Why does the spirit get special non-power abilities that she doesn't need?

I'm not even mad about her power, i just dont understand the extra tools she gets for no reason at all. Why does she get a unique pallet break animation so you cant flashlight her during it? why does she go invisible when shes walking? It just lets her end loops easily because you cant see if she double backs if she gets lucky and goes invisible as she turns around. The spirit already has an insane power that negates the survivors skill and leave the encounter to a guessing game, does she really need to not have an animation when she vaults a window so you have no idea if which way you should loop?
It's just the way she is. More killers need passives. And heck, it would be neat for survivors to have passives as well, but it would mean everyone would play the ones that let them genrush the fastest..
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Uhhhh she was given a vault animation ages ago. And spirit aint the only one who cant be blinded on pallets. I believe hag is also extremely difficult to blind at pallets too. Not to mention survivors shouldn't be wasting time blinding at pallets unless its a challenge.
The passive phasing is part of her basekit and its really not that bad. Just play safer at those areas and if she gets you there, remember she is a 110% killer. You should be downing to her power and thats part of it
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Passive phasing is honestly one of her cooler aspects- I'd rather see that enhanced and her ability to easily zoom around loops nerfed.
As for blinding her at pallets, that has always been incidental. Most killers are tall and use their feet, Spirit is short and uses her weapon. Animations have never been designed specifically so the Killer can eat a blind, it just happens to work out that way since they're usually taller.
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i agree that her passive is cooler and more fun to go against than her main power, but i still believe that it doesnt make sense for her to have both, as she really doesnt need it to be strong
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It has to do with her height. She looks down at pallets when she breaks them. A couple killers as well cant be blinded at pallets. Taller killers are easier to blind. You have to catch her as she begins to break so as you drop the pallet get that flashlight ready
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Spirit is a little #########, that's why lol
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Actually you CAN flashlight blind the spirit at pallets, but you have to start blinding her before she starts breaking the pallet. Same as with hag.
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No vault animation...?? She got one so long ago..
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Nerf Spirits ability to hear survivors while phasing.
Buff her ghost speed while phasing o_o
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Pretty sure Spirit got a vault animation, like, 8 months ago.
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It Myers hag and spirit