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Any ideas on how to buff Amanda ( The Pig )



  • Member Posts: 1,101

    I meant that WHEN generators are completed (aka exit gates are powered) entering a chase with Pig would cause RBT timer to become inactive. I guess something should be done with RBT to prevent being unable to remove them if killer is tunneling you in the endgame, but this issue exists even for the current Pig so whatever

  • Member Posts: 1,791

    Guys, the beartrap cannot be a death sentence. At least not a guaranteed one. What's all this 1st key is always a dud and egc activates the helmet nonsense? There's other ways the beartrap can have staying power.

    Maybe make it a constant threat. Survivors spawn in with traps (like they do in the movie) and have to do additional side gens to power the jigsaw boxes. When Amanda slaps on a helmet, it's already powered and ticking down.

    Or the helmet has to be deactivated multiple times to actually remove. Meaning all 4 boxes need to be interacted with in full.

    Though the greatest buff she can get is "Hello Zepp" kicking in when the survivor has 30 seconds left.

  • Member Posts: 12,871
    edited July 2020

    You misunderstand what I mean. I'm saying there's no real point to cheesing the RBT if you are trying to score cheap kills because you are better off just camping the hook like any other killer. Why wait for the Trap timer to start AND expire when you can just camp and down them the moment they are off the hook?

    You even admit it's essentially the same thing as face-camping the hook with any other killer, so why are other killers being discouraged from camping while Pig gets to keep her capabilities?

    What is discouraging Wraith from camping the hook? What is discouraging Ghostface from camping the hook? What is discouraging Scratched Mirror Myers from camping the hook? What is discouraging Deathslinger from camping the hook at a distance?

    Multiple killers can still currently camp the hook with ease, and I doubt most of them are going to be changed to stop that. So what makes you think they're going to do something about the Pig?

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    I find it strange that you are against the first key being a dud because of it being a death sentence (it wouldn't be) but then somehow end up being in favor of a bunch of changes that WOULD make the RBT a death sentence.

    Making the first box auto-fail would make it so the Trap at least guarantees some amount of stalling. One thing that can hurt the Pig a lot is when someone gets a Trap off at the first box.

    Allowing the Traps to activate during the EGC means that a portion of her power doesn't suddenly shut off at a point in the game, like before the Endgame Collapse update. As long as you actually put safeguards in place to make sure it is still reasonable (primarily pausing the EGC timer), it shouldn't be a problem (not to mention, it would avoid those situations that are currently possible where you CAN have someone with an active Reverse Bear Trap during the Endgame Collapse).

  • Member Posts: 1,002

    You’re right. I didn’t even think about the fact you wouldn’t need to mindgame if the ambush attack was silent in the first place lol. She could definitely do with some love. Considering Ghostface has no time penalty for crouching / standing back up, I think she should have the same. She’s so sluggish right now.

  • Member Posts: 1,791

    First key guaranteed dud is just ludicrous. Imagine any other power with the same stipulation.

    And if they make such a drastic changes as the ones I'd outlined, they'd need to readjust the timer regardless.

    Having an active beartrap on your head at egc IS a death sentence. It guarantees you'll die if the Pig decides they want your bacon while you're trying to get your helmet off. Even moreso if multiple teammates also are all trapped. You're completely at the Pig's mercy because you happened to get NOED at the wrong time. Now they have multiple end game perks stacked all in their favor and with only minutes to react with barely any investment on the Pig's part. It's lazy.

    I want it shifted to early game stalling. If it does make it all the way to the egc and they made no effort to work on their trap, they deserve to pop.

  • Member Posts: 12,871
    edited July 2020

    Imagine any other power with the same stipulation.

    You're going to have to give an example or two.

    And if they make such a drastic changes as the ones I'd outlined, they'd need to readjust the timer regardless.

    Why? You'd simply be searching 2-6 boxes instead of 1-6. I don't see what making having to search two boxes minimum a death sentence, especially NOT compared to "all 4 boxes need to be interacted with in full."

    Having an active beartrap on your head at egc IS a death sentence. It guarantees you'll die if the Pig decides they want your bacon while you're trying to get your helmet off. Even moreso if multiple teammates also are all trapped. You're completely at the Pig's mercy because you happened to get NOED at the wrong time. Now they have multiple end game perks stacked all in their favor and with only minutes to react with barely any investment on the Pig's part. It's lazy.

    Does it? You just do the boxes while the Pig is trying to get a Trap on someone else. If the Pig is going after the Trapped person, the Pig is just buying the Trapped Survivor more time before Blood Warden expires, everyone leaves, and the Hatch opens for the Trapped Survivor to escape.

  • Member Posts: 91

    I think they should make her ambush charging faster. Many people rely on her traps, but as for me her ambush is her main ability: you can get hits nearly at every standart pallet tile.

  • Member Posts: 984

    Pig is my main and I don't think she needs a buff. She's currently both really strong and fun to play.

    One thing I wouldn't mind is some more fun addons that change up her playstyle without giving her a straight up buff. Currently I don't use addons, as I don't really need them and have 100s stacked up. Any incentive to actually use them up would be nice.

  • Member Posts: 1,480

    I do understand. I'm telling you, at least the ones that I play against, the Pigs will do that and still tunnel somebody off hook even if they get off. They down, helmet, hook, camp, and then tunnel them so they can't get their helmet off.

  • Member Posts: 12,871
    edited July 2020

    And that's a really bad and inefficient strategy. Again, they are better off just re-hooking them and camping the hook until they just die.

  • Member Posts: 1,045

    They should start with add on rework Who on hell use RTB trap ailments?

    For instance:

    Neurotoxin (slow release toxin) those hitted by ambush hit get exhausted per 60 secs.

    Utility blade: Any survivor that have been repairing suffer from hemorrhage status.Decrease good skillcheck area a bit.

    Facemask change to Slow release toxin Those hitted by ambush will be blinded per 60 secs.

    Rusty attachment: Decrease moderately the skillcheck area of gen repairs.

    Amandas letter I would just quit the part of RBT reduction it the most lame add on I think being Iridiscent.

  • Member Posts: 1,480
  • Member Posts: 1,893

    Timed status effects are trash....You just suggested changes that are worse than the current status effect helmets.... at least the helmets will stay on their heads longer than 60 seconds...

  • Member Posts: 468

    Make her traps less random by having each RBT last a set number of boxes. 1 trap would guarantee an open on the 1st box while another will guarantee 4 boxes.

    This standardizes the time it wastes against the survivors so there aren't matches where everyone removes their trap on their first box, or the opposite.

    Also make Rule set #2 baseline and rework the perk to allow survivors to only see 1 random box at a time, changing when the box is checked.

  • Member Posts: 1,893

    Why are you making suggestions for bad pig players then?

    She's one of the only killers in the game who's kit makes it possible to ignore the urge to camp all together. Once they have a helmet on them they're effectively "Ruined" until they get it off. There's no excuse for camping on pig unless you're bad, or unless the survivors are bad and don't know how to respond to camping.

    Lack of education regarding those strategies is extreme, because I still see survivors making the same dumb mistakes....

    You wanna give survivors the excuse of XYZ is camping, sure.

    But tunneling is not a real thing. If your team mates make ######### saves and farm the hook you're screwed. Thats not the killers fault you're sitting out there wide open and refuse to move and hide somewhere else. Could the killer go after the guy who unhooked you? Maybe....if they could find that guy in the first place. Because usually people that farm you off the hook don't leave tracks, and hide. Which means your goofy ass running away are the only tracks the killer has to follow. <-----you've been FARMED not tunneled.

  • Member Posts: 76
    edited July 2020

    I opened a discussion about this earlier. Obviously most of the changes here are bigger balance changes but I would like to say something that 100% should be added. Dash hits should trigger the exposed status (As in instant down survivors who are exposed).

    It currently DOES NOT instant down survivors who are exposed whereas Deathslinger's Reel attacks DO trigger exposed status (And IMO shouldn't but that's a different balance discussion)

    Like, it probably made sense back in the day, but a dash attack not being able to activate the exposed effect when we have a killer that can literally reel in a survivor and trigger exposed is a little silly.

  • Member Posts: 1,480

    Same reason people made suggestions for bad PH players.

    PH can also ignore the urge to camp all together. Still got changed. Doesn't matter if only bad players do it, they still do, and BHVR still seems to be against it. Yes, survivors will make dumb mistakes sure, but it's not really a "dumb mistake" to have the killer just constantly harass you. That's not something the survivor can control. Just like PH got to decide whether he was a camping douche or not.

    Yea sure, tunneling isn't a real thing. Go have a killer stick around the hook and then knock you right back down when you get off into a mori off your first hook. Then tell me tunneling isn't a real thing.

  • Member Posts: 1,470

    Give her back her old terror radius. Q_Q Piggy want M&A snek bacc.

  • Member Posts: 1,893

    Don't make unsafe unhooks, and your team mates won't die 2 seconds after getting off the hook.....for gods sake they give you bonus points (A SIGNIFICANT AMOUNT) for making safe unhooks....

    And for camping all you have to do is default the killer and pop gens. They will lose that match and depip no matter I dunno what the issue is?

    "But what about the person on the hook"

    ^ Why are you hooked in the first place?

    On the same token as PH....instead of calling out bad plays you guys just screamed at the devs until they made a Knee Jerk reaction to "hotfix" it. A very vocal minority on top of that.

    Games been around for years yet people still find excuses for bad play and scream at the devs to adjust for their terrible skill level instead of get better at the game. Its a trash mentality, and will eventually kill the game ala Evolve Stage 2 style.

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    Here are some ways I'd like to see:

    • Increase crouch MS to 4.0 M/S, she doesn't need to move so slow in stealth
    • Ambush audio que is moved to the end of the channel. It's an AMBUSH, it's supposed to be a SURPRISE
    • Instead of needing 1 key from 1/4 of the boxes, you need 2 keys and 3 of the 4 boxes have a key for your helmet. This makes it impossible for it to take 1 box or all 4 boxes. In the case of the box addons they add an empty box, and in the case of Amanda's letter both boxes will have a key.

  • Member Posts: 724

    Revert her endgame nerf. Also make combat straps and last will basekit, and make jigsaw box auras invisible to survivors.

  • Member Posts: 1,480

    Try making a "safe hook" with a Pig crouching right in the area. I'd love for you to explain how to do that against a camping Pig in a normal solo survivor environment.

    Once again it's not about the efficiency. It's about the chance to ruin somebody's game. Just like the reason they took away some of PH's kit to make it harder for him to camp around cages: it wasn't the most efficient way to play him and look, he still got changed because some players play him that way. "Lose" or not, you should see the issue. Do you think people like being told "all you have to do is default the killer and pop gens" when they're getting facecamped by Insidious Leatherface? No matter how right you may be, it doesn't change the fact that this person and whoever else ends up falling for it just had their game ruined by a completely stupid and unfun strategy. A lot of people have a problem with something like that, and I imagine BHVR is trying to tone that stuff down because they're removing the chainsaw guys' infinite revving.

    "^ Why are you hooked in the first place?" Oh right silly me I forgot, as survivor you're not allowed to be hooked once or it means your game is over. Silly me.

    It's hilarious how you try to tell me all that, and then also "you guys just screamed at the devs until they made a Knee Jerk reaction" is completely false. Go ahead and find a comment where I'm whining at the devs for him to be changed. Pro tip: you can't, and you won't. I didn't give a damn about PH. I know what you're saying and everything. That doesn't change the fact that the devs seem to want the game a certain way, and are allowing certain characters to be outliers -- like Pig.

    So don't even try to bring up that "you just whined for a hotfix" ######### when you don't know what you're saying, please.

    I know you already don't seem to know what you're saying, as shown by the fact that I've constantly pointed out that it's not about the efficiency, and you still continue to try to argue against me on that basis. You don't need to make yourself sound more clueless by throwing out the "git gud" instead of actually, ya know, saying anything whatsoever of substance in response.

    Your whole reply boils down to:

    "Just don't make unsafe unhooks" (I already explained why that's ridiculous.)

    "Just do gens and they depip" (I already explained that's not the point of what I'm saying, yet you're too dense to see.)

    "You just like to whine because you can't get good and want to blame the devs" (Nothing but a straw man for you to try to take down, as you can't respond with any sort of actual intelligence. You're either a complete idiot or you're being disingenuous if you actually want to believe that I complained about PH before.)

    I can't wait to see how you're going to (or more likely, not going to) debunk thing's I've said here.

  • Member Posts: 1,045

    Better than useless RBT stuff that no one will ever use. At least those will aid on chase.

  • Member Posts: 1,893

    I mean sure.....its not like perks like Kindred exist...

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    Instead of one drill, she needs 2 drills. 2 tactical drills. 2 tactical drills that can be fired as projectiles, with an explosive tip.

  • Member Posts: 1,893

    Except they don't....

    If you're throwing a 60 second hemmorage on someone you're chasing it does nothing to aid your chase, you were going to down them anyway.

    60 second blind on hit does nothing <-----They have no reason to see auras in that 60 seconds....they are about to be hooked...who the hell are you trying to obscure their vision from?

    60 second mangled.....also trash. Insta kits ignore it, and they aren't gonna stop and heal mid chase.

    60 second hindered <-----the devs would never allow it.

    60 second exhaustion is probably the only thing that makes sense as it would stop things like dead hard......<----as if it was worth stopping in the first place.

    Her current head traps are infinite exhaustion, and infinite hemo as long as they're wearing the hat.

    Which means if they stumble into you again after checking some boxes, not only can they not sprint burst away, they can't dead hard, they can't lithe, and they can't use any exhaustion perks while the helmet is on their head. Which means you won the chase from start to finish. Instead of a 60 second window that could be drawn out by pallets......

  • Member Posts: 1,480

    That totally will prevent her from tunneling players off a hook. Right.

  • Member Posts: 1,893

    Dude they're camping.....why are you not pumping gens and at the exit gates by now? Do you need BHVR to pause hook progression so you can do what people have been saying do for years in countering camping? Do we need body blocking courses? Do we need unhook lessons? Do we need locker and hook tech lessons?

    People say do bones to counter noED on a killer you know is gonna crutch that perk, IE damn near all M1 killers. Do they listen? No, and then they whine when their whole team gets dusted.

    People say bring Kindred you can see the killer camping, then rush gens when you see them standing there. Do people listen? No, they just bumrush the hook anyway and proceed to whine on forums when they run headfirst into Bubbas chainsaw.....

    People say, hey you can easily stop tunneling with DS, or BT.......Takes several years and people are just now catching on, yet people still whine about tunneling? BODY BLOCKING IS A THING!!! HELLOOOO~ 4 years into this games life and survivors still treat each other like trash...SMDH. Theres literally a thread I've been responding to right now where the OP gets dusted by perks and a team that can counter everything you're talking about. But side head....we're supposed to just keep making excuses for people both killer and survivor on how to stay bad? What sense does that have literally every tool to complete any task you could desire in front of you if you'd just use yer brain.....

    Like literally thats all this forum is some times is people whining and trying to blame other people or some perk or some mechanic instead of focusing on why they're bad in the first place and going "Oh well the killer or survivor is obviously rigged thats why I no lost because you weren't prepared. Every loss in this game comes down to that. You just weren't prepared, either by coming into the game as a killer vs a lobby with items you didn't prepare for by bringing the right killer or perks, or by survivors not being prepared on maps by knowing the layouts and the loops. But no BHVR is supposed to just cater to the excuses instead of create meaningful choices in the game....

  • Member Posts: 1,480

    For like the 5th time or something, it's not about efficiency toward "winning" the game.

    You're so unbelievably dense, this isn't worth continuing with you.

  • Member Posts: 454
    1. Crouching/Uncrouching being completely silent
    2. If the RBT's key is in the first box searched, the trap is not removed & a new key is placed.
    3. Increase her crouched speed by like... 4-5%
    4. Bring back her 28m TR
    5. Addons
    6. Addons again because BHVR will ######### it up the first time
  • Member Posts: 5,606

    Camping is camping is doesn't matter the killer

    As for Pig, how about making the boxes have a piece of the key the size of key can be the RNG...

    4 small = trap off

    2 medium = trap off

    2 small+1 medium = trap off

    whole key = trap off

    addons can be made to change what's in the boxes... but at least 1 whole key

  • Member Posts: 60

    wouldn't you get tunneled more though? This sounds like a bad ideal tbh.

  • Member Posts: 60

    Dude no, the key is determined for each trap before the trail starts. The devs even talked about it on a live stream. The only thing RNG about her traps is; which box is going to have the key for trap 1,2,3 and 4 before the game starts.

  • Member Posts: 190

    *Traps are returned to the Pig 2 minutes after being removed

    *Interlocking Razors inflicts Broken status upon a failed box skill check until the trap is removed

    *The Pig cannot see Jigsaw box auras outside of 16m, but survivors cannot see them at all until their trap is active

    *Rule Set No. 2 hides Jigsaw box auras from survivors with active traps outside of 16m

    *Traps placed after generators are completed but before EGC starts are active, but if the killer opens an exit or closes hatch all timers are reset

  • Member Posts: 143
    edited July 2020

    Replace her current Mori with her famous Crucifixion trap from Saw 3. It was called The Rack. Have Entity spawn one for her and she throws the survivor in it and it breaks their body parts one by one. I don't like her current mori that is like Altair from Assassins Creed 1

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    I know which stream you are taking about, and I am reasonably sure that the box is chosen when you put a trap on. Each box has a number associated with it, and when you put a Trap on someone, one of those numbers is randomly chosen for the Trap. Only the box whose number matches the one assigned to the Trap will successfully open it.

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