2v8 mode implies one original and giant map

If there is a 2v8 mode we have to complete 10 or 12 generators, but we have 4 exit gates.
We have to make one and giant map just for this mode.
There is more god loops on this map, maybe there is only god loops on this map.
There is more hidden places, more lockers, wayyy more pallets and windows.
I would realllyyyy love a mode like this, but we have to admit that it would be difficult and I think the only way to make it work is to create a completely original map with what I said just for this mode.
Cool! I love the idea!
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Its such a gargantuan amount of work I doubt it'll be done
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you can't have a 2v8 match. It will never happen, killers would just hard camp and hard tunnel. Loops would became impossible, since 1 killer can bodyblock pallets while the other chases. When someone is hooked they can just camp him to death, since if someone tries to get the trade he gets immediately downed with 2 consecutive hits, if someone saves with bt same thing, and same thing goes for ds.
it is impossible for a mode like this to work.
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While many players support the idea, myself included, but dreaming we are.
I want to team up with my killer bros and sisters and battle it out in the fog.
Azarov Arena
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It's why I think this mdie should have one and only one map which is giant with many God loops so the killers can't body block.
I highly doubt too it will happen but I'm just thinking how could it work
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If both killers camp and tunnel one person at a time, that still leaves 7 people to do gens.
I think you are worrying too much.
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can simply not acknowledge another hit until after the animation and hit phase from the first one
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in a normal match, if 1 killer hard camps and tunnels 1 survivor, he gets 1/4 at best, survivors shouldn't worry that much right? except that tunneling and camping are the most bitched on topics of this forum.
wouldn't change anything, the other killer can simply follow the survivor, since he doesn't get slowed nor stunned, and then down him.
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In my suggestion it's one GIANT map, if both killers focus one survivor they can't win because the time to travel to point A to point B on this map