

Which killer do you have the most FUN playing as?

Member Posts: 275
edited July 2020 in Polls

I see a lot of toxicity in this community and I wish instead of people focussing on winning, that we have fun and try to enjoy playing our favorite killers. I'm fine with losing matches every now and then, it's all supposed to be fun.

Not entirely who you main but which killer is the most fun playing for you, who do you enjoy playing as even if you lose.

(I couldn't see what I was typing when making the polls but I meant to say Deathslinger)

Which killer do you have the most FUN playing as? 139 votes

Trapper or Wraith
7 votes
Hillbilly or Nurse
16 votes
Shape or Hag
6 votes
Doctor or Huntress
14 votes
Cannibal or Nightmare
8 votes
Pig or Clown
19 votes
Spirit or Legion
22 votes
Plague or Ghostface
16 votes
Demogorgon or Oni
13 votes
Deaths inger or Executioner
18 votes

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  • Member Posts: 1,138
    Cannibal or Nightmare

    Bubba boi, cause shut up.

  • Member Posts: 621
    Plague or Ghostface

    Ghostface is such a fun sneaky boy and it always feels good to get a mark off when you know you really shouldn't have

  • Member Posts: 529


  • Member Posts: 710
    Pig or Clown

    Pig's the best

    And games feel satisfying when you use her powers right

  • Member Posts: 209
    Hillbilly or Nurse

    Well it's currently billy but I've tried the ptb version and he certainly wont be my favorite if he comes to live as is.

  • Member Posts: 236
    Shape or Hag

    Myers without a doubt. So many different playstyles and he's overall the most balanced killer (in my very honest opinion).

  • Member Posts: 60
    Plague or Ghostface

    Plague loves to explore around (especially the DD Saloon!) and barf randomly. She gets annoyed seeing survivors in front of her, so she just vanquishes them to continue with her stroll.🤣🤣

  • Member Posts: 907
    Pig or Clown

    pig, by far

  • Member Posts: 454
    Doctor or Huntress

    Zippity zappity, your DCs make me happity

  • Member Posts: 183
    Hillbilly or Nurse

    Nurse, but she has so many game breaking bugs it's incredibly hard to justify playing her.

  • Member Posts: 4,428
    Spirit or Legion

    Legion, I really like them!

    Also I love playing as Demogorgon!

  • Member Posts: 1,319
    Cannibal or Nightmare

    lmao a pig pulled me off of one last night for my first time not catching before it happened, combo of a bad spot and my mind wandering for a moment before i thought to pan the cam around again. It made me laugh but also shriek and sound almost just like my character at the time... and I'm a guy who happened to be playing a girl when it happened.

  • Member Posts: 18
    Hillbilly or Nurse

    This is such a dang hard decision... First off I just want to say all 3 of the 2016 release killers are like, in my top 3. I just have a massive soft spot for them.

    Wraith was my favorite to play when I first started playing at release with 2 other friends in customs because I thought being invisible was OP as heck. For a hot second after replaying the game far more recently, I considered playing him as my main, but I didn't commit after I learned about the noob-friendly trapper and I kind of wish I did commit... come to think of it, I might try out Wraith again now that this thread's got me thinking about it.

    Trapper was my main man when I was learning the game, he helped me with fundamentals and being able to lock down windows and pallets was a great way for me to not only avoid doing chases against good players (lol) but it also taught me the importance of each killer's power and how it can be used to spice up your play significantly.

    Hillbilly was a tough switch for me after practically teaching myself to not commit to chases if my foes started using pallets or windows, but I'm glad I took the time to learn him. He's gonna be changing soon, and although I've seen people calling for the end of times, I genuinely think I'm still going to enjoy him because of how I kept myself going when learning him: Getting saws just feels so great. Whether it landed because of an amazing mind-game play or just because both me and the chased survivor were bumbling idiots, the visceral feeling of landing an instant down is something special and I don't think it's gonna get old for me.

    I have to go with Hillbilly for now, just because of the saws, but all 3 of the original killers are probably my main choices. Oh, and Doctor. I played him for a little while and the Iridescent King is just so fun to play around with in customs... haha.

  • Member Posts: 1,262
    Pig or Clown

    Yup. See, if I'm approaching directly from behind and/or have nothing to cover me, you hope for the grab! But if I can hear the gen being worked on and the survivor's don't have a way to pan & see me, then you go in for the ambush strike.

  • Member Posts: 2,246
    Hillbilly or Nurse

    Actually nurse than billy but since billy is dead and nurse is bugged af, i will play spirit mostly or forever freddy.

  • Member Posts: 135
    Trapper or Wraith

    Wraith cuz he's fun to try and play at r1

  • Member Posts: 6
    Trapper or Wraith

    I main both wraith and trapper.

    Trapper, it's satisfied me very much when they got caught in my trap which i predicted earlier.

    Wraith, i think he's very underrated ( don't see him that often when playing as surv). I just love his ability, and making a surprise attack from the corner. I also like his playstyle

  • Member Posts: 195
    Deaths inger or Executioner

    Honestly a huge fan of Deathslinger. It's such a good feeling when you hit some really difficult shots and just reel the survivor towards you. Also I really like his Mori.

  • Member Posts: 275
    Deaths inger or Executioner

    Same dude, he's my favorite killer because he's so fun to play as, it's so satisfying reeling in survivors.

  • Member Posts: 3,479
    Hillbilly or Nurse

    Xbox Nurse nothing is more fun.

  • Member Posts: 4

    I think Myers is most enjoyable because of the different builds/games you can have, but I most certainly hate Hag and would rather pair up as Demo/Oni

  • Member Posts: 47
    Hillbilly or Nurse

    RIP billy

  • Member Posts: 78
    Spirit or Legion

    Ive always had fun with spirit, i have really good headphones so getting away from me is extremely hard to do. Hag is fun with shackles add on cause i love giving survivors heart attacks. Wraith with coxcomb clapper and the aura reading add on is good for jumpscares. And ill play doctor here and there for the constant screaming

  • Member Posts: 2,287
    Doctor or Huntress

    Trapper or Doc.

  • Member Posts: 187
    Trapper or Wraith

    Nothing can relate to the dopamine of a successful trap.

  • Member Posts: 2,416
    Plague or Ghostface

    Ghostface, his mind games and ability to catch unaware survivors is so much fun.

  • Member Posts: 797
    Deaths inger or Executioner

    I've said this many times before and I'll say it again, there is no better feeling than a good punishment of the damned hit.

  • Member Posts: 354

    All seeing wraith and plague :) I like seeing all and I like vomiting on people 🤣

  • Member Posts: 1,862
    edited July 2020
    Plague or Ghostface

    I like all the killers I frequent pretty equally. Ghostface as my main, and then following Freddy, Oni, Hillbilly, Deathslinger, Clown, and I'm still trying to get the ropes of Executioner.

    If I'm having trouble with one, I swap to another and I usually keep myself pretty contented with my own performance this way. Clown is limited in that he sucks (still hoping and waiting on that Clown rework now that they're done messing with Hillbilly and Leatherface), and I'm still trying to get better with my Deathslinger and Executioner, but I like 'em all for different reasons.

    But there's a reason Ghostface is my main. Sneaking up on survivors and scaring them out of their wits is the most glorious thing. Even just the ability of repositioning without them knowing you're there is incredibly satisfying in its own way.

  • Member Posts: 227
    Spirit or Legion

    Spirit easily.

  • Member Posts: 11
    Cannibal or Nightmare

    Freddy 100%, popping out of a gen and seeing the survivors scatter makes me giggle

  • Member Posts: 45
    Plague or Ghostface

    I'm not a killer main therefore I'm not good at playing as killer but it's fun to play as Plague and vomit on everything/everyone. Ghostface is also very fun so I think it's neat they were grouped together so I didn't have to choose between the two 😂

  • Member Posts: 704
    Cannibal or Nightmare

    bubba 100%

  • Member Posts: 140
    Trapper or Wraith

    Definitely Wraith. I like that I can be sneaky with him and visibly scare the survivors. I do however, usually just use him as a "good time killer" giving survivors a way to complete challenges or what not rather than actually trying to play as a sneaky killer fr.

  • Member Posts: 25
    Pig or Clown

    I've played a lot of the killers in the game but, The Pig is my killer main.

  • Member Posts: 50
    Trapper or Wraith

    Wraith! I don't use him often because I'm a survivor main through and through, but when I do play killer it's just for funsies and usually Wraith! Second is Ghostface and third is Legion.

  • Member Posts: 464
    Demogorgon or Oni

    I had basically lost interest in killer, but Oni made me love playing killer again. He's the most fun power of any killer in the game, bar none.

  • Member Posts: 48
    Demogorgon or Oni

    bro who's the Deaths Inger he sounds epic

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