NOED Proposal!!!!

I hate this perk even as killer Ive only used it once. So overpowered. I have a proposal to fix it. i was just wondering what the community thought about it.

I wouldnt mind making it more like rancor. Not a hex anymore and cant be cleansed but makes an obsession when last gen is popped. Still gets the haste and can 1 shot but only the obession. But no Mori kinda the poor mans Rancor is what im getting at. It always needs an obession so once this obession is killed it moves to another player

I know im going to take heat from certain people on this touchy subject and i understand its the killers last chance to get a W but i think it should be a chance for the killer to secure a kill or a couple with my proposed plan

What does everyone think?????


  • bingbongboi90
    bingbongboi90 Member Posts: 576

    This perk is far from overpowered. Just make a totem counter and survivors know how many dull totems are left.

  • IamB4tm4n88
    IamB4tm4n88 Member Posts: 58

    Waste of time. Everybody nowadays already know there a re 5 totems and a high chance someone has NOED. This stil makes it balanced to the point where even the survivors had a chance the killer had all game to stop the survivors but couldnt. I also would like to know how you think this isnt overpowered? Just a question not starting an argument and dont use the arguement just destroy totems give me an actual reason

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014
    edited July 2020

    The only real problem with NoED is that it's incredibly easy on some maps to miss a couple. Even with Detective's Hunch and Small Game. I once did four totems on a map, never got hooked the whole game, last gen popped -- I ran all over the map to see if another totem popped up on Detective's Hunch. I assumed--wrongly--that my teammates had done a SINGLE totem. And of course i get downed by NoED. And despite having cleansed 4 totems, did at least 2.5 generators, and unhooked two survivors... my team abandons me. Part of me doesn't blame them, because NoED. But geez. They could've done a SINGLE totem.

    Also, when the killer camps its a real issue. They shouldn't be rewarded for camping. But I don't have any idea how they could fix that, without making the perk worthless to someone who actually struggles in a game and doesn't camp.

  • IamB4tm4n88
    IamB4tm4n88 Member Posts: 58

    Oh yeah clear way how many solo Qs have you played where you have to cleanse every totem yourself because Ive made small game a perk in my build now. Instead of knocking all 4 with one hit now he can only knock 1 at a time. Rancor can mori this cant. IMO NOED is a crutch perk with the killer knowing if he hovers around 1 Totem all game he can get a 4K

  • bingbongboi90
    bingbongboi90 Member Posts: 576

    It isnt overpowered because why use a perk that only can be used after the gens are completed when you can use a perk that helps during the game so you have a bigger chance to 4k.

    Noed is only strong when you lose so in the end you get the pity 1 or 2 kills but no pips or maybe a depip.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    So you can one hit your obsession. Big whoop. Unless they're on death hook, you run the risk of DS/BT. Which is why Rancor will always be picked instead of this perk.

    Do bones.

  • IamB4tm4n88
    IamB4tm4n88 Member Posts: 58

    Pity 1 or 2 right Ive seen whole teams destroyed. On top of already being faster than survivors they get a 4% speed boost and everybody is exposed. Ive literally seen it first hand a Killer goinig from depip to 1 pip just cause of that perk. Then most of the time the exit gates are practcally on the same wall. Unless you have a team that destroys totems then most of the time its a wrap. Survivors bounce right when they see that little emblem show up

  • IamB4tm4n88
    IamB4tm4n88 Member Posts: 58

    Do bones is such a bad excuse. You must roll with SWF all the time then. If you think its that easy for a solo Q player to cleanse totems.

  • Venoxxie
    Venoxxie Member Posts: 300
    edited July 2020

    I would just rather totem spots and sounds be fixed. Make the sound more noticeable when you're near a hex (even dulls should get at least a small sound emanating from them) and don't hide them in such ridiculous spots. My issue is more with the totems than the perk itself, especially when a killer hooks someone right next to NoEd... They pretty much get a free kill because of it. It's also a perk that takes no skill. You can get 0 hooks all match and still probably get a 1k or 2k with it which makes you such a boosted killer and causes you to cry when you actually rank up from it because you vs people who actually have skill...

    Your fix sounds too close to rancor for that to be a legit change. Might as well buff rancor a bit and rid of noed.

  • xEzekanarioX
    xEzekanarioX Member Posts: 378

    "I hate this perk" :(

    Ask a killer what perks does he hate from survivors...

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Depends on the killer, really. And I don't mean the character, but the player. I've had really fair players with NoED hook me next to NoED, and then NOT camp me. I managed to cleanse it as soon as I was down. They were busy chasing other players to get them down, presumably to earn more points.

  • IamB4tm4n88
    IamB4tm4n88 Member Posts: 58

    For me its not so much the totem spots I use Small Game. Its the trust that the other 3 will cleanse as well. I run inner strenght so it forces me to totem cleanse for healing purposes beacuse who doesnt like a free heal.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    For your information, I'm a Solo Survivor. What I do have is experience. I've learned spawn locations on most of the older maps by now, so I can hit up at least three per match. If I'm still downed by NOED, o well, I know I did my part.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209
  • IamB4tm4n88
    IamB4tm4n88 Member Posts: 58

    I was waiting for the toxic one. I dont hate any at all. DS has no effect on me killer or survivor and neither does Spine Chill. Im a KILLER MAIN and I hate NOED

  • IamB4tm4n88
    IamB4tm4n88 Member Posts: 58
  • Venoxxie
    Venoxxie Member Posts: 300

    Sadly, most killers I see camp and what not when noed is next to the hook because they rely on not smart survivors. Most of them bring noed because they've had one too many rounds where they lose and they don't like it or something and people don't realize the game takes skill. It just promotes lazy gameplay during the match.

    Most people don't have your luck with fair noed players unfortunately.

    Yet, not everyone runs that perk and SG is kinda bad with the huge radius when you "look in the direction" of a totem (because chances are you're not actually looking in that direction and it was on the very right hand side of your screen so you get confused as to where it is or you still just can't find that exact spot regardless). And let's face it, with the way totems are no one wants to do them. They don't contribute any progress, and it just gives the killer more time during the match to kill everyone. You pretty much have to rely on your team not being completely horrible (which rarely happens) to have enough time to find and do all totems and still be good enough to do all the gens.

    But think of the types of perks killers bring as well that slow the game even further. Most rounds I've tried to do totems in, I can't because the teams need me on gens to actually make progress because they can't.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    You're welcome.

    Now, I don't mean to discount your idea. However, when there's a better perk than the idea you propose, it won't fly.

    I've had my own ideas for NOED before. Such as turning it into a token based Hex. For every hook you manage during the match, you gain a token. When the Hex is activated at end game, you can one shot potential for every token, or every other token, you have stacked, up to four. Similar to BBQ. In this manner, you can't simply sit around waiting for NOED to activate and expect to carry. On the other, it rewards actually putting effort into the match.

  • Pillarman
    Pillarman Member Posts: 12
    edited July 2020

    I think it's a good idea, and you're right. Second chance perks are just a crutch that reward players for the opposition fulfilling their objective. It makes no sense and they should all be nerfed. Since you've already covered all the killer second chance perks here's some suggestions to make the others more fair.

    Decisive strike: upon completing a successful skillcheck while being carried you struggle harder for 5 seconds kind of like a poor man's boil over

    Adrenaline: on the last generator bring completed you leave no scratch marks for 15 seconds kind of like a poor man's poised

    Borrowed time: after unhooking a survivor you see their aura until they enter a healthy state kind of like a poor man's empathy

    Deliverance: each survivor you unhook gives yourself an extra attempt at unhook yourself kind of like a poor man's slippery meat

    Unbreakable: when you're in the dying state grunts of pain are reduced kind of like a poor man's iron will

    Soul guard: you get alerted whenever you're near a lit totem kind of like a poor man's small game

    Dead hard: press the active ability button while running to do a short dash, if you get hit while dashing your aura is revealed to all nearby allies kind of live a poor man's bond

    That's all off the top of my head for now what do you think???

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    I am a survivor main, and i don´t. despite what others say, i play solo survivor most of the time, and i can do all bones, without perks or items dedicated to it. Because totem spawns are only semi-random, AND i can count to 5 by myself.

    Yeah, you just need a little time at the beginning of the game to do them. if your team is halfway decent, its easy, because two will do gens and one will be in a chase. IF your team is made of potatoes, you are screwed anyway.

  • Bloodlust_Gamer69
    Bloodlust_Gamer69 Member Posts: 167

    Maybe if they nerf DS, unbreakable, sprint burst and dh.

  • Bloodlust_Gamer69
    Bloodlust_Gamer69 Member Posts: 167

    I actually like the soul guard idea. I also love the other suggestions.

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    You cant nerf noed whitout nerfing those second chance perk DS, BT and unbreakable. All of those perk reward bad gameplay in my opinion.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    There is no argument lol it’s a hex totem it’s risk reward if you don’t like it get rid of the totems stop whining about nerfing stuff that is no where as broken as other issues and perks just cuz you are lazy

  • Demonl3y
    Demonl3y Member Posts: 1,416

    If you think cleansing totems is a waste of time, then why is NOED a problem? If its a waste of time, NOED cant be that bad.

    NOED isnt actually a really strong perk.

    You can deavtivate it before it even activates + its like you run only 3 perks the entire game.

    Also even if NOED is activatet, you arent guarranted to hit/kill anyone with it.

  • Kees_T
    Kees_T Member Posts: 811

    Any experienced survivor knows commons totem spots and will look for it, while also maintaining on their mind the totem locations which are already cleansed. This way you can predict where's the other totems.

    Optimize your time, If you're passing through tiles just do a little search and see if you find any totem, if you find a totem, cleanse it(or not if it's already cleansed) and keep track of it to pinpoint the others, if not, keep doing gens and repeat the process

    I don't mind a totem counter but free information on the Kille gameplay sounds bad.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    Only the obsession you say? People would just run NOED, Blood Warden, Nemesis, and either PWYF or Enduring. They’d get a down, eat a pallet, and get another down. Rinse and repeat.

    People would complain about NOED just the same and even more possibly because you can’t even cleanse it.

  • ZerLukas
    ZerLukas Member Posts: 294

    So your idea is to turn a perk into an inferior version of another perk. How could that possibly be a good idea?

  • Sir_Bassington
    Sir_Bassington Member Posts: 229

    noed is small pp killer build like DS unbreakable is the small pp survivor build.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    Honestly how can you think this is a good idea? Why would anybody use this when Rancor is a much stronger version? There is nothing wrong with NOED. I never use it as a killer and I’m rarely struck with it as a survivor because I run Small Game a lot.

    If people have that much of a problem with it, then they should be running Small Game too. There’s literally nothing to complain about.

  • Golden_spider
    Golden_spider Member Posts: 587

    Run Detective's Hunch.

    Don't have it? Small Game.

    Need the perk slot? Map with Red Twine & Optional Usual/Odd Stamp.

    Need the Item Slot? Learn the typical spawn locations on maps.

    Don't want to learn the spots? You accept the risk of NOED possibly activating then.

    Still got hit by NOED even though you cleansed a totem or two? Go yell at the 1-3 other Survivors for not helping.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited July 2020

    The thing about solo queue is not the unknowing but the reluctance of some to cleanse a totem.

    Ask yourself how many totems you see when playing solo. Looking for gens or being in a chase I can safely say I will see at least 3 without actively looking. If everyone who saw them did one instead of sitting on that gen close by then NOED would be a perk no one uses.

    This then is on the mindset of the other players you are matched with and as such should never be blamed on the killer, devs or the perk itself imo.

    I wonder how some would feel if the original NOED was still in game. That activated on last gen being done for the rest of the match with no way to disable it.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    I thought about something like this, only a bit stronger. But then it's unfair to killers with need who struggled all game or who got gen rusher to hell and 5 gens pop in 3 minutes. Those killers should not be punished with a token system. After all, survivors - good or not, get their second chance perks.

    Maybe something like this could work:

    Start the trial with 4 tokens. Each survivor killed loses a token.

    At 4 tokens, survivors are exposed, killer gets a 3/4/5% speed boost. At 3 tokens, the killer loses the speed boost. At 2 token the killer loses the exposed status, but can mori a survivor. At 1 token, the killer loses the mori but gets a 8/9/10% speed boost.

    This way if the killer struggles, they have a comeback perk that works as intended until they get their first kill. Then it gets progressively weaker. This also encourages killers to go after the other survivors rather than just camp with need, but without removing the option.

    Just an idea, though. Not perfect by any means, but still a strong perk imo.

  • JasmineDragon
    JasmineDragon Member Posts: 372

    Play the game for a while. You will come to understand that 9/10 times, when you think you want noed, you really want devour hope

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557

    Why do these threads always start out with the,... "IM a killer main btw noed is OP"

    lol, every single time.

  • NotAnotherDoctor
    NotAnotherDoctor Member Posts: 291

    NOED is fine. There's plenty of perks to counter it.