The Guide For Entitled Survivors

Deadnaught Member Posts: 40
edited July 2020 in General Discussions

So as of late, between the game itself and becoming more active on the forums, I've noticed an alarming and disappointing trend of Survivors with just absolutely piss-poor attitudes. The kind that "gg ez" when they lose, and "Lmao dunked" when they win, in post-game lobby.

Sportsmanship in this game is rare to nonexistent, and I've played this game since beta-there's no reason for it. No reason to have stooped this level of cringe-tier salt.

I'm not saying you can't call out a camping killer or a sandbagging teammate. Do it. Shame them. Let them know they could have done better, and constructively help them learn how to play survivor or killer so that we can form a better playerbase.

But being mad at a Killer for playing a way you found "annoying" or a teammate for an accident when they didn't know better is the level of salt I expect from a MOBA-I don't want to see it in Dead by Daylight.

With that in mind I decided to create a little gift for you precious survivors who like to screech post-match: A nice little list of exactly what you aren't entitled to from Killers.

1) Killers are not obligated to let you leave by the hatch or gate.

If you get a nice killer that has eliminated everyone but you and the hatch or gate is available, the decision is theirs to make. They are not "toxic" or "a loser" just because they wanted the extra, tasty bloodpoints. If they let you go say thank you and be grateful.

2) Killers are not obligated to focus you when you are attempting to distract, unhook, or take a protection hit.

I see a large trend of survivors attempting to unhook RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE KILLER then get mad when the killer focuses the previously hooked survivor instead of the unhooker. I do that. Do you know why? Because I enjoy punishing survivors that do bad unhooks. I can get an easy rehook and you get NO bloodpoints for Safe Unhook. Because it was an Unsafe Unhook 😏

3) Killers are not obligated to ignore you if they see you going for an unhook.

Stealth is a large part of this game. When I first started playing, I used Wraith with Predator on him and it made it INCREDIBLY easy to see Survivors running over for an unhook. That's on you. Walk don't run.

4) Killers are not obligated to take your bait and chase you.

You all know what I'm talking about. When you're in a match and threegen yourselves badly, so you attempt to make the Killer chase you. You threegenned yourself, the Killer's job is to patrol generators and prevent Survivors from doing them. Generators are the honey, the survivors are the flies. Only rookie Killers get baited away from defending objectives.

5) Killers are not obligated to NOT run certain perks.

It pains me to say it, but Killers have a right to run what they like. You can complain and critique all you like in the post-match lobby, the perk is there, Killers can use it. Some Killers are like me and prefer a challenge, some are less like me and just prefer to be lame. That's their business not yours. All you can do as Survivor is learn to build counters.

6) Killers are not obligated to hook.

Slugging can be an incredibly viable and clever tactic that works for many killer builds. The perks No Mither, Tenacity, and Unbreakable exist. If you're afraid of getting slugged, run them. Otherwise deal with it.

Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk.


  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    Cool, how long did it take you to type out?

  • Deadnaught
    Deadnaught Member Posts: 40

    Actually a couple of hours!

    I was typing while in Killer queues.

    Funny to note, during that time I got several challenging matches where Survivors did well, and in two of them in particular, there were particularly nasty survivors in the lobby post-game. I had been intending to congratulate these survivors on their skilled gameplay and challenging playstyle, but I instead had to admonish them for being what I've now had to define as nothing less than "sore winners." Which honestly describes the playerbase far too well-Dead by Daylight is the only game I've played where one can rampantly find WINNER who are ANGRY and COMPLAIN. I can have a match of four survivors that make it out, yet instead of telling each other they did a good job they're going at each other for sandbagging of some sort, while I'm just over there watching like

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,772

    I agree with everything but #2, but that's just my moral compass. It's hardly the unhooked's fault they were farmed, make the farmer's life hell instead. I hate being tunneled (because what you gave there is an example of actual tunneling not "oh god he hit me") and so I won't ever do it.

    But again that's all because of my morals, if you wanna do that go for it. Just enjoy my DS stun.

  • Deadnaught
    Deadnaught Member Posts: 40

    As an addition I would like to point out there never seems to be much of a good sportsmanship attitude when it comes to congratulating either side and there should be.

    Why is it when a killer does poorly they're "Trash killer" "noob killer" and "ez", but when they do good they're still "Trash killer" "noob killer" and "ez"? There's rarely a "Well done killer that was a challenging match">

    My heart leaps for joy when I get comments like "Interesting build" or "Thanks for the points killer" because Survivors are genuinely grateful to have a polite killer to play against.

    Every time I deal with these pillars of salt after letting four survivors go I just feel the overwhelming urge to play Doctor with NOED and Blood Warden-if I'm going to get abusive survivors in the after-match I might as well BE a trash killer to deserve that treatment, then I'll at least be swimming in bloodpoints.

  • Deadnaught
    Deadnaught Member Posts: 40

    Oh I can lowkey agree there-because I almost ALWAYS apologize when I knock down the person that just got unhooked post-match. They didn't deserve it and it IS tunneling.

    But you have to realize that chasing the unhooker doesn't actually punish them-they get not only the bloodpoints for the Safe Unhook, but often ALSO the Protection bloodpoints as well. So chasing and hitting them doesn't punish them at all-especially if they're running We're Gonna Live Forever, they've now gotten two stacks to that Perk and will get bonus Bloodpoints for a totally terrible unhook. I don't endorse that behavior.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,772

    Oh no, you're right. It gives them altruism bloodpoints then but I'll make sure they don't escape this trial. What's better, 700 altruism points (500 for safe unhook, 200 protection hit) or 5000 survival points (+ 2000 objective for a hatch).

    If worst comes to worst I'll actually tunnel them because they tried to ruin someone else's fun and then cage em to avoid ds, then re-tunnel from the cage. I know in so many threads I've talked about playing fair before but if you wanna ruin someone's experience I'll ruin yours; we play games to have fun after all.

  • IamB4tm4n88
    IamB4tm4n88 Member Posts: 58

    I feel that everybody plays this game way too serious. The way I play killer depends on my survivors. If they are chill we will have fun get a bunch of BP and most likely PIP and let someone escape. If you are sabotaging hooks and t-bagging a lot then my mood changes and I go a little try hard.

  • Deadnaught
    Deadnaught Member Posts: 40

    Amen to this. The moment a survivor becomes annoying I make sure they have a bad time, and I'm more than happy to make sure they don't get that escape bonus.

    I can agree but more often than not, bad unhooker are that way because they're also running evasion-heavy bait builds with stuff like Dead Hard, Sprint Burst, etc. Like I posted above, the bad unhook is a bait tactic, so while you COULD focus them you waste a lot of time and I generally don't favor giving them what they want.

    It's actually far more amusing walking away from the bait and just turning back to see them standing there

    "Why won't you chase me killer-kun? Don't you want your Chase pointssssss???"

  • IamB4tm4n88
    IamB4tm4n88 Member Posts: 58

    I used to be able to play this game for hours upon end now I play for 45 mins and I wanna shut it off. I feel the perfect rank is between 9-11. Its enough tryhard where its challenging but also enough where in my case im not gripping the controller and about to break it. Im a 50/50 player and hate being a purple rank and higher on either side. I go after Gens not survivors

  • Deadnaught
    Deadnaught Member Posts: 40

    Gosh thank you, someone who feels the same way. If I rise too high as a Survivor OR Killer or I will purposefully just chill in a match to de-rank because I don't want to ascend to sweat-tier. I'm here to have fun.