find it and are trying to escape - it's not fair that you literally didn't have a chance at leaving the match especially when it's a killer with super quick speed with their abilities/power

  • LintyScorpion
    LintyScorpion Member Posts: 165

    If you don't do bones before the gens are done, that's on you. NOED punishes survivors for not doing the bones, you can literally counter it before it even comes into play. You could also bring a map, then you would be able to find bone more easily. You have so many different ways to find the bones, and you stick with the complain until you no longer have to do it route.

  • JimPickens
    JimPickens Member Posts: 158

    This title is pretty great lol.

    But nah do bones

  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621

    All they should do is add a totem counter to small game or something. NOED itself is fine, the main problem is that often you have no idea if your teammates have done anything regarding the totems.

  • claudetterealness
    claudetterealness Member Posts: 92

    @Flyguy115 Not really. You can wait for dead hard easily and it's not that strong especially with the servers & DS should just have a rework because realistically a killer shouldn't be able to down you straight off a hook and rehook you again. You don't join the game to be disposable like that you need room to actually play lol

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,476

    Its fair give up a perk slot and reach the end of the game with at least one dull totem remaining for a boon. It can be countered by just taking some time to do bones every now and then.

  • lordtomato
    lordtomato Member Posts: 204

    It is fine, because it is just a noob killer perk. Just cleanse totems and hide when noed is activated. Be smart and have a good mindset.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I think it's fair. I remove it all the time by cleansing totems.

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    I say both are fair. Both are crutch second chances that can easily be prevented.

  • claudetterealness
    claudetterealness Member Posts: 92

    @Flyguy115 your argument is really stupid - if you don't get any kills thats because you're lacking skill by a proportionate amount lol

    bones aren't so easy to do when you need to get gens, saves, run the killer as a solo player, the fact you said they could get into a locker with DS as well like that was even a point, if you want them so badly can you not just wait it out lol

  • DarKaron
    DarKaron Member Posts: 615

    Okay, coming from a "Killer main" with experience, allow me, if you would, to give you a little insight on MY mindset when running something like NOED, which is currently the only insta-down I use:

    Whenever I run No One Escapes Death, it's because the killer I choose to play has very few tools for making up for the mid-endgame gen rush meta that has become popular even before the days of good old Hex: Ruin being ran 120% of the time.

    NOED has basically taken over the majority of Killers' Ruin slot because it at least buys them a little extra time in the endgame to MAYBE spin things to their advantage. I know my Basement Demogorgon loadout has garnered a few EGC wipeouts because of it.

    Coming from the Survivor side of my experience, I feel every "Survivor Main"'s hatred for it, and I empathize greatly, because insta-downs feel cheap in general as a Survivor.

    However, I must say that if Survivors didn't prioritize the "Everyone get out as fast as inhumanly possible" meta over something like Bloodpoints or fun, then Killers might not be so privy to using slowdown/"scumbag" Perks and Add-Ons.

    Note, however, that this is my experience, and I may be biased, but I'm trying to view this with an open mind.

  • rogueplayer00
    rogueplayer00 Member Posts: 110

    its definitely an advantage, but also a disadvantage. You have keys for a free instant escape, you have things like DS and borrowed time, which have no counters except for wasting your own time as a killer, which hurts you, so you get punished for playing into it or you get punished for playing around it, no winning there. Match that up with current gen speeds, how fast some games go, and how little time killers actually have to manage and balance the generators and the survivors. NOED, also, like somebody else said, makes it so that the killer has to play with 3 perks the entire game. You realize, that you, as a survivor team, play with 16 PERKS OF YOUR CHOOSING. and if someone brings NOED? They play with 3 until endgame, and at that point, if they played well enough to get through all 16 of your perks, all of your pathings, and all of your loops, they deserve the win. And if they don't play well, and end up getting a one hit down, wait. If they pick up the surv, open the gate and leave, dont go for the save, or do totems before going for the save. Totems were introduced as a secondary objective, and i personally believe they should be required to be done for game progression. Have 7 totems spawn instead of 5, make it so that to finish a gen, a totem needs to be done. This will weaken noed, (only two totems left in endgame) and slow down gens a tad bit. Thats just a way I'd "fix" it. But, in the end, NOED is balanced in a sense of gamestate. Is it fair if youre the last survivor left? Not really. But go for hatch instead of a gen. Even in instances where its 2 survivors left and you finish the last gen, play it safe. Go for hatch. Its that simple. Or, like other killer mains like to say, "Bro, just do bones."

  • rogueplayer00
    rogueplayer00 Member Posts: 110

    DS Rewards bad players, as does unbreakable. DS is a anti-momentum perk, but if i loop you and down you twice in a row, after ive hooked somebody else, yeah, thats not rewarding good play, thats giving a second chance to a weak link.

  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174
    edited July 2020

    I play about 50/50 killer/survivor and of the Survivor matches I play it's swf maybe once or twice a week but the majority is solo. Cleansing while playing solo is super simple unless the killer is laser focused on you. Most totems spawn near gens. Generally I'll find another Survivor working on a gen and I'll find and cleanse the totem next to them then help them finish the gen. Or see someone is in a chase and I'll finish the gen first then hop right on the totem. It's really not hard. If every solo does one dull totem that leaves one left on the map for NoED to activate on or a second dull for a you or another solo to get. Sometimes NoED activates and then it makes it easier to find the totem because now it's glowing and makes noise when you're near it.

    Personally I never run NoED as killer because it's too unreliable. It can be removed before even activating, depending on the killer there's no mobility to patrol both gates and get more than a couple downs, by the time it activates I usually only have a couple hooks so the Survivor isn't gonna die because the totem is cleansed before the rescue, or I only get 1k after a really bad match and only because of a perk. The only Hexes I'll really touch are the Third Seal because it really messes with Survivors early game and gives the opportunity to get them to struggle phase before anyone can find where I hooked them; and Haunted Grounds because I want it to be cleansed for the pressure since most Survivors hide after Haunted goes off it becomes almost a full minute of no gens being worked on because they're too scared of the insta down.

    TL;dr: Doing bones isn't that hard as solo and NoED is unreliable at best and the reward is a couple hook states against a strong team or a 1k against a weaker team.

  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994

    Its almost like survivore forget there other 2 objectives. The game isnt over until you leave. So if you 1) didnt do bones. Or 2) forget that the main goal is to escape. Then you should realize that noed is fair play.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    It's fair when it comes to a normal game. The only time it's unfair is when the killer facecamps because it requires solo players to be EXTREMELY time efficient. Perk is mostly fine though.

  • Koukdw
    Koukdw Member Posts: 279
    edited July 2020

    Don't do bones. The more you do bones the more likely that noed will spawn on a very well hidden totem. Only cleanse the totem that are hard to spot. then save with borrowed time. There's always one totem that is so well hidden it's pretty much not spottable depending on the map, it's not a realistic thing to do without detective hunch you lose too much valuable time doing that especially as a solo survivor.

  • Viciusaurus
    Viciusaurus Member Posts: 407

    Detective's Hunch and Inner Strength are my go to perks every match because NOED is such a common occurrence. Really, if I can't get all five totems cleansed by the time it activates, I probably deserve to go down.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    Just give it time, NOED will get nursed somehow because the devs feel it's in a good place...

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    DS and BT can't be prevented.when EGC starts most likely they going to get out,noed can be taken out soon as you get your first down with it if it not removed before even activated.

  • Valor188917
    Valor188917 Member Posts: 649

    You have a totem counter, count the dull totems that ur breaking and count the dull totems that have been broken. There you go.

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238

    Yeah, or like having a perk that lets you just get away for free if you manage to get yourself downed less than a minute after getting unhooked. Good thing survivors don't have perks that reward them for being bad at the game.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    i play both side and as survivor i make sure to break 3 totems i find 3 to 4 pretty well but if i still get hit with noed do i blame the killer? NO i blame my teammate because 3 of them could of done 1 or 2 totems but wanted to genrush therein lies the problem(genrushing).

  • itsaconehead
    itsaconehead Member Posts: 236

    I feel this, I'm the worst killer main. I have fun though and laugh at myself, but as PH I downed 2 survivors tonight while they teabagged near the gate just after opening it, when I play survivor and actually manage to get out I just leave, no time in case NOED is activated so I run outta there.

  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764

    NORD now balance genrush. Hope devs fix that, so then in can maybe fixed too.

  • SpookyStabby
    SpookyStabby Member Posts: 621

    You are a smart and efficient Survivor and I respect you for those qualities. You sound like total opposite of me, I main Killer but if I'm invited to play I can't refuse(makes me feel rude) so I join BUT; I am the most hilariously awful Survie you will ever have on your team. I use Tapp and just try to distract Killer or unhook if I can be sneaky. It never goes well. LMFAO At this point my Survivor playing is a meme. All the worst possible memes.

  • Athanar90
    Athanar90 Member Posts: 123

    You can have NOED as soon as you give up Adrenaline. They're equivalent perks.