Who is your favorite and least favorite dbd YouTuber.
Exactly what the titles say, who is your favorite and least favorite dbd Youtuber?
Otz is my favorite at the moment, he's pretty chill and fun. I don't really have any I dislike dislike outside of Ochido and Tydetyme when he was doing DBD. I actually like Tyde a lot more now that he's on Resistance. I just found him very hard to watch play DBD.
It's going to be strange choice but of those ones I currently still watch probably Puppers. I don't dislike him by any means but he's just my least favorite of the ones I do watch. It just seems like he tries too hard to be nice and it comes off as if he's forcing himself or just faking it which makes it hard to watch him at times.
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Otz/tru3 for favorite.
Monto or ochido for least favorite.
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Not really a youtuber, more so a streamer, but my favorite person to watch right now would have to be Bronx. Really good Demo player and killer in general, easy to listen to and very entertaining.
Least favorite would have to be Tru3, and it's not as if I hate him or anything, I just like it better when people don't complain all too often and he does that a little too much for me.
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I'm going with the answer a lot of people are probably going with: Otz. I also think Tofu is a good contender for me, he's sensible, not toxic, and is just pretty fun to watch.
Least favorite... IDK maybe Jund. Just see too much of Twitter beef like a 15 year old girl from him.
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jrm, ayrun, noob, otz, puppers, scott jund, zubatlel, spacecoconut
dislike ochido and idk about true sometimes but he uploads so much content that sometimes i watch if theres nothing else and i dont feel like twitch.
also honestly ochido was kinda funny in the old days lol
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Otz is my favorite. There are some youtubers that I didn't like to watch but I don't have a least favorite.
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Favorite is probably Otz. I like Ardetha and all the insanity that comes from their channel as well.
Least favorite is some clown I ran into with a youtube channel URL as their steam name that told me they hoped I caught the coronavirus a while back. That guy sucks!
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Honestly? None. I don't really like any of them. Jund is at least level-headed even if I don't always agree with him.
Pug is probably the one I dislike the most.
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Kinda dislike all YouTubers/Streamers at the moment. They just seem so fake and boring - all of them. Most of them are pretty average in terms of gameplay, too.
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Umbra, at the moment. Recently started watching her vids, pretty refreshing.
Least favorite. . . Noob3. He's fun to watch, but I see survivors trying to imitate him, much like they did with Ochido back in the day.
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favorite are otz,tru,farmer
the only one i really dislike is monto all he does is scream and say poop and fart jokes
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Otz and monto are my favourite to watc. Otz is good for learning killers and getting tips, monto I like his random perk wheel series.
tru3ta1ent, I don't like his videos. Just find him boring and complains too much about stupid stuff.
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Favorite - Tru3Ta1ent
Close 2nd - n00b3
Least - Elix
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Fave: Puppers
Least: Tru3
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I'm right there with you. I'll admit I do watch Otz only when I'm looking up DBD stuff and he pops up. I dredd puppers tbh and true. Just boring to watch.
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My favorite is Pain Reliever. Paulie is a close second.
My least favorite is any toxic Youtuber. I saw one guy stream and he had toxic builds as Trapper and he was mocking 2 survivors as he killed them and was laughing evil. Guy needed psychological help.
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Favorite: Ohmwrecker
Least Favorite: H2O Delirious
Dislike: Sattalizer
(I know they're not exclusive DbD players but I follow them for Entertainment)
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They don't actually watch his vids
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Love Otz/Tofu/Umbra. Cannot stand Tru3, the smarmy git. His arrogance is extremely offputting, and from what i've seen, not backed up by any real skill. Also, put on a dmn shirt. Just ugh. Rant complete.
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I find him to be very unbiased, speaks about what people would like to see from both Survivor & Killer sides, just talks facts. We live in a generation, where people hate just to hate.
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he wears shirts?
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Favorite is probably Otz or OhTofu. Don't always agree with them but I enjoy the couple of times I've managed to get into deliberation with them and despite disagreeing with eachother, it stayed very civil ^_^
LEAST favorite actually goes to a Twitch streamer. I don't know if they have a YouTube channel, and don't want to call them out by name. However for context, this is the person who said last year that Billy needed to be nerfed into the ground and then proceeded to block any person that disagreed with her.
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A tank top is barely a shirt, and he wears that at minimum because he was told he had to wear one for streaming. You can look it up, I care little.
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I've been watching him for years I literally have no clue as to what your talking about but I guess Tru3talent shirtless is going into my google search history.
edit: oh god hes hot, those abs 😍
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Farmer and Ardetha are my two favs. I don't really hate any. Most are just really boring to watch since it's just royalty free music over layed on the game audio. I feel bad for Ussylis though, he can't do anything without being called a toxic scumbag lmao.
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I can get behind what you're saying, but I'd have to say in all fairness that Umbra doesn't give off that vibe. She's also a scary good huntress. Most people don't seem to know about her though.
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My favorite DBD YouTubers would probably be.. No0b3, Puppers, Monto, Farmer John and ZubatLEL.
I do watch quite a lot of others, but I usually immediately watch a video of the ones I mentioned whenever it pops up in my subscriptions or recommended.
There are a few channels though that make me roll my eyes or sigh upon seeing either the video title or their channel name.
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I watch - Monto, Farmer, Puppers, Ayrun, Zubat, Ochido, old 72hrs, Otz, Noob3.
I dont watch - Everyone else.
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ditto, I miss pig-detha though.
With Ussylis, I can sort of see where some people are coming from. When I'm able to catch a stream, every now and again he comes off as snarky or somewhat passive aggressive but it also doesn't help that sometimes chat really do be sayin' some dumb stuff. But I look at it in a similar way I looked at Ochido in that they are still pretty young, and I don't think anything they say or do in game is bad to that point.
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Favorites; Umbra, Zubat, Monto, Otz, and Tru3. Occasionally I'll watch some Ussylis and Ardetha.
Least favorites; Pug, Ochido, Noob3.
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Faves are Otz, Ardetha, Yerv, and Tru3 (albeit Tru3 uploads way too much imo)
Least favorite/almost hate is Noob.
I also enjoy Space Coconut when he's not bemoaning the state of the game for 10 minutes straight. Much more prefer his gameplay/informative videos, his vids got me into Hag initially.
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Otz has it for me, hes fun to watch, chill, and informational. My least favorite is ochido, cause ######### em.
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tbf, Tru3 an his daily uploads make a weirdly good white noise machine as you go to sleep. usually watch his stuff before I go to bed or if I want some noise in the room.
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I guess he had better had some, to distract from the voice, the ego, and that friggin hat. To each their own I suppose
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you could grind meat on those things
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Like: Puppers, Vinc3ntvega.
Dislike: Tru3, Hexy.
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Monto is my favorite dbd youtuber. Ochido is objectivity the worst. But azralynn is my favorite dbd twitch streamer.
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Fave Otz/Umbra because I am so entertained watching them whenever I do
Least fave Tydetyme because man does NOT like survivors and his tierlists are infuriating
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Yerv, ArchDruidDrey, @GoodBoyKaru , space coconut, Paulie, and the entitylefthand are my favourites.
I don't hate any of them, but no0b3 seems to only be on youtube for the money right now.
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He quit dbd though.
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Favorite : otz. He's educational and not toxic. I just wished he uploaded more on YT.
Least favorite : puppers. He was fun to watch at first but it gets boring really quick especially when most of things he says are survivor biased.
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I must say I do enjoy watching Puppers and Monto, I never had really seeked for my local country streamers the only "famous" one have a irritating voice.
Least favorites are probably Noob3 he don't desserve that much of a big community with the lack of content and commitment he provides for the past months, Tru3 because he whines just too much and basically any clickbait youtuber who spams my youtube comd' with their "leaks" and tierlists.
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Favs: Otz, Monto, Puppers, Tru3, Sat, Ohm
Least: while I watch Ochido's compilations, I'm not a fan of his actual gameplay.
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Praise the DBD gods for FarmerJohns meme content and Otz’ fat brain. Those are the ones I really enjoy. No0b is a pretty fun content creator as well.
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He edits most of that out in his YT videos. He's a generally nice guy and fun to chat with if you can get a conversation going with him without being drowned out by his chat, but he does make up a lot of excuses and whines a lot on Twitch.
Sadly he's what I would call a beginner's guide to DBD. Really fantastic to start with, but overall you quickly realize how mediocre he is and you move onto someone better. The more and more you as a player improve the more you realize he makes the same mistakes over and over and hasn't really improved much.
I also can't believe I logged into the forums just to reply to this.
Favorite: FunGoose
Least Favorite: TrU3Ta1ent or anyone who whines.
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Otz cause the guy know his traps strategies. I dislike noob3. Noob3 take forever to load up a new videos.
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I like the hat tho :(
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Bruh thank you so much you don't know how much that means to me <3<3
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My favorites for learning are Otz and Fungoose. My favorites for pure entertainment are Farmer John and Vinc3ntVega because of how much production and comedy they put into their streams and videos.
Unfortunately my least favorite is Tru3. It sucks because he isn't a bad guy. I just don't like how seriously he takes the game. He has a need to get a double pip and gets upset when he doesn't. From time to time he'll run into a survivor that got screwed over by their team or is just meaning around because they've already lost and instead of giving them a break he has to kill them for the double pip. He also thinks every survivor team he faces is made up of 3 or 4 man SWF and each survivor is the "nought point 1% of all survivors"