Delete NO-ED and Match making fixes!
Please delete this ghastly perk. Dog ######### killers do terrible the entire game until the exit gates are powered and get at least one confirmed kill. With every hex you can tell what perk it is throughout the game, but with No One Escapes Death you don’t know the killer has it until they down someone. This extremely unfair to the survivors whom do not look for hex’s the entire game and just run around like a chicken with its head cut off. It is a complete guessing game. This particular hex spawns in such bad places that you typically do not find them until you’re in a chase of life and death. There are games where the hex will spawn in the corner of the map. Any good survivors will not sit/run to the corners of the map. The fact you are able to one shot when you’re about to lose is absurd. It’s not a hard earned win in the slightest. Giving a killer that performs horribly a chance to 4K is simply not fair. It’s potentially giving the killer with 0 devout a chance to get a gold emblem at max. The game hands the killer points for doing bad basically. Completely broken. Another concern is match making. I, a red rank, can get green ranks and even yellow ranks in my game. These people do not know the game enough to perform on a red/purple rank’s level. I have had multiple games where there is a rank 1 killer, red rank survivor, green survivor, purple survivor, and yellow survivor. Naturally they got destroyed and I ran a key so I was able to open hatch. The point is the skill rating range was terrible. This was also a game when I solo queued. Back to NO-ED, once it’s activated It gives the killer to hit one person, hook, and then camp the body, this prevents the survivors from getting save points. A solution to this would be making this an offering. This would prevent terrible killers from abusing this perk. This could still remain a perk only if there’s a duration on how long everyone can suffer from the exposed status effect, it should be 50-60 seconds maximum. Please share your thoughts on this topic. This is similar to how killers complained about sprint burst, balanced landing, and lithe, these resulted in changes.
I actually find posts about NOED funny. They're always the same. 'It's a second chance perk that rewards zero skill'. My counter to this: 'It's zero skill to hold a button on a gen for 5 minutes'. Do totems, and NOED never activates. But since most survivors just want to slam out gens and rush the door, you pretty much ask for NOED to activate.
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Spoken like someone who doesn’t play survivor
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Yes, because I must be a killer main because I'm speaking about Survivors not doing totems. Right. Yet, just for your information, I play both sides. So I know for a fact teams will try just rush the door because it's usually me trying to find all the totems.
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Then delete all exhaustion and crutch perks on survivor lol
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this might be a bit hard to grasp
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Here we go again, another "NOED is a cheap perk.If you don't agree with me then you are just a crybaby killer" post.
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Just do totems. If it really bugs you, run Small Game, it can tell you where the totems are located. NOED is fair and balanced. If it activates, it is the Survivor's fault for not cleansing totems.
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The trial isn't over until you've escaped or died. Don't presume you've won just because the gates are powered and cleanse totems.
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NOED used to be incredibly overpowered back in the day (noed & bitter murmur combo anyone?!), it's gone through various changes since then and honestly I think it's in a great spot as a Hex perk.
It's removable from the game before it even activates, just by doing totems. It also means the killer is down a perk for the majority (if not all) of the game. The game isn't just about doing generators as a survivor, it's about escaping - and doing the totems is part of that escape so I actually disagree with the OP's opinion that good survivors are stuck by NOED, I would very much think that good survivors outplay it every match.
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I think we should send you to the ranch.
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I wish we'd get a totem counter to help solo players along but stick that in and noed is fine. Once solos get an easier way to keep track of totems cleansed I'll no longer have an issue with the phrase "do bones".
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I think there should be hex equivalent for survivors. imagine if the killer had to break a charm and suddenly Ds was gone for everyone
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As a person who is a killer main, I understand the utter brokenness of this perk. I was one of the killers that thought sprint perks were broken because they actually were wholeheartedly. The thing is it’s useless to stack crutch perks now. There is no point of running those types of perks together anymore. Even though you can stack those perks and hex perks why would you? Hex perks are crutch perks, but killers fail to understand that. Anything that can give you exposed status is crutch. My argument is that NO-ED is too much crutch, just like balanced landing used to be. All the killer mains would agree how bad BL, SB, and Lithe used to be. All survivors would agree NO-ED is the ultimate crutch. And perhaps you’re only going against my proposal of changing the perk because you aren’t good at survivor or killer, and just maybe you yourself have abused this perk before and see no issue with it. The issue lies with Status effect. If it was similar to haunted ground it would be more tolerable. A perk that strong is not okay. At some point you have to see the connections I’m making between survivor and killer.
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A perk this strong is ok because it's useless for 90% of the match and can easily be useless for 100% of the match.
And the ensuing panic of noed triggering is one of the few really "scary" parts of this horror game.
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As a survivor main, I think it's perfectly fine and that other survivors just need to use its counter: cleansing totems. A perk that strong is fine when it makes the killer have only three perks for a majority of the trial.
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I love NOED, I can take away a killer's perk at start of match by doing totems. It's awesome. If survivors started doing totems more killers wouldn't run NOED, they'd replace it with a perk that would work the whole match and that'd be a bummer. 😂
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Yep. I can confirm this. Even if not all totems get cleansed before, good survivors know where totems are and can find it easily. I haven't played in those old times, but I've seen videos. It was indeed very strong.
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I stated the difficulty of finding the hex on the map. Sure you can neglect totems, but if you focus on doing totems and you suspect there being a noed. You’d have to run around the map, correct? You lose doing gens in that case. No Ed appears in low rank games commonly, but I touched on match making as well. Red ranks also get yellow killers. Sure if you are playing and all red game it’s not a problem, typically. Match making is so terrible sometimes that you will get a green rank or lower killer that camps and runs no ed. The perk makes bad killers feel like they’re doing good, but I learned years ago that no Ed doesn’t help u rank up. You could also say that DS is not used for most of the match. The reason why DS is used is because it’s not necessarily saying that you’re bad at chases. It could be saying your teammates have horrible decision making skills or that you’re simply getting tunneled. Just because it’s not used throughout the match doesn’t make it less capable of being broken. DS is still considered crutch although it’s not always active. Thrill of the hunt is always active by default, but does anyone think it’s broken? I’m countering your point by saying that DS could also never be used during a match. All you have to do is miss the check or not lose chases. At max it’s only used 2 times during a game.
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I like reading everyone’s opinion by the way. It reminds me of the debate of op survivor perks.
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Stop crying and remove totems
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It isn’t crying, I’ve given work arounds. I’m not really saying it absolutely needs to be deleted but I am saying it does need some type of rework. If I was crying about it, it would be no different from killers crying about DS, SB, Self heal, Lithe, BL, etc. It’s simply a complaint, not me threatening to uninstall the game because of one perk, that would be crying. I’m acknowledging that some survivors and/or killers do think that the perk is an overkill.
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Problems that don’t get fixed is how games die.
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NOED has been here since launch and used to be much more powerful. The only problem is survivors refusing to cleanse totems, and the only ones who die are the survivors themselves.
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the reason it often spawns in those spots, is because those are the spots you fail to cleanse during the match and it punishes cockiness and carelessness at endgame assuming since the gates are powered, the killer seems far enough away as they're about to open and that you're full health that you're gauranteed an escape.
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I always enjoy how these discussions play out for both sides. Killers are usually like "DS shouldn't work on lockers, or there should be a shorter timer, or being fully healed and working on a gen should disarm it."
Then there's survivors with "DELETE NOED."
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A perk/mechanic that rewards people for being bad at the game? Hmmmmm where have i heard that one before.... Laurie Strode you have an idea? No? Oh well. Bill you do? Nope? alright than...
But in all fairness i would give up noed without a second thought if Unbreakable and Decisive Strike get removed in the same act.
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These posts are silly since it is mostly easy, map dependent, to stop noed before it starts. Do totems or find the hex once you know it is in play. If you are on the final gen and there is a unlit totem beside you do not break it. I have done this many times and it lit up when the final gen was completed. Break it if it lights up, noed avoided. I play both survivor and killer, never run noed unless I have gone against many strong teams, swf, in a row or I want to play a blood warden build.
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No offence but you seem like the type of guy who would say that Adrenaline shouldn't be removed if NOED is removed.