Why getting head pops as Pig is bad

As a competitive Pig main myself, I can say with a lot of confidence that you shouldn't be getting head pops as Pig if you want to get BPs or double pip. When it comes down to competitive matches, you are normally looking for a playstyle that will give you the most BPs and increase your odds of double piping, and head pops are EXTREMELY dentrimental in this regard.

In general, regardless of the killer you are playing, you want to hook every survival 3 times in order to double pip. If a survivor dies prematurely to a head pop that means you are losing extra points for chasing, hitting and hooking that survivor, and this affects your emblems and the end result of the match. I lost track of the ammount of times I lost a double pip because 1 survivor died to a head pop, despite him being dead on hook.

The Reverse Bear Traps are meant to keep survivors off generators and waste time, not killing them. I understand that using Tampered Timer or stuff like that might be tempting and good for annoying survivors, but if you are playing competitively like myself head pops are detrimental to you. The only situation a head pop is useful is if you are getting rekt by survivors and it ends up turning the tide of the match and prevents you from losing a pip, but overall if you are playing well you won't need it anyways.
