Generator Rework Concept

PassarinoT Member Posts: 910
edited July 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

To access the document which is way better organized, here's a link:

(The document contains more information regarding perk rework ideas. Forgive me if something is missing, it's a bit dated)

Generator Rework/Alternative Gameplay Concept

Summary: This concept is a rework to generators to make the main objective 1) less monotonous to complete, and 2) more risky to complete. The objective of this rework is to make survivors more bold by going around the map, searching for parts to finish generators, and risking being caught. Alongside this, it makes generators more interactive and less boring to work on. Generator work itself takes 40 seconds for one person to complete a generator, but this does not include time to find parts. This rework will also hopefully change, or even eliminate, the idea of  “genrushing.”

Section 1: The Generators

Reduced amount of generators may sound insane, but I believe that the part/segment system will make this more balanced and scary to play with.

  • Each trial, 6 generators spawn around the map.
  • 4 generators are required to activate the gates.
  • While repairing a generator, the progress bar is broken into 4 sections, which I’ll refer to as “segments”.
  • Each generator requires 4 different parts for each section to be completed.
  • Each segment takes 10 seconds to complete, with a total of 4 skillchecks distributed every 2.5 seconds.

Section 2: The Parts

Parts are similar to items, but do not appear as being held by a survivor. By default, only one can be carried at a time. This is to slow down genrush and force survivors to be more present in the map.

  • Each game, there are 24 parts hidden around the map. 6x each of the 4 types of parts.
  • Survivors can, by default, carry 1 part. Toolboxes will affect this.
  • To find parts, survivors must search boxes around the map. Each map spawns 32 boxes. 
  • Searching a box grants 50BP in objectives.
  • Searching a box takes 4* seconds by default. (*Reduced from 8)
  • Searching a box emits a noise that can be heard within 8 meters.
  • If a survivor has a part held, they cannot search boxes. If all generators are completed, then boxes may be looted for bloodpoint bonuses and shard bonuses.
  • Boxes can contain the following:
  • Part type 1 (Always spawns 6x)
  • Part type 2 (Always spawns 6x)
  • Part type 3 (Always spawns 6x)
  • Part type 4 (Always spawns 6x)
  • Bloodpoint bonus, gained in addition to post-game score. Anywhere from 500BP to 3,000BP.
  • Iridescent shard bonus. Anywhere from 5 shards to 20 shards.
  • Boxes will spawn spread apart from one another, and should be slightly hidden, if not more. 
  • Good examples of box spawns include:
  • Behind walls near the edges of maps.
  • Next to a tree or shrubbery.
  • Between debris or objects in a main building or jungle gym.
  • A few in the basement.
  • Next to locker spawns.
  • Boxes are themed differently for maps, similar to breakable walls.

Section 3: The Repair Mechanics and Rewards

Survivors repair mechanics are tremendously different than currently, with one survivor being able to install a part in 10 seconds with 4 skillchecks and being able to earn up to 1,100 objective points if all great skillchecks are achieved. But this comes at a cost, survivors must find 4 different parts to complete one generator.

  • Each generator has 4 segments which each require a unique part. When a generator has been repaired with a specific part, a survivor cannot contribute to that generator unless they have a different part obtained.
  • For example, a generator has been repaired with part type 2. If a survivor has found a part type 2 and tries to repair that generator, they cannot. They must find a part type 1, 3, or 4 to contribute.
  • Only one survivor may work on a section at a time. However, multiple segments can be done at once.
  • This means that survivors can finish a generator in ~10 seconds if prepared well enough.
  • However, every survivor will have to find a different part around the map.
  • To gauge the amount of progress even further than generators completed, a circular UI will surround the generator icon with a percentage of how many segments have been done. This will be visible to the killer and survivors alike. I’ll refer to this as the “Segment Gauge”.
  • This gauge is out of 24 segments. Once a segment is finished, it will update with the current amount.
  • For example, if 6 segments are done, the gauge shows at 25%. If 12 segments are done, it shows at 50%.
  • This is seperate from generators complete, survivors can have 75% segments done without a single generator completed. (Basically, all gens have ¾ segments done without one finished.)
  • Cancelling a segment repair does not explode a generator anymore, even if a skillcheck comes up, but instead erases all progress on that segment.
  • Repairing one segment on a generator rewards the survivor 300 base objective bloodpoints.
  • Skillchecks do not instantly reward the survivor. Instead, they are added to a final repair score once a segment is completed.
  • For each good skillcheck, 50 points is added. For each great skillcheck, 200 points.
  • Failing a skillcheck adds no points.
  • For example, I complete a segment with 2 good skillchecks, 1 great skillcheck, and 1 failed skillcheck. My segment repair score will be 600 objective points.
  • Add-ons and perks can be used to increase bloodpoint gain.
  • When a generator is powered, all survivors gain survival points as follows:
  • 1st generator completed: 400 survival points.
  • 2nd generator completed: 300 survival points.
  • 3rd generator completed: 200 survival points.
  • 4th generator completed/exits powered: 500 survival points.
  • Escaped: 3,500 survival points. (Hopefully, other scores for survival will be more common. Hence why it is lowered.)

Section 4: The Killers Side Of It

Killers can no longer kick generators, but interrupting a survivor repairing will reset the segment they were working on. Alongside this, the part/segment system forces survivors to move around the map more, making them easier to find and creating a more dynamic interaction between killers and survivors.

  • Killers can no longer kick generators, but can gain bloodpoints for interrupting repairs.
  • If a survivor stops repairing for any reasons, it grants the killer 50 deviousness.
  • This total is tallied up and granted at the end of the round so as not to reveal survivors cancelling when a killer is nearby.
  • Killers may trap a box, this effect will last for 45 seconds. If a box is trapped, once fully looted, it creates a noise notification for the killer. This action takes 1.5 seconds.
  • Killers may also close an opened box, this will also trap it for 30 seconds. When searched, nothing is provided for the survivor. This action takes 1.5 seconds.
  • Trapping/closing a box grants 50 bloodpoints in brutality.
  • If a trapped box is searched, it will grant the killer 100 bloodpoints in deviousness.

Please feel free to ask any questions, I may have phrased a lot of this oddly. Don't hesitate.

Post edited by PassarinoT on


  • Biney
    Biney Member Posts: 6

    Honestly, i was about to suggest the same thing. Like maybe 4 sets of cylinder will be required to repair a generator and they're all scattered around the map.

    Which ultimately

    • Forces the survivor to actually explore and scavenge
    • Stealth would also play huge role ( Urban evasion becomes much more useful)
    • Prolong the average match duration
    • Solves genrushing issue
  • Goblin_King
    Goblin_King Member Posts: 2

    Would survivors still need to complete 5 gens? Seems like it would take way too long for survivors to repair.

    • random amount of time searching for a box
    • 8 seconds of searching
    • returning to generator
    • 10 seconds repair

    This x4 assuming the survivor got the correct part in each box would take 72 seconds not counting the amount of time it would take to find a box, to get the right part & to return to the gen. Also not counting time survivors have to leave their gen to unhook teammates or loop the killer.

    I wouldn't be able to see this being a fun experience for a survivor and that's coming from a killer main, also would be concerned to see how this would affect perks & powers which work off gens (ruin, lullaby, pop, overcharge, prove thyself, etc).

  • Biney
    Biney Member Posts: 6

    Maybe one gens would only require one part and the part can be seen like totem but in a more common area? I mean yeah, searching random box one by one is a bit too much.

  • PassarinoT
    PassarinoT Member Posts: 910

    I believe I was thinking 4, but I don't know why I did not state it lol. But as a 50/50 split, I think this would be far more fun than sitting still for 80 seconds. It also forces stealth play to become more of a big deal to avoid getting caught. Makes the game scarier.