So since PH seeing cages is unfair Pig is next

So lets face it by ph logic if seeing cages is unfair to the survivors a pig being able to see her boxes is also unfair to the survivors when there trying to free themselves when a trap is active so this post is pretty much just a heads up dont be surprised when they gut your favorite killer too.
they already did with the End Game Collapse
Plus she has an addon that does just that
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so uh, youre comparing someone standing in front of 1 or 4 boxes and possibly killing one person and throwing the whole match to literally preventing a rescue because you could stand in front of the cage.
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Honestly if they just implemented the "move the cage" mechanic it would be fine. If the cage relocates from proximity and you STILL can't save them, then I genuinely don't know what to tell you.
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i mean if you can see it you can actually do it pretty streategically. either camp just outside the cage range then hardcore tunnel, or when a survivor gets near just enter the range and send them away from where the team was.
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I was refering to billy and possibly pig next
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Did they nerfed your favorite tunneler cage killer...?
Too bad!
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i mean the scummy play from pigs to crouch behind survivors not allowing them to take the helmets off with timer addons is almost op or op and disgusting and should get adressed.
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Someones butthurt
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So you really cant see any crucial difference in a caged survivor and a mere jigsaw Box?
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A good pig won't hook someone with an activated helmet on though, or at least imo. They might slug them, causing others to spend time to get them up. You hope for head pops and focus on survivors doing gens.
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Yes but remember devs cater to the noobs not the good players
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As a Pyramid Head AND Pig main, I see no issue with anything they've done to either BESIDES RBTs are a bit too long for my liking and I still dunno what circumstances freeze the timer or not and Cage auras would have been nice but they aren't really needed.
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I feel like part of the over arching problem is the devs themselves are around purple-green ranks, yeah... I mean, I'm basing it off streams I've caught.
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Please don’t make pig any shittier than she already is
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Wait, what? This is a thing? I thought RBTs were a joke that was supposed to "distract" from gens and death by them was a one in a million, like meme level, occurence because 99% of people find the key in the first box they search?
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Lmao. My last pig match, 2 went off, and I killed the other two. They said "You have the NERVE to kill everyone after getting two pops?!" If only they knew how fleeting it is...
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LMFAO HOLY ######### They actually said "You have the nerve"!? LMFAO Yes, Cheeto, how dare you be skilled after you being lucky! Tsk tsk! Go drop a pallet on your head and think about what you've done!
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I think pig is in a right spot balancewise. So lets go out of our way and think about how to nerf her.
Here is my idea: we add a random factor that when attempting to trap a downed survivor you have the chance to trap yourself by accident and you have to check the boxes for the key (no auto shown).
I think this change will make piggy more skillful to use.
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And Plague not seeing her fountains. . . O god. . .
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Go ahead. I never go towards my boxes anyway.
There's already enough issues with Pig. Especially in terms of mobility and lethality. She also takes more skill to play than holding a button for a chainsaw all game.
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look, a boy who only comes to give us his intellect, pathetic
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My idea would be giving a full immunity to survivor with trap. Maybe even invisibility.
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As a pig player i dont think you should see the trap boxes anyway... Rbts are meant to keep them off of gens and only a ######### pig would go for a surv with a trap on