Is demo worth maining/playing?

I've considered playing him, because I watched Bronx's guide. Can anyone give me tips or give me perks that synergise well with him?
probably already heard this but STBFL is what makes him shine, also hes an adorable skin doggo.
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Any good generic killer build will work for him, however save the best for last is an extreme must cuz it has the best synergy ever with his power, and also no matter how many demo guides you watch you'll never learn properly how to shred without using it yourself, but don't be too reckless with it as it can completely lose you a chase or possibly a game
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Save the best for last will definitely make my build for him. He is probably the cutest killer in the game as well. I just want to pet him so much.
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Yeah, I will only shred when I feel like I can make it.
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Always run STBFL on demo. I run BBQ, Pop and M&A and it's done me really well. I understood the love for STBFL till I started playing demo and now i love it.
Make sure your aware of who your obsession is. Also faking your ability is almost as strong as using it.
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the personal build I run with him at red ranks is STBFL, enduring, surge, pop.
Basically its a two pronged asssault. with stbl and enduring you can brute force pallets with little to no worry, at high stacks of stbl you could shred into a hit/pallet stun and be right back on them before their haste buff turns off from being hit. Then surge and pop are great combined with his portals. you surge the gens around you and then go off after a far away gen with pop
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He definitely is, you can do so much with his power its unbelievable. Check out some of the guides for him. I'm All Ears is good for learning if that's your sole focus, since he does take a lot of time to properly play. Try to think of inventive ways to use shred and see what works. That's what I did.
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He's perk reliant. Also very, very loud. If you don't find/pressure the survivors immediately he's really easy to gen rush. I like his shred and portals though.
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Any Killer is worth maining, except for maybe Clown. All that matters is if you enjoy them.
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My build is BBQ, Whispers, Unrelenting & Shadowborn.
The add-ons I use rotate between Rat Tail, Mew's Guts, Thorny Vines/Upside Down Resin, Eleven's Soda/UnknownEgg and Deer Lungs.
Anyone relying on Rat Liver and STBFL just tells me that they're boosted and not a good Demo. He doesn't "need" anything. He is a beast of a chase killer and his rotation pressure can be very confusing to survivors.
I'd also recommend learning his unique mindgames and tile outplays. Not many people even attempt them. But i'll highly encourage you try to figure them out. I ain't about to go raising awareness of them to every Tom, Dick and Harry on here lol
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it's a high effort/low reward killer. STBFL is a must against good survivors.
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He’s pretty fun. The teleports really help on large maps and the shred attack lets you get hits you otherwise wouldn’t have gotten, or even just zone survivors and get them to run away from windows etc
I don’t use him that often but I use a basic build. STBFL, bbq and pop, they work well together and I like killers that work well with bbq cus bloodpoints, and then lastly I take corrupt which buys time to place a few portals around.
He probably is worth playing/maining. Not sure how he would compare against the dreaded swf deathsquads though.
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i feel like @DudeDelicious would heavily disagree here (if he hadnt given up on killer).
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I have fun with him. Get practice with his Shred and I'd recommend using rat liver, which is a brown addon so you could use it every game if you want. It increases your speed while using "of the abyss" so you become just as fast as a survivor. This way you have plenty of time to line up a hit without worrying about losing ground and often times survivors will swerve alot allowing you to close in and just M1 them if need be. Getting good at Shred should be a priority and can land you hits you otherwise wouldnt get on killers like Myers.
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I'm just starting to play him more often and am having a good time. Survivors aren't that aware of the distance he can lunge at either bc no one plays him. Also his best addons are brown ones, some others sound ok but once you check the actual numbers not so much. "Moderately increases undetectable duration" - i.e. by one second
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h*ck yeah man, lad's back in the power seat.
the big brain clown main can never truly rest it seems.