Giving Hillbilly the Nurse treatment is NOT the solution

These are two killers who I would say needed absolutely no changing to their base kit/powers. Yeah they had some broken add-on combos that needed nerfing, but that's literally it. They were powerful in their own ways, but I don't think their abilities could of been considered OP prior to their changes. They actually required skill to play effectively, especially at higher ranks. Giving them cooldowns to keep them from using their abilities properly is not how you balance a killer. Now Nurse gets beat out by players who can hold W, & Hillbilly is about to be stomped by anyone who knows how to juke a chainsaw & loop by any means. They aren't like Freddy or Doctor who have secondary abilities that actually make sense putting cooldowns on. I fear that doing this to Billy is going to make him end up like Nurse with very low pick rates & pretty much no one finding him fun to play anymore.


  • Clueless
    Clueless Member Posts: 340

    Agree 100% Though i don't think he will be as unplayed as Nurse. Just played by people without Leatherface lmao

  • bingbongboi90
    bingbongboi90 Member Posts: 576

    Yeah Billy wont be like nurse, unless the devs screw this also up like giving Billy 9000 bugs.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    I disagree, Nurse needed the nerf to her basekit. Even without add-ons she was overpowered for how easy she was to use. Imo and in many other streamer's and good players opinions, Nurse is fine now. But this Billy change is awful. He's still going to be an ok killer, but man is he gonna be one of the lamest killers in the game now, and one of the most boring to play against. I think I said it before but Billy's gonna turn into a backrev simulator if these changes go through

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Nurse, Ruin, Hillbilly..they just give everyone more reason to tunnel and camp. It's what happens when you make unfair changes. Nurse was perhaps OP on PC idk but Hillbilly is one of few killers that is fine. But they don't want killers to be fine, just weak and boring.

  • PerkyPerky
    PerkyPerky Member Posts: 347

    So true, with ruin I never tunneled/camped and literally never used NOED.

  • darklinger
    darklinger Member Posts: 128

    Whith these nerfs they need remove every pallet on map. Than every killer be good at red ranks

  • Customapple0
    Customapple0 Member Posts: 629

    (Old) Nurse & Billy were the two go to killers for toxic 4K slug build. Why? Because they had no cool down on their powers. At least now the 4K slug will be harder to pull off.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    Well your argument has a major flaw in it. Claiming she is so easy to use and pick up & go is just wrong. It is community consensus that she is the most difficult killer to learn with and actually use effectively. Tell me, how can she be the hardest killer to learn and master (often requiring hundreds of hours) and at the same time be so easy to use that you can 4k without trying?

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    The devs are making dbd finally pay2win big brain move!

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    I think I would find it easier to accept them being greedy over incompetent. Sadly I think it’s the latter

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    Yep. Billy will extinct, just like nurse did. I doubt they change anything from PTB to live.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    Has there been beneficial bugs for him? Aren't like only 2 of his addons good now?

    I'm sensing another Nurse PTB, only changes will be against the killer.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    Just like they fixed "Spasmodic Breath", because it was a benefical bug, but ignored every single other bug she got lol.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Billy needed a nerf. People won't admit it, but he had both map mobility AND an insta-down. Let's compare to a killer who has similar abilities: Oni. Oni's got a lot of potential. He can move across the map at incredible speeds when his ability is available (7.82 m/s), and can insta-down survivors. But he has to earn his ability first, and doesn't have unlimited uses of his ability. Contrast to current Hillbilly who can, from the word go, traverse the map at speeds of 9.2 m/s with no cooldown, and then instadown a survivor, again with no cooldown. So not only was he faster than Oni, and is able to use his ability more frequently than Oni, but he also never had to earn his ability in the first place. Billy can chainsaw from generator to generator, one-shotting survivors with almost no downside.

    Now, before you call me a dirty survivor main (I"m not. I main Pig, Doc, Pyramid Head, and Legion. I hope to add Spirit to my arsenal in time), I do think the devs went too far with their nerf. His cooldown is too slow, and he gains heat too fast. But the concept itself is fine, and probably healthy for the game. Especially with the coming changes of a pre-trial warmup. The numbers definitely need to be tweaked. And hopefully, they'll see that and make him gain less heat (Maybe no heat at all when not holding M2. Or very little heat). I think Billy can still be a fun, strong killer with the overheat mechanic, as long as the numbers are adjusted.

  • PodgeNotRodge
    PodgeNotRodge Member Posts: 478

    Nurse was needed as she was insanely strong. Now her current state I believe she is better than people think and she requires less whiffing and more skill to properly land hits. Billy, half and half. Pallet stomp addon is better than people give credit for. Makes every pallet unsafe for survivors to hang around on. Billy needed punishment as his ability was free to use with no punishment. Had ultimate map pressure with best slug potential. Sure, some of the addons are stupid and I hope they change for better but I believe this was necessary. Now he has silent saw. Doesnt need perks like enduring, spirit fury, terror radius based. He has alot going for him now in play style where as before it was Infectious and BBQ, down, oop, nother down oop, another. Oni without cooldown or work

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Nurse ist still the most powerful killer in DbD. So giving a killer a treatmaent to be still an S-Tier killer would be kind of good, right?

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    She was definitely like that pre-nerf. She had a small learning curve at the beginning but after that she wasn't difficult at all. I don't know why people want to defend Nurse's difficulty to the grave but if it makes you happy to insist that a character is so painstakingly difficult to play in this stupid party game then go ahead I guess.

  • LeftPreston
    LeftPreston Member Posts: 95

    I agree this game is full of uninspired add ons. I only use two nurse add ons, the one for fatigue and recharge speed. Billy had decent add ons but some needed help

  • BloodMoneyMerc
    BloodMoneyMerc Member Posts: 477

    Just use Oni, Myers, or even new Leatherface then... I don't even think toxic slug killers are as common as ppl think. I haven't faced one in a hot minute.

    Nurse just happens to have a power that counteracts almost all means of defense a survivor has. While yeah that power is still considered the strongest in the game, her counterplay has become way too easy. So now, the only Nurse's that seem to do well are people who are like god-tier Nurse players (against good survivor teams). And even then they all only run recharge speed add-ons for the most part because that's the closest they are getting to the old Nurse. Billy on the other hand doesn't compare. He was strong, but he also had some decent counterplay that most competent survivors could easily pick up on. Now he has that, on top of being very limited in how he can use his chainsaw. If they adjust how fast his chainsaw overheats, maybe this issue won't be as bad as it was in the PTB. They literally took away the skill cap that Billy had in countering survivors that could loop efficiently.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    You might be able to slay bad teams without much practice but any good group of survivors will run a baby Nurse around the whole game. It's kind of why "baby Nurse" was a thing, because until they were hardened and learned her inside and out they were babies, easily looped for gens at a time.

    Like please give me a few examples of new players picking up Nurse after 10 hours and slaughtering a SWF that's trying. The reason I'm using her difficulty as a crux in my argument is because that kind of goes hand in hand with power. The more difficult something is, usually the stronger it can preform. When the most difficult killer in the game can be outperformed by a much easier killer (2, in fact) does that really sound right? Neither should the most difficult be an auto win once learned. Nurse was not that, many survivors knew what to do, many tried to play against her like a normal killer and payed the price for it.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    Billy is fine. He needed the changes.

  • xEzekanarioX
    xEzekanarioX Member Posts: 378

    Im sorry but im not understanting the title. How did billy get nurse's treatment? People been crying about the nurse "rework", they added like 2 ######### SECONDS to her power, and you can use it again, not really game changing. And they killed billy punishing you by using your power.

    Acording of how is billy now (he can barely use the chainsaw now) you should get stunned for 5 seconds when teleporting to a gen playing freddy. Sounds stupid right? Indeed it is, imagine using your power and getting punished for it. Imagine just backrevving a survivor with the chainsaw and getting like 40-50% overheat for no reason. Imagine hooking him, running to someone you saw with bbq and not being able to use the chainsaw again for like 25 seconds or so.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    you blink 50% less with the cooldown than you did before it. How is that small or not game changing? Nurse used her power for quite literally everything so idk how that isn't the exact same as Billy who gets punished for using his power now, since you're constantly punished with fatigue and cooldown as Nurse.

  • xEzekanarioX
    xEzekanarioX Member Posts: 378

    Have you played nurse? Or your arguments are based by watching your favourite streamer?

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    It was a hilarious one off bug. I really wish it would've let me blink that many times though I would've laughed my ass off during the 8 minute fatigue lol.

  • xEzekanarioX
    xEzekanarioX Member Posts: 378

    The profile picture means nothing. I have Steve but im a killer main (was billy main, respect).

    And about the nurse, you wont notice the "rework" because its just 2 seconds, and theres a yellow addon i think that makes it even shorter. Of course a bad nurse will notice the cooldowns, but im guessing a good / experienced nurse will not have any problems with the 2 seconds.

    I mean, i cant say pyramid head is bad because i am horrible playing him and eating all the cooldowns, get it?

    But its okay mate, we have different opinions. It just makes me laugh people doing drama for 2 seconds XD

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Oni's power also comes with the extremely important advantages of M1 instant downs and large anti-loop potential.

    The first means that he can use his instant down in a lot more situations, because you don't need to go through a charge duration. This also means he's extremely effective at breaking pallets quickly.

    The second is far more important and is due to his far greater agility due to his flick and his strafing. Onis power helps him down the Survivor even if the Survivor is already injured. Billy's power meanwhile, while it always has it's utility, doesn't hugely impact chases against already injured Survivors.

    These are not trivial differences and if an instant down was enough to make a Killer good then legion and pre-buff plague would both be top tier.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    ones the nerf go live not many people going o play Billy just like Nurse

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    Well for starters it isn't 2 seconds, it's 3 per charge, 6 seconds total for double blinks. Secondly, I hate the bug where after a match your addons/offering are removed so I've entered games where I was forced to use the cooldown and I do just fine. I just enjoy that game a lot less because I spend 50% more of my time just walking at the slowest speed in the game.

    Honestly I'd be down for PH getting less stun time off of missed hits of PotD. It's not strong enough currently (or consistent enough) to warrant such a long cooldown on missed attacks with it. It only enforces being able to use it strictly at animation locks or very narrow hallways.

    It's not about her strength in regards to the cooldown. It certainly weakened her, but she's still relatively functional with the cooldown, but all of her mind games are gone. It's way more about her fluidity and fun elements that were completely shattered with the janky cooldown. You can look at that suggestion thread I made for my idea on how to use PH's power meter on Nurse for a much more fluid and less aggravating cooldown on her.

    You've clearly not played Nurse because if you did you would see how unfun the cooldown mechanic is on top of her already existing built in cooldown. I desperately want them to either remove the CD addons or make the cooldown better to the point where I don't feel forced to run her only 2 good addons and can actually go back to using more than the CD ones.

  • xEzekanarioX
    xEzekanarioX Member Posts: 378

    How many blinks do you need to hit/down a survivor? 1? 2?

    Lets say you just need one. Congratulations, you entered in fatigue and when you recover you gained your blink again, so technically you lost nothing!

    Now lets say you needed both, like always. Good job on that hit! Since when you attack after a blink the fatigue is longer, (and even longer if you used both blinks) you will recover more than 1 blink when you re out of fatigue! Easy, and no calculator required!

    So yeah, lets count those 6 seconds you said, of which like 4 seconds you cant do anything while you re stunned and looking to the floor! Ez maths!

    And no, i dont like nurse, as it doesnt make any sense in the game, imagine having to run in circles between a pallet and a wall and theres a killer that teleports through walls, thats awesome and healthy for the game! If the nurse is good, theres literally NOTHING you can do to counter her.

    Dont get me wrong, i do respect the people that plays her, being the hardest killer to play as. And maybe agaisnt... :)

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    On paper it does not sound bad but trust me, it's very noticeable. Especially when you get a bugged blink and don't move. The cooldown also only starts after you enter fatigue. So you can at most recover only 1 blink and change.

    There is also plenty of counters against her. Just because they aren't the exact same as every other killer does not mean they don't exist. In fact, she probably has more counters since things like LOS, 360 juking, and walls are extremely deadly to her and not even an inconvenience to most other killers. You can also use most of the same things (windows, pallets) against her. It's just a lot harder. I have plenty of survivors drop pallets on me mid chase or get saved vaulting. Of course they're way more dangerous against her, but entirely usable.

    There is always something you can do against a Nurse. Whether it's easy or nearby is another story.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    I never said anywhere that new players would dominate with Nurse? Hell I even said there was a learning curve at the beginning. But once you have it down there's not much left to her and it's fairly easy. The most difficult killer to play has always been Huntress to me. You have to think about a lot more with her, and survivors actually have an input on the chase and how you play her. With Nurse, they can't do much against you. Blink to a corner that the survivor just turned, and then you adjust your position with the 2nd blink and then hit them. Not much else to it, only dead hard will get you out of that situation.

  • xEzekanarioX
    xEzekanarioX Member Posts: 378

    So i have to trust you now hmm...

    Also please explain me that you dont like cooldown on nurse but you wish to get her CD addons removed? It confused me lol

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    I'll agree with you Huntress is very hard. But she's much more map dependent than Nurse is. On a bad map your skill won't matter nearly as much since you're m1ing a lot more because of terrible hitboxes on loops.

    And survivors always have options against Nurse. Whether they're good or not is a different story. It gets very tiring hearing there's no counters or survivors can't do anything against Nurse, like I wish I had those survivors in my games. Most survivors that are actually worthy of red rank put up a much better fight than anything I see on the forums.