Let's talk Perks

So as it stands right now the majority of perks are almost never used because they're flat out bad. I reviewed 50 games as both killer and survivor in red ranks and took note of what perks I saw.

I saw 15/71 unique perks used by Killers. Which is about 21% of what's available.

I saw 20/80 unique perks used by survivors. Which is about 25% of what's available.

Overall only ~21% of perks in this game are used at all. And this is being lenient. If I took out any perks I saw only once and only counted recurring perks then the numbers become: 8/71 for Killer and 12/80 for survivor meaning only ~12% of perks are consistently used in this game.

I'm sure these stats are no surprise to those of you who play the game consistently. They're absolutely abysmal and a very large part of the reason why the meta may feel stale.

On top of that, when perks do get changed they almost never get put into a state that is competitive with what is currently available. Let's take the proposed changes to perks on the PTB for Bubba and Billy as an example.

Franklin's Demise might as well have no ability other than make them drop the item, it basically hasn't changed because 90 seconds is far too long to try to guard the item in a world where a single survivor can do a gen in 80 seconds.

Knock Out was meh already and the change does basically nothing. It might be useful if survivors couldn't see the slugged's aura at all, but that would only count for solo queue. It's another perk that ignores swf as a concept and they need to stop doing that.

Lightborn might once in a while stop a flashlight save, but that's also done by just... looking before you pick someone up or staring at a wall. This helps lower tier players, which is fine, but ultimately changes little once you gain some experience as a player.

Tinkerer is the only one with any interesting potential. The information of a gen nearly done and undetectable while approaching helps a lot. It's the only change that has any chance of being used in any real capacity beyond low ranks.

So 1/4 changes is possibly decent, 25%. And this perk likely won't be able to compete with the common perks such as Pop, corrupt, BBQ, etc.

I'm begging the devs, please for the love of all that's good fix the current content. CHANGE THE META. Be willing to make massive sweeping perk buffs and try something to shake up the meta. Please buff the ~131 perks that are unused or underused.

It's embarrassing how little perk variance there is because so many perks straight up suck. Please do something about it.


  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Its not that the other perks are always awful its just that some perks are mandatory.

    As survivor you always suffer if you take off DS/BT, you basically just give killers an easy win.

    As killer you’re generally going to want to go with perks to slow the game down

  • Throwaway123
    Throwaway123 Member Posts: 183

    Yes that's true, but that doesn't mean there can't be other perks to do similar things instead of what they do now. Let's take Premonition, it's basically just a much worse version of Spine Chill that also has a cooldown. What purpose does this serve? Just as bait? It could be completely changed to something interesting and possibly useful.

    How about this as a possibility Premonition: Sensing imminent doom, you do everything in your power to prevent it: If the hatch has been closed by the killer this round, you may open it.

    Or for killer let's take Zanshin Tactics: You are mentally alert of key points on the battlefield and force them to your advantage. Reveal the auras of pallets, breakable walls, and vaults within 24 meters. Survivors have 1 less vault before the entity blocks their window. Pallets are now blocked after 3 vaults.

    Both of those would be usable without being too op. Or at least be much more viable than what they do now. You'd at least see either of those perks in a build now and again.