Why getting head pops as Pig is bad

As a competitive Pig main myself, I can say with a lot of confidence that you shouldn't be getting head pops as Pig if you want to get BPs or double pip. When it comes down to competitive matches, you are normally looking for a playstyle that will give you the most BPs and increase your odds of double piping, and head pops are EXTREMELY dentrimental in this regard.
In general, regardless of the killer you are playing, you want to hook every survival 3 times in order to double pip. If a survivor dies prematurely to a head pop that means you are losing extra points for chasing, hitting and hooking that survivor, and this affects your emblems and the end result of the match. I lost track of the ammount of times I lost a double pip because 1 survivor died to a head pop, despite him being dead on hook.
The Reverse Bear Traps are meant to keep survivors off generators and waste time, not killing them. I understand that using Tampered Timer or stuff like that might be tempting and good for annoying survivors, but if you are playing competitively like myself head pops are detrimental to you. The only situation a head pop is useful is if you are getting rekt by survivors and it ends up turning the tide of the match and prevents you from losing a pip, but overall if you are playing well you won't need it anyways.
i mean if you care about pipping and bloodpoints sure, but i prefer to have fun over all that. and i have fun watching people's heads explode.
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The piping system being tied to BP is dumb as #########.
If I kill 4 survivors, I should get 2 pips. Just had a match where I outplayed the other team. I had 2 survivors in the basement and slugged the other two. I nearly lost a pip even though I outplayed them hard.
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I feel like this goes with most things that end the game early, like a mori or camping.
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I mean when is pipping and ranking up really a good thing?
If a survivor's head pops that means the dynamic of the game shifts drastically in my favour, anything less than 4 survivors is WAY better for killer. 1 hooked, 1 saving, 1 being chased, 0 progress.
It means I can play more calmly and make safer decisions without losing huge chunks of gens. So you may get less points from that one survivor, but the ability to make better decisions for the rest of the match can make up for that a little.
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I have to disagree with that, the piping system works in such a way to encourage you not to camp, tunnel or hard slug. You must hook all survivors to get extra points, you must hook one survivor multiple times, you lose points if you stay too close to a hooked survivor etc. Just killing all 4 survivors doesn't actually represent your skill and your ability to end chases and apply pressure, if that was the case a mori would be an insta double pip. You need knowledge about how the piping system works in order to adapt your playstyle to it.
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I do understand your point, however I do believe it is important for you to know how to play without relying on head pops. If you want to get someone out of the game just focus them and avoid DS, at least you are getting points for hooking, chasing and hitting them and will most likely get a double pip. Again, if all you care is to have fun, then suit yourself, but if you want to rank up, avoid head pops.
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I agree with this.
If you want to discourage camping/tunneling, it should done through in-game means to actually make camping/tunneling less viable, not by just taking away points. If someone doesn't care about the current ranking system (like me), then "five points from Gryffindor" is not going to do anything to dissuade a camper/tunneler. IMO, the current emblem system is bad and has been bad for a while, and as such I haven't paid any real attention to it from a results standpoint.
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There isn't actually a reliable way for the developers to completely prevent people from tunneling or camping, however they do make it so people who do that regularly will never rank up and won't ruin the matches of higher ranked survivors. Some tweaks done to killers like the new Bubba rework and perks like BT and DS prevents such strategies, so the mere existence of them already discourages killers to tunnel or camp and gives survivors some breathing room if they face a killer like that.
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Instead they'll ruin the matches of mid-low rank Survivors. Which is a bigger problem. At least high-rank Survivors are more likely to just gen rush and not let the camper/tunneler get as much mileage from camping/tunneling.
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You have a point.
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If you care about rank sure. But those head pops can be really fun.
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Do you ever let anyone boop the snoot as a pig main? I love pigs for that <3 especially if I’m the last survivor.
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I play on the South American server, so it's not a very common practice around here. I guess it only happened once during my entire 465 hours of play and back then I didn't know what booping the snoot was, but if it happens again I'd be more then glad to let people do it with me and let them escape.
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I like pretending that I don't know what boop snoots are to make Survivors who try it get salty.
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i do any time a survivor crouches and looks at me but i have yet to have any other pigs return the favor. makes me a sad pig main
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The ranking system in this game is a joke. Why would you want to pip in the first place? No matter what rank your killer is there's a good chance of being thrown at a swf of reds.
If my head pops when I'm facing a pig it's because of RNG. I swear every time I get a rbt on me it's always the last box that has my key.
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i dont really like the head popping system either
nothing feels less rewarding than an RNG death that wins you the game.
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LMFAO I'm a mischievous person so I like to crouch at the open gate and let last Survivor(if they know to do it) come close and boop BUT then I hold dash just long enough to let out the roar and it startles them and they dash for the gate. LMFAO
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Personally, nothing in Dead By Daylight brings me greater satisfaction than seeing someone die to the Reverse Bear Trap. :P
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I like head pops too. And I had one trying to escape through exit gate with active trap on and I hope that it won't be the last one.