What is your favorite killer to play as?

What the title says. Mine are hag and ghostface.
Wraith (my main), legion and hag
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This is hard since I play all killers. I tend to get bored playing one killer a lot. But if I have to pick one I think I go for Nurse. Other killers I like a lot is Trapper, Hag, Pig, Plague and Wraith.
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I would've had to say Freddy before 2 days ago but after like 2 days of playing nothing but Pyramid Head I'd have to say him instead. He's actually really fun and hitting POTD through walls is the most satisfying thing possible in the game thank you.
Freddy definitely 2nd, Wraith as 3rd, Hag as 4th, then Nurse is 5th when she doesn't make we wanna throw up and 6th when she does, Doctor taking her place wherever she goes. I don't play anyone else lol.
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legion and demo. Also i'm playing clown for the first times and he is actually pretty fun
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Hahahah whose avatar do I have?
Also, Myers, Doctor, Legion and Oni would be cool, I would imagine.
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Pig, Spirit, Hag, Huntress... along with Doc, Legion
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The boogeyman himself, Daddy Myers.
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Nurse for sure. She's got the coolest power and it feels amazing when you can predict where they're going through some crazy loop and end up in front of them. Few things in this game get you as close to the power trip as Nurse does.
Hag is incredibly fun but against good SWF she gets destroyed too easily for my liking.
Spirit is fun too.
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Currently it's Hag, not long ago it was doctor.
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Plague and Deathslinger. I'm not good at all, so I might as well do things for The Aesthetics (tm)
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Trapper because I like the feeling of survivors stepping in the traps I set according to keikaku.
Also Myers, I like sneaking up on survivors and spooking them.
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Wraith, as bouncing between survivors is so much fun, and the speed when you're invisible (sadly, that applies mostly with add-ons)
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Clown and Legion are my favorites for just running around aggressively slicing em up, win or lose its fun for me. Myers is also really fun. I like simple killers.
If I want to sink in and play strategy, hag all day baby. But she is technically less fun for me because of slow start etc, so I run clown and legion the most these days.
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Depends on my mood. I play as Trapper, doc, fred, legion and pig the most. But also am good with spirit, wraith, hag, michael, bubba and clown.
The rest i rarely touch cause i just dont have fun with them
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It changes a lot but atm wraith and myers
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Most favourite Legion to play against.
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Deathslinger, no other killer is as much fun as he is for me.
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Billy by far. Getting a nice curve is sooo rewarding
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