Why do killers have such high and cocky egos?

I’m probably gonna judged right off the bat for being in a 4 man SWF because that’s how some people on these forums are, but I was in a match on dead dawg with this doctor and we were playing casual, no teabagging no flashlight clicking or anything like that, only I escaped out of the 3. Come to find out the killer was streaming when I viewed the profile after the game and in his stream started to say he “destroyed” us then proceeds to call us [BAD WORD] even though the gates got powered on him Lol. It’s not even about that match in particular, I’ve gone against a lot of killers recently that shake their head no after getting ran for a few gens or camp with NOED and proceed to smack on hook. Maybe it’s the equivalent to survivors teabagging at the gates? Idk? This community and the forums are getting more toxic day by day. I say the forums because no matter what you post on here people always seem to attack you. Out of my 1 year and half of playing this game I’ve never found another game with so much toxicity.
Was there a Vod?
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I believe there is. If there is I could link it with the time stamp. If not I’m sorry.
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He was probably just feelin himself. Beating a good team is legit ######### hard. You said you got the gates powered so even though he got a 3k and yechnically won he BARELY won. One or 2 misplays on his end that 3k could have been a 1k. He was just feeling good and trash talked a little with his stream. I wouldnt call it toxic unless he started sending messages to you guys
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He sounds like a prick tbh
Not all killers are like that, I'm nice enough and I wouldn't call anyone a #########, possibly because I'm a ######### myself. Some might use you being in a swf as an excuse but it really isn't.
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Some killers do have that mind set.... and so do survivors
I'm one that doesn't (probably cause I don't stream)
I do admit that I would feel good if that happened to me but it's not worth going on about
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What a dick. Hopefully he can get banned off Twitch.
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I go against streamers who message me a lot so I personally take a vid of the messages and send it to their friends lmao
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Update: I found the link to the VOD if anyone cares to watch. It’s a rather long match because we were in a 3 gen situation. I also want to say that at the end I did Flashlight Click even though I said in the OP that I didn’t but I only did it because I found out during that time that he was messaging my team calling us trash and other stuff. I would go to the 1:20:00 minute mark and match ends around 1:38:00 if I’m correct
Post edited by drimmalor on2 -
Correction: why do streamers have such high and cocky egos
Almost every ttv I've went against has been toxic
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Why do some survivors feel the need to tbag or send harassing messages after a game? People are generally ######### on the internet. They have no fear of actual consequences because they are safe and secure behind a monitor. It's just an unfortunate fact of human nature.
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He said at 1:39:16 that the guy he EZed was sending him racist messages and deleting them.
Sooo... uh I guess don't do that... or who ever you are partying with. Either way, it seems those two have been going back and forth for a while, so it's hard to tell who started what.
So I guess both are being toxic to each other.
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Survivors can be the same way. Probably far more than killers, as there's simply more of them. And if they're streamers, it's even worse. Gotta look on camera, after all.
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I believe streamers can't say "#########" to someone, I believe it is bannable on twitch if you have proof.
But to the actual thing, I'm not going to defend killer mains like that one, that streamer is an idiot, some have really big egos like that.
Killer mains like that one sometimes are the reason why we killer mains are hated and most of the time we get ######### talked, sorry that happened to you.
Edit: after watching the vod, I never heard him say ######### at all, he said garbage, and one of your friends or you, can't tell because of the name, was sending the man racist msgs? I think that is worse than calling someone a #########.
Post edited by OldHunterLight on3 -
I just had a game against a hag. She brought an eboni mori and DH plus an UR addon and a purple addon. She got 0 kills and DC'd as the last two were leaving.
There was no toxicity. She just came in with her most toxic build and we had 4stacked cakes.
(On a note she had DH and MYC but wouldnt have gotten a single stack because she camped. Some killers just like to make survivors miserable and cant handle it when it backfires)
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Yeah, it doesn't seem so cut and dry here. And now I question the motives of OP, directing people to this guy when they likely know what their SWF group is like. Seems like a shady way of trying to get this guy in trouble, despite the SWF being equally guilty. idk.
And I mean I hate to be "that guy" but this sort of naming and shaming is against the rules in the first place:
"If your post may reflect negatively on another person or people, please censor their name(s)"
It def doesn't say "link to their Twitch account" lol.
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You want to say killers have such high and cocky egos? As if you're not over-generalizing?
That's not "killers." It's just people.
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You have one guy with 4 meta Perks, one guy with 3 meta Perks+OoO, one guy with 3 meta Perks and WGLF and one guy with an actual casual build. You refused to heal despite having a member of the team who healed faster to do Gens (You only healed when the Obsession was being hooked lmao), you greeded a Gen at the base of the saloon for like 5 minutes.
How on earth is that playing casual considering you are probably talking on comms? That's trying to play seriously without results because your general game knowledge is under the Earth surface. It's only casual because you didn't get anything out of the game, otherwise this post would not exists.
I missed the part when he call you using the slur you said but I actually watched when he said one of your friends deleted some racist messages he sent to the streamer.
He called you "garbage" and after a match like that I honestly can't blame him for some trashtalking. OoO in a 4SWF with a bunch of good perks is truly stressful. You are right about sending DMs, that's quite toxic, I don't know how common that is on console but that's the reason my Steam profile is private, I don't want a bunch of kids sending me dumb stuff after a match of cat and mouse with Micheal Myers.
Please give me the timestamp for the slur.
Also, at about 1:30 he said you were a "good team" or "good Survivors" complimenting you.
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If you watch the vod 10-15 minutes after the 1:30:00 mark he still talks about us when we’re not in the match. And you say that because we greeded a gen on main that it’s not casual? Also, what does perks have to do with anything? The whole point of the post was him calling us trash and other names while none of us were taunting, teabagging, or notification spamming?
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Okay, firstly there's nothing wrong with being in a 4-man SWF so long as you accept that you have a huge advantage at your fingertips, whether or not you use it to its potential. Seriously, playing any game with friends is (almost) always fun. Secondly, I borderline never come across cocky killers, although it is hard for a killer to display cockiness. Cocky survivors, on the other hand, I deal with aplenty. You know, full on clicky-click-at-the-gates morons. Thirdly, having the exit gates get powered means nothing, the developers are actively attempting to balance the game around the exit gates always being powered.
Edit: I would like to clarify, I definitely come across toxic killers, I just don't know if it's cockiness or general douchebaggery
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You said you were playing casually, a 4SWF with OoO is not casual ever, just a proof you never cared about the other side in the first place.
That was pointing out a few of many mistakes you made, you are trying to disguise said mistakes with a casual playstyle manipulating the people on the forums who would watch keeping in mind the "casual" part of your post. You are "casual" because what you did did not work out, so it must not be "tryhard".
This post gives nothing to us if not that the community is toxic due to the asymmetrical nature of the game and that even terrible Survivors can reach Red Ranks when carried by the four good Perks. We already knew that, thank you for your insight.
I'm at 1:48 and still can't hear that. Honestly, I don't even know why I'm looking for it, you should be the one giving me the timestamp.
I like how you didn't even try to explain the racist messages part, tho.
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It's a competitive game and you're going to find toxic people no matter what. Winning or losing in a competitive setting makes the Human brain go from one extreme to another. Winning can cause a lot of euphoria while losing can cause sadness and anger. Those are all extreme emotions. I will agree with you that he was in the wrong for using strong words like that and so was anyone else that went back and forth with him. Generally I mute any random immediately and I don't bother with messages.
I will say that I didn't have a mic in one game and I tricked a toxic survivor into thinking I was bad and then I was talking down to them as I was winning. "I caught you slipping. Oh you're trying to avoid getting carried now by turning in circles, I admire your resilience. Let's go see The Entity. Smile for the camera" as the Cheryl was being taken away. That's an example of extreme emotions.
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Alot of times you'll see streamers putting on an act for the stream. I remember my first time watching EdgarAllenBro play a match as Doc...it was entertaining to say the least. It put on a sort of trash talking persona that was drastically different than the norm. You also have to keep in mind that since they ARE streaming, they cant just be silent the entire time and they also dont usually have the leisure to look at their chat, at least not when playing killer.
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Please remember that linking to accounts and channels with the intent to highlight them negatively is not allowed. If someone is breaking rules in-game, use the post-game report function. However, if it is happening on another platform such as Twitch, report them to the respective platform.