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Legion buffs next?

Member Posts: 1,285

Yall did great with the Bubba basekit buffs. Now, can we get some love to our favorite band of Hot Topic middle schoolers?

Every killer added since Legion, has just pushed them further into obscurity. New Bubba, for instance basically makes Legion irrelevant, and has better teachables, so why, as a new player, would I purchase Legion, and then buy their beautiful cosmetics, if I have one chonky boi with a chainsaw who does everything they do, but better?

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  • Member Posts: 649

    Right after u tell us how they're even comparable

  • Member Posts: 222

    Tbh, with the right Perk and Add-on combination, Legion is quite uesefull. Still a lot stronger than Clown...

  • Member Posts: 222

    not really, but well everybody has his own opinion :)

  • Member Posts: 15

    I honestly hate deep wounds. It is a minor inconvenience to Survivors as not only does it take like 2 seconds to mend yourself (that's an exaggeration but you get the point) and the timer pauses when they're mending or within your terror radius.

    Not to mention even if you aren't in their terror radius it's stupid long so you can basically ignore it. It poses no real threat.

  • Member Posts: 15

    The problem is Legion's kit requires certain perks combinations and Add-ons to even be viable.

    Plus half the perks don't even work with FF.

  • Member Posts: 2,557
    edited July 2020

    One day my friends of the fog, one day LEgion will have our revenge.

    They cannot leave him in this state forever. And when he is buffed may the children of the corn run and fleee like never before, because we are coming for you.

    All that needed to be changed about him was the walking backwards cheese, instead they added all kinds of things like being blinded after frenzy etc,... to punish us. We forget nothing and remember only pain, remember our name when you hide, Legion will be feared again one day

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    The thing is that Legion is nowhere near as weak as people are making them out to be.

    I don't see them getting buffed soon. Sure agains the 10.000 combined hour depip squad they stand little chance. But as a whole they really aren't that bad.

  • Member Posts: 1,075

    Just remove legion from the game please. Second most boring killer to verse after Freddy, especially if they’re using the usual slow down build that puts you asleep

  • Member Posts: 177

    I don't know why they don't just rework Legion's ability. People seem to really hate it...

    I know the thematic reasons why their ability works like it does, but it'll be hard to adequately balance an ability that can simultaneously hit all 4 survivors.

    The best thing I've come up with (off the top of my head) is to remove the damage and deep wounds from the ability, and replace it with hemorrhage and exposed.

    Now I can already hear the survivors freaking out. Just hear me out!

    If we swapped it to a short-timer version of expose and hemorrhage, but removed the actual damage, that would give a Legion player the ability to tag the entire team, but there's absolutely no way they could burst and kill them all at once, unless the survivors played incredibly recklessly. Instead, it would likely result in a single down, and it would give Legion a head-start on tracking their next target.

    The playstyle would instead look like this:

    • Spot survivor(s) and pop feral frenzy
    • Sprint and tag them
    • Decide to either end the ability and go for a down, or try to tag others and try to down one of them instead
    • After downing a survivor, decide to either hook, or track one of the others (if tagged).

    I'd love to hear feedback on this idea. If it's stupid, feel free to tell me how you'd change it. If you think there are things I haven't considered? I'd love to hear it! This was just an idea I came up with on the spot, and thought it could work. But I admit I haven't thought about it at length, so I'm sure there are flaws...

  • Member Posts: 5,069

    Yes, gimme more buffs to my babies 😈

  • Member Posts: 2,557
    edited July 2020

    It makes my heart grow in size seeing all these Legion players. We did not deserve our fate.

    It may take years, but one day we will stand on the hill in the fog, buffed, and strong in the moonlight near the shack.

    Big Pink Bunny hugs to all Legions, we are many.

  • Member Posts: 3,893

    Honestly Legion rework was completely rushed. Was it necessary? YES. Did it seemed like they were just throwing stuff at a wall and hoping it sticks without thinking of how they combine with each other. most certainly.

    Especially when during the stream talking about it things were said like how the new frenzy duration was even better than old legions frenzy which it wasn't.

    During that same stream they said that the new vaulting speed was good and balanced and engaged survivors counterplay which it wasn't it was highly of abusable and clunky.

    The once the actually implemented the changes the people asking for faster frenzy and faster vaulting the Legion didn't completely enclosed the game it made them better but they were still pretty weak.

    Honestly Legion needs a good and proper add-on pass ( not the Billy style of addon pass) go through and work on the useless add-ons with specific attention to stab wounds study, Franks mixtape and the add-on that increase the detection range of killer instinct.

  • Member Posts: 317
  • Member Posts: 1,013

    I main Legion (for the most part). I dont need buffs. I hardly even use FF. I just like Joey's look and now Robbie the Rabbit. The perks I use aren't even Legion. Maybe! Legion needs worked on. I dont see it. Legion's pallet jump isn't even a boost ( I rather go around downed pallets, it to me seems faster) if I was to give Legion anything. It might be a faster lunge kind of like The Pig (Dont even get me started on The Pig issues).

    (Not to mention Legion's Mori is one of the more expressive of them all, and yet nearly every one hates Mori, I say hook sacrificesare way boring, but is supposedly the main way to get BP)

  • Member Posts: 445

    No buffs to Legion at all.

    He consistently performs well and is obnoxious to play against.

    If anything, they need to completely re-do his power so it doesn't involve mending at all. They need to come up with something new (and less obnoxious) to replace it with.

  • Member Posts: 1,520
    edited July 2020

    We should not only think on what is necessary.

    If we just take what is necessary, then would a faster m1 killer without any abilities enough for 60%+ of the matches.

    Would the people enjoy playing such a game?

    Maybe for a few weeks, or months, but let us be honest - it would start to be quiet boring really fast. Especially since DBD only comes with 1 game mode.

    That's why killers need more as a m1 attack - to make more fun for the killer players and to challenge survivors on more ways, so that they also can have more fun.

    Sometimes also because it is against every logic. A knife is most of the time a short, light and sharp weapon...

    Can you tell me why we can't stab someone multiple times from a realistic point of view?

    The answer is: No you can't, like every other logic thinking person :).

  • Member Posts: 317

    Yes anymore. Go watch Otz win 50+ games in a row with Legion and tell me he's the worst killer in the game.

    People dreadfully underrate Legion.

  • Member Posts: 1,013

    But the thing is. This is a game. Hell, Legion would be the least of any worries if realism was involved. One single whack from Trapper to the back of the head with his machete would already instantly kill these survivors. Billy/Cannibal even faster and way more gruesome because of a Chainsaw rips and shreds through flesh.

    It's the fun of the hunt that this game is about. For killers anyways.

    I'm not ever going to claim being the voice of the people (with murderous intent) but for me, Legion is as deadly as it gets without needing to go feral. Feral Frenzy all it does is give Legion a pain (where, I won't say) just for wanting to continually stab everyone. Legion wants to repeatedly stab. (lore wise) Legion isn't allowed. Because it's the thrill of hunting that is the point of these trials. That and it's just a game. That's Why....

    Hell reasons I like Legion is simple. Reminds me of back in the day a game called Manhunt by Rockstar.

  • Member Posts: 81
    edited July 2020

    Ah yes, and because Scott Jund won 32 games with Speed Limiter Leatherface that means that Leatherface and especially Speed Limiter are clearly amazing and very underrated right? I am honestly tired of people using "but x streamer/youtuber won x games so it's fine!!" as an argument especially while ranking/matchmaking is as inaccurate as it currently is.

  • Member Posts: 968

    more than buff or rework legion need some little tweaks(like reducing the fatigue cooldown to 3.5 would be awesome) and a some reworks in his addons(IDK like making a addon that completly remove the sound. while vaulting a pallet/window would so more useful and fun to use ..than the current detection addons) or vaul speed addons , i love using vault speed legion build but its rlly anoying having to waste 2 perks slots just to vault more faster while in FF...) 

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    Ok sure but presumably we'd want that rework to be stronger than he is currently

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    Really hope he never gets buffed. If anything he should be nerfed harder. Legion with sloppy/mangled add ons and thana, throw in Ruin too is so boring it really does ruin the game as a whole. Hes just a crappy killer with zero interaction or skill on his part and just gives the survivors red bar after red bar after red bar all game.

    Thats 99% of legion builds too. Its not surprising so many players hook suicide against him

  • Member Posts: 143

    He's a fun killer to use and I'd like to see this. Frenzy is just not a favorite of mine. Honestly I feel Legion is a missed opportunity. He should have been a serial killer from the 1960's that was one guy that had a lot of voices in his head. His mask would be half smiling and half frowning to show his different personalities. I just see the team Legion to be lesser versions of Billy and Stu from Scream. Thing is Ghostface's backstory made more sense than Legion's

  • Member Posts: 1,520

    I have my problems with taking Streamers as an example for a topic like this.

    Some of them are good to learn from them. Some are entertaining, but they are usually not the ordinary gamer.

    They put usually a lot more time in the game as the most of us can or like to do.

    TL:DR They can't be seen as the usually player.

  • Member Posts: 143

    If Legion had a good buff, he would actually be a great killer. A good Legion can hide their red circle and can appear as a survivor at a distance. I enjoy playing as Legion at times and I once caused 2 people to DC quickly cause they underestimated him as Legion is considered bottom tier. I'd rather his frenzy be scrapped and he be given throwing knives since Huntress has her Hatchets. Legion's perks are also fairly weak as another problem. His rare perk is the ability to open closets faster than others. If he had knives, this perk wouldn't be as useless since he would have to visit them frequently for more knives.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Legion is a really popular killer and no matter how hard you nerf them they will still be played

    The only difference is that the weaker they are the dirtier the build will be

    If you hate Legion's using the same build over and over again then you should be advocating for a buff so they can afford chiller builds

  • Member Posts: 143

    I agree with you. He's not terrible and he would be a more played killer if he had buffs. Better perks, knife throwing abilities, etc. I feel he was missed potential from his backstory to his build. He is bottom tier with Clown cause it seems more effort was put into other killers and this is noticable.

  • Member Posts: 317

    What he said is definitely accurate, but saying they're worse than clown is laughable.

  • Member Posts: 317
  • Member Posts: 3,893

    Never said they were worse than Clown.

    But they are definitely in the bottom three.

  • Member Posts: 317

    No no, someone else did. I forgot to say that lol

    But yes, they, Clown and Wraith all need some love.

    Hopefully we get a new power for them instead of Deep Wounds.

  • Member Posts: 5,958

    Legion is mostly fine, i'd like to see some kind of buff to hitting multiple survivors, like, for each survivor hit in killer instinct it reduces the cooldown fatigue you get when you cancel the power. That way if you hit all 4 of them you can be rewarded heavily for doing it. it would give their power a use when survivors never heal which keeps them from just being an m1 killer with a 1hit down.

  • Member Posts: 765

    It gets too far from reality when hitting someone does absolutely nothing in a game where hitting someone is the key to win. It even goes against the "consistency" that the devs talk about when turning ability hits into non-basic attacks.

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