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Need help with chasing/mindgames

zuombie Member Posts: 5

Hi! Im new to the game (Rank 3 Surv/Rank 9 Killer) and i really enjoy it even when i get bullied by red rank survivors. Ive learn so much over last 120hrs, especially by watching streamers. When it comes to general strategy, like when to camp, how to patrol gens, when to drop the chase, i think im decent.

However! Im really struggling with most important part of killer gameplay. Im bad at chasing. People can loop me over simple tiles for ages and then just go to another loop. By simple tiles i mean the most basic pallet with some rocks around... If there's a structure with a window i can just give up, because i probably wont be able to catch them.

I know that the best tactic is to "mindgame" and im trying it every game, but 90% time i mindgame myself. I moonwalk into the wall or i end up having more distance between me and survivor.

Is there any hope for me? Are there any guides on how to loop/mindgame as a killer? I know it's all about creativity, but maybe some general tips?


  • The trick is to hide your stain, but BHVR has added perks that do that aswell now.

  • xaphl
    xaphl Member Posts: 48
    edited June 2020

    what killer do you play? I think painreliever has a tutorial on how to path as killer maybe watch that

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957

    Just play Freddy, his basic ability un-modded with dream pallets (dream snares) shuts down EVERY loop in game.

  • Equus
    Equus Member Posts: 324

    It seems to me that you need to mindgame less since you are tricking yourself which gives the survivor distance. At least until you pick up the basic chase skills than you can work on the mindgames. When you're still learning how to chase you need to capitalize more on bloodlust so do NOT get stunned or break pallets (otherwise you'll lose bloodlust). Only break them if the loop is safe otherwise chase them away from it or around it. With bloodlust you can close the gap you're now unable to.

    Have you invested some hours in survivor? Because that will teach you loads about how to chase. Cutting chases short is about predicting the path the survivor will take and cutting them off. I try to think about what I would do if I was the survivor; this helps alot. Also think about window vaults; never chase them around in a way they can fast vault, switch direction to force them into a slow vault so you get a hit or they are forced to abandon this loop.

    Furthermore capitalize on line of sight, this is also why you should play survivor to know what they can and can't see. Sometimes just stand still and they will run into you, especially when you break line of sight while looping a wall or big rock. If you're intending to double back during a loop do it at the pallet when it's still up, it will block the view of the survivor if you're a small killer like legion/hag/pig and they'll lose their distance giving you a hit.

    Also stick to one killer when you start because learning a killer's ability will take you some time. I recommend wraith when you first start since he is great at that first hit so you only have to chase for the final down. He also has great add ons to help like 'the ghost soot' which is brown so common in bloodwebs and hides the red stain and terror radius for 6 sec after uncloaking. Combine that with the bone clapper (only yellow so quite common) and you're absolutely lethal at loops. Read up on the add ons they help if combined well.

    Good luck!

    GHERBEARRULES Member Posts: 265

    You should watch this, it should help a lot.

  • zuombie
    zuombie Member Posts: 5
    edited July 2020

    @Equus But i cant catch them even when im not trying to mindgame. After looping me 3 times through the window and droping pallet at me they just run to another tile. Im really trying to do my best, there's always weaker player in group and i can snowball by hooking him first. But right now im just in a place where there is no weak link in groups. I just got 4 matches in row when i didnt hook anyone once. Im not talking about sacrifice! I just couldnt hook anyone! 4 games in row! That's really pathetic and makes me wanna leave that game forever.

    I dont want easy matches, but i'd love to have at least 1 fun game everyday. I feel like im missing something when it comes to chasing. DS, Sprint Burst and Dead Hard should be my problems, not survivor running in straight line :D I know there are many good players who are playing this game mainly to loop with killers and are really good at it. But majority of community is probably more casual and even they're making me look like a tool. Im not blaming the game, because when im playing survivor i meet a lot of killers who can finish chases in 10-20 sec. Im blaming my lack of skill and this whole thread is to help me somehow improve. I've seen youtube videos that were posted in this thread (how to run specific tiles) and i added that knowledge to my gameplay, but it didnt help me much, it made chases even longer.

  • Equus
    Equus Member Posts: 324

    What killer do you pick? If you are playing with a killer that has a steep learning curve or is overall considered a weaker killer you are making it hard for yourself. Furthermore this sounds like you start a chase when the survivor has already spotted you from quite a distance. If they see you early then the chase will be a long one since the survivor gets to a strong tile before you can cut them off. Don't start a chase in strong areas with lots of pallets/ windows.

    Also approach from a weird angle. When you know a survivor is there (because a perk like whispers) use that info before they spot you. Meaning that if you think they are in the jungle gym go around and get in from behind or from the side that gives them another good tile. You block off the escape route this way and/or surprise them giving you a hit or at least a shorter distance in the chase.

    And think about what those killers you are facing are doing differently than you are. They end chase fast if you figure out their tactics you can copy. Don't give up, killer can be quite unforgiving when you're learning skills and just want to have fun. I think good perks will be your solution. There is nothing wrong with using meta perks, they are meta for a reason. A good strong perk build can come in crutch to cut chases short and get a kill in the end. If you miss melee attacks use unrelenting until you know when to hit.

    I know loads of people are negative about using NOED but I see it as training wheels. Getting no hooks 4 games in a row is really disheartening. I feel no shame in using NOED on killers I'm still learning. After a while you will more often than not win games without ever getting to the endgame so NOED does nothing... When that happens you know you've got skills and can swap it with something else. Just close endgame chat because of the salty comments from survivors who without shame use strong perks themselves.

  • NateyBoi
    NateyBoi Member Posts: 315

    I would use huntress. She can really just throw her hatchets over to the survivor looping. The huntress dlc is free btw

  • MrGimmsYouTube
    MrGimmsYouTube Member Posts: 47

    Yeah will say a long range killer would definitely help out. Example would be Huntress or Deathslinger. Less worry about the red stain. Alternatively The Trapper is good. Set up the game with your traps early. What rank are you now?

  • zuombie
    zuombie Member Posts: 5

    @Equus I've been playing Leatherface a lot as it was first killer i leveled up (for BBQ). Now i play Ghostface and Legion. I enjoy playing them and I love the fact that I have to catch survivors only one time to down them (because GF's stalk and Legion's first free hit). I know Legion doesnt have any ability that helps in chasing but that's the best way to learn, right?

    I dont have that game knowledge yet to quickly rate if area is strong. And dont know which angle is best to approach survivors. That's probably something you learn with time.

    I use strong perks like Pop, BBQ, Corrupt, Ruin, Discordance etc. so my build shouldn't be a problem. I tried running NOED, and It gave me some extra kills but it just doesn't feel okay. It makes you rank up faster and without it you discover you don't belong in your rank :)

    You see, I can't learn from killers im facing, because they're not doing anything special. The problem is i am bad not only in chasing but also in looping! I'm Rank 1 survivor and I always get hit by killer in like 10 sec even in killer shack. Im decent in a lot of other stuff, but i just can't learn CORE MECHANIC which is chasing/looping. I keep playing and becoming better in general, but i don't improve at chasing/looping at all. I can't even drop a pallet to stun killer. I did it maybe 2-3 times in my whole 180hrs career.

  • xaphl
    xaphl Member Posts: 48

    looping is something you gradually learn take the agro more often as survivor and you learn a few things every match watch tutorials on youtube if you want to know the structures shapes and how to path correctly

  • zuombie
    zuombie Member Posts: 5
    edited July 2020

    @Equus The worst part is that im getting worse and worse everyday. Instead of becoming better im just even more pathetic. I had so many fun games, for me and for survivors. Some wins, some loses, but it was very fun. I've managed to reach rank 4. Right now im just pathetic, I getting no hooks or i get first hook when 3 gens are already done. People in end game chat are not even toxic, they just ask me if everything is okay etc, because im that bad. Sometimes i play against rank 13-20 survivors and I still can't kill anyone. Today some rank 15 guy run me 6 times throu L T tile. And after that i still didnt catch him. I used to love this game, i even told my friends they should buy it, but right now it only makes my feel bad. I know its PVP game and you need to play to be better, but problem is i dont see what im doing wrong. I watch Otz, Jaee, Bronx streams and they end chases in max. 20 secs without even using mindgames, or just by doing one simple moonwalk, but it doesnt work like that for me. I know that i am missing something, but just dont know what it is.

    Survivors know that i am very bad and teabag me at every pallet and give me that "Come at me " emote every game. I used to try hard even those games that seemed to be lost and i somehow managed to get 2-4K. But right now im just givin up those games. if i lose first chase i just roam the map or hide in my basement and wait for them go leave. I dont consider myself a weak person. But i just dont see a point to play against them. It's sad that i have to derank to hopefully play matches i have at least 20% chances of winning.

    I am trying to not sound like a whinning baby, but it is first multiplayer game ever that deafeted me. At the beginning I was bad at many games, for example CS:GO. But i knew there was a very unique aiming mechanic that i need to learn. And every month I did that little step to improve at that specific mechanic. I hold my crosshair higher to aim for the head etc. But in DBD im so lost. I thought im decent, but realised im just a beginner. I hit the wall and can't do anything to overcome it. Maybe my only hope is to meet some Rank 1 Surv/Killer who can teach me in Custom Games how to chase/loop, but i dont think it will ever happen. Right now i play just because I love the idea of this game and im hoping that miracle will happen and ill learn something new.

  • Equus
    Equus Member Posts: 324

    Leatherface is getting a nice rework soon but isn't easy right now. GF is a good choice with the stealth, his stalk is utterly broken making it really hard to break him out as survivor if you keep crouching behind ridiculous things like grass. I main legion and he requires some mindgaming to get the second hit, you can lose distance easily if you make a mistake. I love legion but I must say he takes time to properly learn so stick with them till you master their ability or pick someone easier first.

    It will take time to recognize strong areas and deadzones. Try to look for the pallets/windows if there are plenty it is strong if not it is weak. A deadzone is an area without pallets/windows. Try zanshin tactics for a while it helps recognizing good areas to chase.

    Since you're having a hard time with the core chase mechanic I can say that if you get good with legion you have mastered it since they basically are an M1 killer when it comes to actually downing survivors. Consider learning an easier strong killer first, I myself love doctor. If you get you're timing right with the shock you can deny window vaults/pallet drops which cuts chases short. It will take time to get proper game sense but it will come. You can also go into KYF with someone and just practice chasing. An hour doing this while using voicechat can help identify where you are going wrong.

  • zuombie
    zuombie Member Posts: 5
    edited July 2020

    @Equus I actually quite enjoy playing Leatherface. I can't run tiles with any killer, but with him i can at least instadown survivors when they're in open space :D

    Yea, that's the reason i chose Legion. He's fun to play and it feels like if you learn him, you can play with every other M1 killer.

    I dont know anyone to play KYF with, so it won't work for me :<

    Right now i have 16 games in row with 0 kills and 4 games with 0 hooks. I even started using NOED, but it doesnt help. Im finally deranking, but it doesnt seems to help me a lot. I feel like im just playing to get some BP and prestige characters, not to actually enjoy the gameplay.

    I really appreciate you tried to help me. I think ill just stop playing, maybe i back next month. It's sad because it was my favourite game for last 2 months and i even bought every DLC on last sale. I have to just accept the fact there's something wrong with me that doesnt allow me to learn that thing. I often see streamers just run behind survivors and hit them without any tricks. It never happend to me and I just have to accept that.

  • Equus
    Equus Member Posts: 324

    You can find players on the DBD discord when you want to play together or practice specific things. A break can also be refreshing and make you come back stronger. Hope to see you in the fog soon though.