Can we please just remove Deep Wounds already?

God. That dark screen is soo annoying.
Not to mention, its only annoying. Its never threatening. Its just a mild inconvience, and nothing more.
I dont feel the devs really care about this mechanic very much. Dont know what to add to a perk or killer? Slap Deep Wounds on it and ship it to live! Not to mention, two of the worst killers in the game, actively have Deep Wounds as part of their power.
Give Borrowed Time its old feel back. The gray scale color after getting hit is a callback to L4D anyways, and should have remained in the game.
Im convinced that you cant make Deep Wounds a fun and interactive mechanic. And I still love this dev team, and this game to death. But Deep Wounds was just a terrible, terrible mistake.
It makes both Legion and Deathslinger, two very cool killers in both lore and looks, VERY tedious to play as and against. I challenge any reader to find someone who enjoys the mending simulator of DS and Legion games.
And, my final thoughts, I think Deep Wounds is an unfinished idea. A placeholder if you will, that the dev team did not have time to refine before the live release. And for that, and many other reasons, I strongly advocate for the removal of Deep Wounds entirely.
They would have to buff Legion or Death Slinger some other way though. It doesn't exist to be a big threat that makes you go "Oh my god, Not deep wounds!" It's supposed to waste survivors time so Legion and Death Slinger have some room to breath.
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Wow, less than 10 seconds of breathing room. Amazing.
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I dont mind the deep wound effect i just hate it getting chased for 5 minutes till my screen is so awful that i cant see anything anymore
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12 seconds is less than 10 seconds? That's some funny math.
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So anyways, specifically what would you replace it with for Legion? And how would you buff deathslinger in compensation for it's removal? (or is this a deathslinger nerf?)
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Also what would you do with Soul Guard? You already said to use BT's old system where it just downs you, but Soul Guard isn't as strong as BT so the same solution doesn't make as much sense there.
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The whole point of deep wounds is to waste the survivors time so they can't just rush a gen after getting hit with a legion attack or deathslinger shot. Removing this mechanic would make legion and deathslinger significantly underpowered. The only thing that needs to be changed about deep wounds is the annoying screen effect.
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i'm sure Deep Wounds not going to be looked at for a long time,i don't even think it on they to do list sadly.The gray scale color i do miss.
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Well Im dumb. But it still doesnt last long at all.
For Legion, FF should last forever until you get a hit, it inflicts one normal damage state, and it can down again. Cancelling it early should also not inflict a stun.
Deathslinger needs his range buffed, his movement speed buffed, his instadown addon made base, and the ability to drag survivors over pallets at the cost of chain durability.
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Endurance is a fairly strong effect, and you shouldnt be able to recover for free.
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I want to add more to those two killers to make them less reliant on such an awful mechanic.
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Yes, actually. Sloppy adds a couple seconds onto healing and it's a fantastic perk on a lot of Killers. Deep Wounds is more time, and without the option to just not heal. Anything that stops survivors from just immediately hopping back on gens is a pretty big deal.
I agree that DW could use a change, but if it was just outright removed those Killers would need buffs to compensate.
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Exactly. More love needs to be given to the Deep Wound killers. Both of them rely too much on a stupid mechanic. Buff them to be independant of Deep Wounds.
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I mean you say this but do you even have any ideas on what to change.
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Yes I commented some suggestions earlier on this discussion.
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Ah sorry didnt see them, zoomed me down the page past that comment.
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Yes but the timing is bad. You don't usually recover right in front of the Killer and the recovery isn't free.
BT is way less situational because you are more likely to be unhooked in front of the Killer than picked up in front of the Killer, so IT'S downside, post this change, makes sense. Soul guard is different, and while having deep wounds like now is fine, having BT's old effect would be underpowered.
Similarly to how it would be underpowered on current mettle of man.
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Wouldn't that Legion change completely remove his identity? He's supposed to be an anti-grouping specialist. Regardless of the mechanics used to emphasize it, the end result should be based around hitting several Survivors.
Also how is the Survivor supposed to counter it? Currently hitting someone with Legion in Frenzy is practically free, and the only hope you have as Survivor is either a stun, which is super hard because he respects the pallet, or forcing him to run out of time, which is impractical with his current numbers. This removes the second one entirely even if the Numbers were tweaked a lot.
Also the deathslinger thing is far too many buffs. Deep wounds is not core to his kit unlike with Legion. So the compensation buffs shouldn't be gigantic. I mean you just suggested increased movement speed AND hardcountering pallets in general AND a basekit instant down on a Killer with strong anti-loop even without any of the other changes. Calm down there.
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Say what you will, 12 seconds is basically how long it takes to heal with a medkit. Meaning healing time can effectively be doubled at points. I think the changes you mentioned would be a good replacement for deep wounds, but its up to the devs, and they have been 50/50 so far in terms of balancing.