PS4 EU red ranks: 60 survivor games 26 ghostface

I don't know what to do anymore, close to 50% of my games are against ghostface.
It is boring, it is always the same match, I don't know what could be done to change this, but it is really something that makes me want to dc.
Something needs to be done about this
I’d actually uninstall at that point. By far the least fun killer in the game imo
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yeah really boring to verse especially when proxy camping
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GF is fun to play against. Gives an actual surprise character to the game.
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No killer is fun to verse close to 50% of your games come on man
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yeah im on xbox and i mostly get GF or Spirit, most other killers i hardly ever see... usually if i see a mori its an ebony mori spirit with NOED lol, i agree its boring af to verse the same killers over and over. try group up with a US player, they get a huge range of killers just dont expect DH to work right, other than that i love my time on 150ms servers because i see all types
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To date I think I’ve seen one, maybe two GF tops since his release that didn’t proxy camp. Thats every single GF aside from 1 or 2 since his release over a year ago.
Haven’t seen a single Deathslinger not proxy camp or tunnel yet though 😂 not a single one
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I wouldn't mind tbh.
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These people probably have the mentality of "I must play good killers to be viable in my ranks" which is why you see a repetitive amount of killers.
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Or maybe they like ghost face I do
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As a Ghostface main at rank 1, you really shouldn't be complaining. You can literally bring Spine Chill and Sprint Burst which are two of his biggest counters and are also perks that can generally help against every killer. Not only that but you can counter him by just looking around being alert at all times and loop him normally since he's still an M1 killer. If you are stalked and aren't confident in your ability to loop, throw pallets down early and make distance.
Imagine complaining about Ghostface when Spirit, Nurse, Oni, Deathslinger ETC are in the game lol.
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That's what happens when multiple killers are left in the dust. Why even play trapper when GF is an option?
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then use Spinechill and Sprint Burst gg move on to next game.
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He isnt complaining about ghostface himself, he is complaining about how its boring to get the same killer for 50% of his matches.
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I don't think GF himself is the issue, the problem lies in all games feeling the same and not having variety in the game.
It is somewhat similar to the old spirit problem at rank 1, I don't find fun to continuously verse the same killer time and time again
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I'm also PS4 and from EU, there are a ton of ghostface players along with freddy and spirit. Out of those three though I'd definitely take a ghostface lol
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Oddly enough I don't verse many spirits, in this specific experiment only 3 out 60 matches were against spirit.
As for Freddy I agree, I versed it 14 times out of 60.
But yes, now that you make me think I versed spirit, freddy and GF 43/60 matches.... brrrr makes me want to quit lol
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I don't mind ghost face per say, I just dislike when they hook and pretend to leave but in reality they are stealthed just watching hook waiting for someone else to show up. thats like 70% of the ghost face games I get
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Op is talking about how often gf comes up and is boring to face him.
Read better next time, loon
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Ooof that's unfortunate. Between his broken reveal mechanic and how most GF players stealth camp the hook, facing him is a miserable experience.
I am PS4 EU red rank as well, and thankfully I don't see him nearly that often. You must have just been very unlucky.
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I sure hope so, let's see what happens
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But Ghostface is not really a good pick up to play in red ranks... He's just decent, but not as good as spiritus or oni.
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This is one of many reason I play survivor on only PC nowadays. Shorter queues, far more killer variety, way less noed, and more skillful gameplay by both the killers and my random teammates compared to console. I still die alot, but the games are usually more enjoyable.
NA player though, so that may still be part of it. The few times I do play console survivor, ghostface is pretty common I've noticed.
Before ghostface, Myers was always really popular on console. I think there's a large number of killers that just like to be able to stalk and hit survivors without having a massive terror radius giving everyone in the area ample warning to run to the nearest pallet haven of safety.
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I don't know why but i've seen a sudden spike in ghostface players aswell on ps4 eu
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I play on PS4, but am in NA. Its always GF, Legion, Doctor or PH for me. With a little Huntress, Myers and Trapper sprinkled in. Basically none of the other Killers are ever played.
I honestly can't remember the last time I faced a Billy, Pig or Spirit. Its insane.
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There's actually a load of huntress here too, I forgot about that. Quite a lot of pig, leatherface, doctor and then some myers, Clown and legion. I never see Billy, trapper, deathslinger or demogorgon
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Literally always forget Deathslinger is even a Killer tbh.
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Okay? First of all it's Ghostface. No one should find the need to complain about him since he's quite weak. Second of all, what do you guys want the Devs to do? Delete Ghostface from the game? What a pointless post, loon.
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Ghostface is man with knife, and a buggy reveal/stalk mechanic. Does that sound fun?
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Well, when you put it that way, no. Put anything in such simple terms and it won't sound fun.
Survivor you just hold M1 and run around some debris every once and a while. Does that sound fun?
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GF is one of very few killers with actual counter balance with an ejoyable amount of lethality for both sides. Yes his stalk is buggy but what the hell isnt bugged in this game. With half the killers not being worthwhile in red ranks and personally, freddy and spirit are too sweaty for me. GF is the sweet blend of gameplay and power. Along that note if youll notice that billy is going to be heavily changed. Perhaps some of those mains have switched over to GF. Unlikely but plausible. He has counters and is punished for not playing stealthily as he should be. I agree playing against one every other game is annoying but when the last few choices for winning are there you gotta make the best of the situation.
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This post isn't about how strong he is, it's about how much he comes up. the Op claims he has had many matches with him and is getting stale for him. What we wants devs to do is make killers(specifically, low tier killers) more viable in order to have people choose others. He obviously wants variety but of course, that point flew over your head.
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It's because his inconsistent break out and night shrouding during chase. When you stare directly at him and even have your character model look at him and he still exposes you there is something wrong. Also when they run double recovery and use nightshroud mid chase it requires zero skill and an easy way to hide your red stain.
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I agree with you there the more simple the less fun like oh you run around a some hay with a wood piece between it.
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This is why I use Spine Chill as I know the second I take it off, it’ll be another Ghostface. Plus, it’s a great perk against every killer, so I don’t mind keeping it on.
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Rank 1 Ghostface love the pink mori you would think they centered their entire life around it. It's really really boring to play against and have to have a counter for it all the time. I'm literally running spine chill, we'll make it, bt, and kindred to fight this oppressing strategy of killing the first guy as quick as one can to make it a 3v1.