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If you are going to message someone after a game wait for a response

WheresTheGate Member Posts: 575
edited July 2020 in General Discussions

30 seconds into a match I'm working on a generator. Network connection drops. Hadn't encountered another survivor or the killer. Power cycle my router/modem and try again.

While I'm waiting on my next match I get a message from the killer of the one in which I was dropped. They tell me they reported me and 'explained' to me that DCing is against the rules and why. The amount of condescension they managed to put into a few sentences was truly impressive.

I never intentionally DC. Even if I was someone that DC'd I would have had zero reason to DC that match. We had just started. I hadn't been hit, hung, or even seen. The killer was on the other side of the map chasing someone else.

Upon attempting to reply I find they blocked me before I had a chance to respond. HA!

As for being reported.... I could care less. It won't affect me.

However, if you are going to take the time to send people messages that are so arrogantly self-righteous that there is a narcissistic level of pretension at least be brave enough to wait for a response. If you aren't going to wait for a response just know everyone you message will see you for exactly what you really are....


This person unblocked me long enough to send me another pompous message telling me I would be contacted by DBD soon so I should be prepared to get banned.

Once again when I tried to respond they had blocked me. At this point I have to wonder if this person is just trolling. One way or the other I have blocked them now. I'm all for someone that wants to come at me and they're brave enough to allow me to respond. If not.....

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