I honestly don't understand behaviour's buffs and nerfs. I think that pyramid was ok, but they nerfed him, even if it's an irrilevant nerf. Now they want to nerf billy, which is, in my opinion, one of the most balanced killers in the game, and don't nerf spirit and freddy, that are way too easy to use and too powerful. They could also buff demogorgon, which is the worst killer in the game right now. Last but not least, they never nerf survivors. I think that a full genrushing swf with all decisive strikes, unbreakable and borrowed it's almost impossibile to counter, except if you're lucky and get the right map with the right killer or just tunnel and camp. Some items are op as well, like keys, that are basically a "click to win item even if I didn't do anything during the whole game". Let me know what you think about this.


  • Artick
    Artick Member Posts: 623

    Dude I'm so sick of "they never nerf survivors". Killer mains have such a selective memory, they only remember what they want to remember. Take all the patchnotes and see for yourself how many nerfs survivors got along the years. Just stop with this BS argument already.

  • Throwaway123
    Throwaway123 Member Posts: 183

    They should have a basic internal QA team that is reasonably skilled at the game that can give them feedback on balance changes before they go live. Or hell, use their fog whisperers and give them access to changes early for feedback. This would solve both the problems of testing too much at once causing conflicts, and planning out terribly ######### balance changes like Billy.

    Either they don't have an internal QA team that can play at reasonably high levels or they don't listen to feedback. Based on what was shown in the past, it's probably a bit of both. Hell, even the fog whisperer thing is like that, apparently they saw the Midwich map early, said it was terrible for gameplay, still pushed it out.

  • priere
    priere Member Posts: 34

    Nope i'm sick of 'no survivor nerf' same as up there, but yes new patches from BEHAVIOR is grossy. In most cases they don't even know how to balance properly, listening too much from noobs about balance. They want killers to play something like surpirse freak, wasting every playtime trying to surprise survivors... what happened to demogorgon and billy... while not even touching spirit. Billy was already so buggy and balanced in most cases, except those chain spamming until hit. Now billy can't even hit survivors with chainsaw, not only spamming.

  • Throwaway123
    Throwaway123 Member Posts: 183

    I feel like Otz's assessment of things was more than fair. He even said the overheat mechanic was fine when it's objectively trash. And the man doesn't need to create any sort of drama, he gets 3k+ viewers per stream and tons of views on Youtube. He's probably the absolute worst example to bring up.

    As for fog whisperers in general, why the hell would they NOT use their group of high ranked players who they give early info to as a help for balancing? There's no point in them existing otherwise because any hype building is done for free by big streamers anyway.

    *They have an internal team for testing, they are not perfect but man who is*

    Either they suck at the game and they need a better QA team (like I dunno, some group of well known high level players), or their QA amounts to "Does the game run when I launch it? Does it crash when I do stuff? No? Job's done." Because these balance decisions are laughably bad. 85% of total perks in this game are essentially worthless, several killers are in the dumpster tier and have been for years, and even with slow steady changes over time the game is still woefully survivor sided. Their balance designers are bad and their QA team is worse if they're saying "yeah these perks, balance changes, etc. feel good." Again, I'm positive all their QA team is looking for is functionality and reporting class A and class B bugs while ignoring or having no impact on Class C and below bugs and game balance.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    No, he's absolutely right, you don't have the time to not camp, not tunnel, and not slug. That's the problem with this game, you can't counter both the gen rush and the meta, because the meta is designed to counter the only counter you have to the gen rush. One hook mori is the only reliable way to beat a death squad.

    The problem is the level of nerf. Yeah, they nerfed balanced, Insta heals, tool boxes, but nothing really changed how survivors play.

    When they nerf killer, they gut them. Take ruin, it was an early game slowdown that might be cleansed fast. They changed it to a late game pressure perk that can still be cleansed fast. If old ruin lasted two minutes, you had value, if it's cleansed in two minutes now, totally wasted.

    Nurse, they gutted her mobility, so it takes twice as long to cross the map. Billy is losing his mindgame, which is all he had.

  • Throwaway123
    Throwaway123 Member Posts: 183

    Otz had a more than fair assessment of billy and even said he was fine with the awful overheat mechanic. On top of that, he's huge and gets 3k+ viewers per stream and massive views on his youtube vids. He is the person who least needs to start drama for views and is a terrible example for you to bring up. And of course he wasn't using M1, billy's M1 wasn't changed his saw was, so he was testing the saw and how it felt/performed, concluding it's exceedingly worse.

    As for fog whisperers in general, why the hell wouldn't they make use of their group of high rank well known players to test the balance of new things and listen to their feedback? They (hopefully) legit want the game to be fair and fun and are the best ones to tell the devs whether something is useless or broken.

    *They have an internal team for testing, they are not perfect but man who is.*

    Then either that QA team sucks at the game or are being used purely for functionality testing. You can't tell me that with 85% of perks across the game being functionally worthless, several killers in dumpster tier for years, and maps like Midwich or Haddonfield coming out that they're doing a good job on balance testing. I'm sure their job consists of: "Does the game crash on startup? Are their major bugs? No? Job's done!" I'm positive they're only used to identify and report Class A and class B bugs, while if they report Class C or below bugs they're ignored and they have little to no say at all on balance. The internal balance team clearly isn't good, maybe they should make use of some group of high rank well known players to give proper feedback or something...

  • priere
    priere Member Posts: 34

    This must be 'massive ignorant remarks' you said for sure.

    Testing how much new chainsaw can do on PTB seems 'silly attempt', those infinite crucial bugs like stuck in gen/window, not listening about balance by over 3k 4k playtime streamers while 'internal testing'...

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    What did I say that was incorrect? Can you refute anything I just said, or do you just not like it? And for the record, I play both sides. Survivor has the advantage.

    I do. Can you prove otherwise? Do you have any data that proves otherwise, or are you just trolling?

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    I don't have to prove anything I'm not on trial

    I don't have a problem with those perks if you do that on you

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    The nerfs you are talking about are on 3 killers. None of the other killers were nerfed and in fact 1 killer nerf is still in PTB, so it may not even happen.

    Major Survivor Nerfs that Affect all Survivors, not just a tiny few.

    1. Insta Heals
    2. Toolbox Nerfs
    3. Smaller Maps
    4. God Loops removed
    5. Gen speeds nerfed when multiple survivors are on the gen (Minor nerf)

    Remember that the Devs stats show all killers getting around a 60% kill rate in November. So the the games already killer sided.

    There, you are Killer-Biased. Do you even play survivor? (I really wish people would play both sides before commenting).

  • Callmehandsome
    Callmehandsome Member Posts: 529

    Just don't go down when you face ebony mori noed spirit. Pretty much same thing

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    So trolling, got it.

    The survivors are just skins, so of course any nerf affects them all. They removed God loops, but buffed vaults and added a ton of long walls, so nothing really changed. They nerfed tool boxes, but buffed their speed, and judging by the 4 minute gen times, nothing really changed.

    That minor nerf to multiple survivors added like 4 seconds, so nothing. One could argue that Insta heals were broken, like 5 blink nurse, but they didn't get rid of Insta heals and make you run at 3.8ms for 30 seconds after healing, they just fixed the add on problem.

    Rank 5 killer, rank 7 survivor.

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088

    I am main killer and survivor. I also think NERF SURVIVORS from experience.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    1 and 2 only effect people that use those items, not all Survivors in general. Plus toolbox's sabo function was buffed.

  • Unfun_Tunnel
    Unfun_Tunnel Member Posts: 51

    If they're really nerfing survivors, they're doing a really bad job, seriously. This game is survivor sided as hell.

  • Unfun_Tunnel
    Unfun_Tunnel Member Posts: 51

    As I answered to another guy, this game is survivor sided and surv nerfs are really small compared to killers. More people play survivor so behaviour listen to them, noobs for the most part, crying for op killers but they don't do anything concrete to nerf survivors

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    1. I never used insta heals because no skill involved.

    2. Toolboxes had too many charges especially commodious toolbox with speed addons, you never needed a brain to use a toolbox just hold M2 and do gens faster so fun!!!!

    3. It was so much fun having perks like discordance to pop up on the other side of the map just to get there and the gen popped so fun.

    4. God loops/infinites if you think they were fair and required skill to use...... I really don't have anything to say.

    5. And yet you can use 1 perk to remove the debuff called prove thyself.

    Telling the other guy that he is killer biased and you are going full survivor biased.

    If you really played killer then you would know that those things that got removed really had a reason to be removed but they made those things way too weak which is my only problem.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    OldHunterLight, I was explaining to Dwinchester why he was being Killer-biased. He said the nerfs on Billy and Nurse were much worse than any survivor nerfs. I'm not going to explain the entire thread betwen Dwinchester and I. I think if you read the entire conversation, you would realize that your response doesn't make any sense in context to the thread.

    CANxOFxCORN Member Posts: 204

    while I agree partially, those aren't all those perks are used for.

    DS - Just had an example last match, I hook Survivor 1, down survivor 2, hook survivor 2 (in the meantime, survivor 1 has been unhooked) Survivor 1 goes for the save, crosses paths with me knowing they have DS, I down survivor 1 get the DS, Survivor 2 gets saved, while I am still going through my stunned animation. *Not Tunneling*

    BT - its end game, you had a bad match but are still fighting for the 1-2K, you have survivor 1 on the hook, exit gates are powered. Survivor 2 (with BT) goes for save, takes 1 hit in the process, Survivor 1 now can take a hit and body block with BT for Survivor 2, then comes Survivor 3 getting behind them for a 3rd body block to ensure everyone gets out. *Not Camping*

    Unbreakable - This one is the only one I find exception to, I will say it is not toxic to slug at end game of a good "killer" match to ensure the 4K, you already have 2K, you down the 3rd Survivor, but have to slug, because if you hook, the 4th could be next to the hatch.

    I Love that survivors have options, so they don't have to deal with what they might consider a negative match, however lets not pretend these examples aren't what those 4man SWF with all the same perks are doing, its not to avoid camping/tunneling, its to take advantage of a couple game mechanics.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    I'll admit I didn't read the whole convo, just read the last thing you wrote.

    If anything I believe the nerfs have been kinda 1:1 ratio.

    And I really hate the new Billy so much (even more unrelated to the topic)