Devs, will there be a rework to the end-game mechanics (Doors and hatch)?

We have more than 2 years with the same mechanism of exit doors, 5 engines are repaired, the 2 exit doors are activated (20 seconds to open a door) manage to open the doors and GG, I think this mechanic should be more fun for both sides, I mean, change the system of opening doors or something necessary that the survivors need to achieve to get out alive.
I do not really know, but this current mechanics should be revised and transformed so that if the 4, 3, 2 or 1 who manage to survive have to face the final part that is definitely escape the murderer, through the doors, I do not know what ideas I can suggest but the developers should review this end-game mechanics and change it completely to make it more fun / difficult for the survivors besides fun for the killer.
What do you think?
Edit: I think a few stream ago, the devs said something about a possible rework of end-game mechanics.
First ever effective counter for the hatch is Rancor Perk
But it has to fit EVERYTHING for that coluntereffect. 3 survs down, 2 gens done and obession is last surv looking for hatch. And even THEN its just a thing of luck. So the first try to do something at endgame mechanics isnt really effective. But hey, maybe it is not really there for beeing hatchcounter, who knows.
there were some good ideas on this forums how to make the obejctives for survs more complex.
I remember one that i really would love.
What about collect some fuel on the map first before you can activate a gen? gens need fuel i think. To give the fire barrels a usage , you can also say you need coal for the gens to work. like an old Steam locomotive xDOk thats still not endgame mechanics.
First of all i would reset all the opening state of the gate when the surv leaves the switch before it was opened completely. Would counter that 99% finish - then 360 the killer and tap last % for saying "bye have a great time killer" - crap. And 20 seconds really are not a long time on that huge maps and that movement speed of killers. distance abilitys of killers are not able to stop progress at all. just one shot hatches are. but normal hatchets, clowns bottles, and even freddys dreamdaemon doenst stop the survs from hang on that damn switch - even The spirit cant surprise them there because they can hear her coming.Also I would do something with the area between the gates and the final exit. Maybe not possible to exit for about 7 seconds after getting downed in there. So if u want to live, you leave, otherwise you wait there, get hitted and can get picked up by the killer. and not getting hitted and "fall out the exit"
But what about the mechanics? Actually its a 20 seconds delay from the 5th gen finished and the exit gate open. If you add 10 or 20 seconds disntance time from the gen to the gate, there are still just 30 or 40 seconds until at least one gate is open. maybe there should (random)spawn a special chest (or two) after the last gen is done, where you need to pick the switch and carry it to the gate like an item and attach them to the gate-opener to be able to open it. If the switch fall down (franklin or dead by hook) another guy need to pick it up and finish the job. Once it is attached to the gate, it cant be removed , but there are still 20 seconds to open the gate.
But at least, every change at mechanics will make the game more difficult for swfs of course, but almost impossible for solo survs. the same old problem.
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Yes, they will change the late game and stop survivors from jerking around until you finally force them out of the game. They want to create a more intense and exciting late game scenario that will be fun for survivors and killers
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I still would like another objective to open the exit gate or either another objective to be able to repair the generators.0