

Minor spoiler alert: unwilling killers?

Member Posts: 64

So, here's my idea: not all the killers may really enjoy what they do. Let's think about, for instance, the wraith. He got insane after Discovering that he obliviously killed tens, maybe hundreds of people in the autohaven demolitions. Then he killed the one responsible and created a weapon out of his remains. The nurse had some trauma and killed the people at the hospital. And now, to use her power she has to suffer some incredible pain.

What do you think? Imho, some killers are not exactly happy to do what they do. They may, somehow, be forced by the entity. I would love to hear for you which killers are unwilling to slaughter survivors, and why you think so.

Cheers my friends.

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  • Member Posts: 1,138

    Leather face is just as scared to be killed as survivors. He only kills in questionable self defense, as he is a bit slow I believe.

  • Member Posts: 64

    You got some point in it, but i'm not so sure about it. I should read the whole lore but since i miss this killer i haven't bothered yet

  • Member Posts: 64

    I was absolutely wrong. It's fully explained in the lore 😅 and btw bbq and chilly is a wonderful perk, i should absolutely buy leatherface. Probably i will

  • Member Posts: 4

    I think Spirit doesn't enjoy killing the survivors, she just wanted revenge against her father and signed up for this whole shebang unwillingly in order to get the revenge she sought.

  • Member Posts: 621

    I wrote a bit on each of the Legion members in a thread that's floating around this Lore subforum but I personally feel that way about Joey.

  • Member Posts: 907

    lets not forget Plague. she literally only did good in her life, doing what she could to save her people. the only reason shes in the entity's realm is because she made a prayer, but it didn't go out to the god she thought it would. i feel like shes only killing in the entity's realm thinking it will save her people in exchange, not knowing that it didn't really work out for the Babylonians.

  • Member Posts: 60
    edited July 2020

    I am with the same thoughts as you. I feel the same way about Adiris. The Entity is making these unwilling types to do so, because it controls them or will make them suffer. They need to get out of the loop.

  • Member Posts: 3,742

    I'm kinda wondering about Caleb here. His main motivation is revenge and he's a bounty hunter. He has no beef with the survivors so what bounty is the entity promising? it did lure him in with bayshore and other bastards that wronged him, but the survivors...?

  • Member Posts: 3,666

    The ones that immediately come to mind are trapper and myers

    Trapper is being actively tortured by the entity to serve its will, even in one of the mobile cutscenes you can see Evan having an stand off against the entity.

    Myers is also in a similar position, not because he does not want to kill, but because he entity wont allow him to kill the way he wants. If he kills all four survivors with the tombstone piece, the entity gets displease.

  • Member Posts: 64

    About myers, we got something particular to say. Despite the fact that the entity requires sacrifices, if i'm correct, it was full aware of the kind of monster the shape was. Someone who gets real pleasure in killing. Someone who could be hard to control, some sort of wayward son.

    Either the entity accept the risk, or it's sure the shape can be educated. But myers is actually... Glad to be here and kill.

    Trapper... Uhm... Yeah i simply love trapper too much to think of him as a bad boy. He even has an add on to trap survivors without wounding them 😂😂😂

    Yeah caleb was driven to revenge. But i think he don't give a ######### about hunting survivors.

    Now i'm also thinking about piramid head. For those of you who don't have a clue about silent hill background; here we go.

    Piramid head was nothing but the manifestation of James Sunderland (S.H.2 main character) desire for punishment because of how he ended up killing his wife while she was seriously ill, on the brink of death and insanity. The city of silent hill was so full of the evil that unleashed during the events of silent hill 1 that it ended up becoming self aware, baiting people who seeked or deserved to be punished like in some sort of purgatory and force them to come out redeemed, or to die trying, that it gave birth to the executioner.

    Piramid head, once he has fulfilled his purpose once James accepted his Guilt and decided that he needed to go on and confront his own wife (dead wife. If you're lost, don't worry. We've all been there), committed suicide piercing his own head on a spear. Never to be seen again (ok not true, but the piramid head that we saw during future installments is not the true piramid head).

    So he won't exactly be so Happy to punish and torment survivors who don't really have done nothing to be punished too. Let's not forget the fact that Cheryl Mason, who's also known as Heather Mason, is nothing but the reincarnation of the original Cheril Mason, the girl who Henry mason adopted prior to SH1, and who's the daughter of Alessa gillespie, a young girl forced by her mother (Dahlia Gillespie, head of the cult that planned to unleash the angel of destruction Samael onto the world) to give birth to a God. The same fate almost fell upon Cheril, who, at the last moment, decided to... Vomit, the stillborn god fetus. Yeah this is gross and complicated. The lore of silent hill is so wonderful and dark and grim...

    Anyway; Cheryl mason never visited midwich elementary school.

    Piramid head never haunted that school.

    Cheryl and piramid head never meet each other, and never fought.

    And most important, piramid head is the child of the grim, dark presence that controls silent hill. A presence which is evil, and power, incarnate. Something as powerful as the entity. So here we are, PARADOX!

    Imo, piramid head shouldn't even be here. And Cheryl is the worse survivor to choose from the franchise, because SHE KICKED A GOD CORPSE. How can she be scared of things like legion, the nurse or stuff like that?

    To make more sense, BHVR should've choosen James Sunderland, and pick exactly him from the "in water" ending of silent hill 2, where he throws himself in water, inside his own car, because he cannot Copy with the guilt of having killed his wife, and hoped he could join her in death. That would make so much sense. When he tried to escape his fate and his reponsabilities, when he failed to learn the lesson, then piramid head would have a true and good reason to haunt him again. Him and all those who he holds dear, the survivors for instance.

    But piramid head never hurted the innocents for random reasons. He wouldn't do it

  • Member Posts: 890

    Midwich is Cheryl's map since she's the reincarnation of Alessa. Pyramid Head is James' personal demon but the devs really wanted to use him so they bent the rules. James was originally gonna be the survivor but the map was always Midwich which was interesting. Hopefully we get James as a legendary skin down the line.

  • Member Posts: 64

    Why not using brookhaven hospital instead? That would have been one hell of a map. Still, Cheryl's really not good for midwich. Better the mall map, is where you start the game. Not as iconic as the school, but i would have loved the alchemilla hospital too

  • Member Posts: 890

    We've already got an indoor hospital map and the devs wanted to have something from each game. Like I said, the school works because of the Alessa connection and Pyramid Head is the only killer who could've been chosen since hes the only monster from the franchise that everyone knows and is worth caring about.

  • Member Posts: 64

    True. But still a missing chance with James and the PH lore :'(

    This qualifies ph for an unwilling killer, to me

  • Member Posts: 890

    We'll probably get James in September. There's another Cheryl legendary coming. But the lore for Pyramid Head is an amalgamation of old SH lore and the new garbage. So Pyramid Head is both James' personal demon but is also the Silent Hill town executioner that everyone's scared of, because, reasons? He wants to be here but it's a crappy justification, I know.

  • Member Posts: 3,742

    the way I understood it was that there's always an 'executioner' in SH that has no form, and the entity gave it THAT form because it's the form it found most often in the minds of people.

  • Member Posts: 890

    That works relatively well conceptually but every single addon is directly related to James/Pyramid Head. Like I said, the lore is a mish-mash of classic SH lore and the new crap.

  • Member Posts: 64

    Bhvr actually found some cheap reasons.

    Even the darn mary's letter!!!

    Anyway, i believe they should have gone for a different monster... What about alessa's burned version herself?

    And anyway, i don't think a legendary skin could apply to turn a female Survivor into a male survivor. They would have to rework voice acting, movements, posture...

    Btw i want an item for survivor that's a radio which emits statics when the killer is nearby instead of the heartbeat, when playing against ph or in midwich 😂😂😂😂

  • Member Posts: 3,099

    I doubt wraith or spirit ever wanted to be in the entity's realm. Wraith never willingly killed any of the people and was unaware of it, imagine how pissed he is to have killing as his job (he might like being invisible though). My theory on how spirit got into the entity's realm is that Oni was taken first (chronologically), and Rin was taken because they are ancestors.

  • Member Posts: 3,742
    edited July 2020
  • Member Posts: 890

    Pyramid Head is and always will be the face of Silent Hill. Going for anything other than Pyramid Head would've been licensing suicide. James is really our only option for that new Cheryl skin despite him being a male. Who else could it be? Cybil? Nah. Maria? Yeah, no. They'll probably just give Cheryl the Legion treatment.

  • Member Posts: 147

    I glossed over a few comments and saw a lot of people pointing out the usual, Plague, Spirit, Wraith, Caleb, (Surprised people didn't say Billy). Plague can be easily explained, she wanted to stop feeling the pain of the plague infecting her body and prayed to the gods for help. One god answered her call, the Entity. We can presume what happened to Spirit (touch on that in a bit) happened to Adiris. To get what she wanted, she offered to do anything for the being, which the Entity forces her to kill survivors like a devotee to their god.

    The next four, Spirit, Wraith, Caleb, and Hillbilly can all be explained by a topic I didn't see brought up. Entity touched eyes have been a theory for awhile, which was confirmed for Caleb's release (wait for that). All four killers have milky-white/glowing eyes. (Don't include doctor, that's just electricity coursing through the electrodes and wires in his body). Let's take a look at some lore, to explain what these eyes could mean... let's start with Philip. Wraith worked at a car crusher place (don't know what it's called) and he noticed blood from the trunk of a car. He opened the trunk to find a man bound and gagged. He frees the man and his boss Azarov shoots the freed person. Azarov explains that nearly every car had an innocent life in it, and Wraith killed his boss.

    Next, Hillbilly, he was sealed away in a room because he was disfigured at birth. His parents hated the way their son looked so they just locked him up. One day, Max broke free and slaughtered his parents and just about every animal on the farm.

    Next, Rin, our first true case of "but they didn't even kill anyone". Spirit had killed no one, yet she was taken for her rage, possibly from Oni Yamaoka. She came home, found her mother in pieces, and her father tried killing her (speculated that he has killed himself, not confirmed but his wife is dead, he's holding the weapon, and his daughter disappeared). As Rin laid in shards of glass and blood, she wished she could take revenge on her father, and the Entity took that offer, consuming her into the fog.

    Last but not least, Caleb. Ah, Mr. Quinn, he is the confirmation of the Entity touched eyes theory. Caleb was a brilliant engineer, yet his work was being stolen by Bayshore, Caleb tried to kill Bayshore but he lived, which ends Caleb sentenced to jail. The warden makes a deal with Caleb, and he becomes our lovable bounty hunter. He returns to the prison to find the warden is no longer there and has been replaced by Bayshore (who bought the Hellshire Prison). Caleb kills Bayshore and returns to his cell, where he is taken by the Entity. This next part is straight from Deathslinger's lore in game. "At his feet, he saw a dusty path, and, at its end, silhouettes of all who had done him wrong: the boys who bullied him, the executives who took advantage of him, and, again... Henry Bayshore, Emerging from a fog were the tools to dispose of them -- unforgiving steel hooks, brilliant and beautiful in their simplicity. Pain tore through his leg as he stood, but he endured, pushing onwards, walking the dusty path, leaving a trail of blood flowing behind him." This line of text, confirms this theory... but, what is this theory exactly?

    For those that don't know, Entity touched eyes make a killer see different things. For example, Caleb sees the hooks, alright, normal, but he sees people that wronged him. Weird, he even sees Bayshore, whom he just killed moments before being taken. Yet he seeks hooks completely fine, and who do we put on hooks? Survivors. That is the theory in a nutshell. Caleb would have no reason to kill, but since he sees the survivors as Bayshore and the people that wronged him, he has a desire to kill them, and he can do it forever. Same with Spirit. She has no reason to kill these innocent people, yet she wants to take revenge on her father. So if she sees all the survivors as her dad, she has a reason to kill them. Same goes for Wraith and Billy. Philip sees his boss Azarov, he's the one that tormented Wraith by shooting the man in front of Philip. Billy sees his parents, they locked him in a room and fed him through a hole in the wall. Unless he just doesn't know not to attack others and goes off a feral impulse (like Huntress) it is safe to presume (for now until disproved) that he sees his parents instead of the survivors.

    Oh, about Trapper as well, any killer that was unwilling was tortured. Evan is a prime example with all those iron hooks in his flesh. Nurse is possible with a pillowcase over her head, endlessly suffocating her. Doctor is also a possibility as he is forced to forever smile and remain vigilant with his eyelids peeled open.

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