Maybe i'm burned out but.

I genuinely don't enjoy the game anymore, perhaps i've just had a few bad days but i'm not sure.

My survivor games all go the same, either i go meta perks and become gen jockey with mediocre chases as they end quickly or i'm forced to stay on the same two tiles until BL or the killer gives up. If i go 'Jesus Jeff' as example to have a fun and non-meta build it seems i get tunneled or camped. [Please, stop giving up a chase on the other side of the map just because i used deliverance.]

But Killer games aren't that different. I used to enjoy going off meta builds, my favorite being a full hex one and it while i ussualy ended up not having any perks arounf 5-10 minutes in i didn't mind it. Yet... I've being getting bullied when i run these, i am a Legion main [stone me] but i've being getting back into my old main [wraith] for the last month, my last games with him have being exactly the same. I'm being chased by survivors way out my skill level [i am a decent killer but not a great one. I don't mind admitting that.] And i know chasing them would be making the game boring for everyone other than this much better survivor. Now the reason i call it bullying is because this person will chase me out of sight and when i cloak to be quicker or to cut someone off in chase, they'll lightburn me. It's wraith so i don't mind it in game but to see them all escape with only 1-2 hooks while i know i am on the same skill as 3/4 but just that 1/4 makes it borderline impossible for me and genuinely makes me want to dc is disheartening at best.

And for both, as killer and survivor when i have these boring and frustrating games i am met with the same response from all sides "Just take better perks/killer"

Do i really need to change to enjoy this game again? I hate majority of the meta perks, just for how uninteractive they really are at their core.

And don't say "You need more hours to get better" or "You shouldn't focus on the negative games." I know i have 'fun' games but i cannot bring myself to focus on the candy if i first have to dig through heeps of ######### to reach it. And my skill is perfectly middle ground, i am improving but these aren't problems that are solely based in skill.


  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    some people are musing about a Casual Mode (would honestly be nice) or more quests/dailies. think that'd help?

  • Vibe_plant
    Vibe_plant Member Posts: 26

    I don't want a casual mode necessarily [not that i'm against it] but i just don't see why i feel like i'm being stomped every time i go for fun instead of 'winning' a concept i hate in this game.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    Yeah this sounds like burnout. Take a couple days break and return anew- I promise it's much nicer.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557

    take a break, I just took a 10 month 3 DLC break and it works wonders. Came back eager and ready to play again and check out the new stuff, like rifts, the rift wasnt there when I took my break so gave me things to do upon my return

  • lucid4444
    lucid4444 Member Posts: 682

    It's all in your own head.

    If all you remember are the bad/boring games, then of course you'll be burnt out. Do you play with friends?

    And the killer games - no one is bullying you. I really doubt that EVERY GAME is like what you described, it's just that it tilts you so much that you can't think about anything else. If it's that bad, bring franklin's or - change your mindset. Change your strategy. Change killers - not to win more, but for a different perspective. And stop worrying about other people's fun. You can't chase 4 people so how can you make the game fun for everyone?

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    I took a break from DBD and played The Forest for a few weeks getting Platinum.

    Now I'm back on DBD (when I get round to playing games), and am now playing Rift Pass challenge-free. Far more enjoyable.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,697

    Matchmaking is a huge issue with DBD - always has and probably always will - but as others have suggested I would take a break if I were you. If you have friends to play with then that can certainly help, but even then you're bound to be matched against players far outside your skill level.

    I enjoy this game. When DBD fires on all cylinders it can be a blast to play, but toxicity and matchmaking can completely ruin the experience. I would do as others have suggested and take a break from the game. That way when you go back in you'll be doing so anew and won't have to compete against other players that will just wreck you.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    Sounds like burnout to me, I recommend a extremely long break as well. Sounds like you need done of those breaks where your gone for so long that when you come back you need to relearn the game