Trapper Tweaks

each escape attempt gives 12% better chance (base 0)
grab traps from lockers (holds 2 at base)
can reset traps without picking them up
setting time - 1.5 sec /disarm time is 4sec
[Trap Setters] -0.5 setup speed (Stacks)
B} + .33 sec escape time
Y} + .50 sec escape time
G} + .75 sec escape time
P} +1.00 sec escape time
[Coil] +2 sec. to disarm time/Fail = Injure/Jaw effects are added (Stacks)
B} 60% smaller skill check
Y} 70% smaller skill check
G} 80% smaller skill check
R} Injures when disarmed
[Jaws] 3% less chance to Escape (Stacks)
B} Hemorrhage
Y} Mangled
G} Broken (1 min)
P} Hindered
B} +1 trap
Y} +2 traps
G} +3 traps
P} Dying state (Honing) (counts as a Jaw)
R} Resets itself (Iridescent)
[Iron Maiden]
Y} Trap Lockers & Chests you search, Search 75% Faster (Jaw effects are added)
(doesn't count towards your trap cap)
G} Camouflage your traps
[Wax Brick]
P} +2 sec disarm time/-3% chance to escape/.33 sec escape time
[the add-on list]
B} Setter, Coil, Jaw, bag
Y} Setter, Coil, Jaw, bag, Iron Maiden
G} Setter, Coil, Jaw, bag, Camo
P} Setter, Stone, Jaw, Wax Brick
R} Coil, Stone
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