Penalty for Campers

I don't think this is too game changing but it could be. If a killer is within 0-8 meters of a hooked survivor for more than 35-40 seconds, their weapon and secondary power (if it can injure or down a survivor) will be taken by the entity until the unhook +5 seconds. In this time, the killer cannot interact with the survivor. If the killer leaves the area, he will have his weapon returned after 20 seconds. This seems like it would be an interesting mechanic but it could be a little broken on the timers. Also, there could be a hindred penalty for the killer so they can't just follow the survivor until the weapon comes back and repeat the process until the survivor is killed.
What happens if the gates are powered? Why should the Killer be punished for doing the only thing they can do? Most Killers can't down people fast enough to catch them before they leave, so camping is the only play. They shouldn't be punished for that.
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I think this game definitely needs some nerf to camping, but I would argue that's not the way to do it.
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Do you know what 20 seconds can do?
20 seconds is half a generator. If you have 3 survivors doing their gens the killer is guaranteed to get only 1k. Lets say he finds first survivor 20 seconds into the game. The survivor gives him a 1 minute chase. 1 gen poped, second halfway done. The surivor is hooked and is on the hook for 2 mins. If each of survivors is on their gens 1 gen left. About 10 seconds is left until the survivor is dead on hook and 3 last survivors are on the last gen but the killer doesn't have his power. He can just stand there and watch the last gen being done.
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Look, i'm a killer main and all, but 20 seconds is not half a generator, its 1/4th of a generator.
This is a terrible idea. Sometimes camping is a legitimate strategy. Facecamping for no reason on the first hook, sure, i'll give you that one.
But if i hook someone, and walk 10 meters away and then the guy on the hook immediately gets saved 2 times in a row, that tells me that the survivors are being overly altruistic, so for that 3rd hook, i'm gonna camp, and it is the proper play there.
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Penalty for genrushing?
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Rush the gens. Camping killers are stupidly easy to counter for any survivor with half a brain
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"I don't think this is too game changing"
takes killers weapons and powers away lol
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First you want strong killers nerfed so they can't play fairly, then you want camping nerfed. That's next level.