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General Discussions

Are all online games this stressful?

Member Posts: 910
edited July 2020 in General Discussions

Hi, just curious about the general playerbase's opinions. I don't play any other online games, but this one causes such an immense amount of stress to where I literally get chest pains after playing a few rounds sometimes. Is that a thing on other online games or am I just crazy? I feel so dead after playing this game, but I love it still. DBD is most likely my favorite online game simply because I am a horror fanatic, but it feels like such a pain to hold on to these days, even after spending so much money on it.

(Side note: Mostly when playing killer does this stress occur, survivor I fare just fine and put on some music)


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  • Member Posts: 731

    I play weekend league in Fifa and yeah thats pretty stressful.

  • Member Posts: 910

    Maybe so but it only seems to be on killer. Survivor I'm kinda willy nilly but that's helpful, thank you.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    Killer is definitely the easier role to become stressed over. You're playing alone so success or failure is on you alone. Add to that people seem to feel more competitive when they play killer and it compounds the problem. Killer only bothers me when the game is robbing me. But I used to get worked up playing killer in F13. I felt much more competitive playing that game.

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    Nope. I’ve never played a game where you’re expected to go in and tryhard knowing that you’re going to lose with little to no chance of winning.

  • Member Posts: 910

    Man, you're very right but lemme just say when I am playing killer and I get looped to hell and back, then it's put on a popular YT channel and people hold it to me I am gonna stress a little when I am getting outplayed. But ty <3

  • Member Posts: 5,069

    Don't worry. Even the best killer players can get looped

    With each match you will get more expierienced <3

  • Member Posts: 311

    My advice as a killer Main. If you get owned, don’t stay for the end game chat. If you destroy them, tunnel, or camp, don’t stay for the end game chat. Whether they lose or win, 9/10 times they will have nothing nice to say. If you lose, it’s gg ez baby killer, if you win it’s zzzzzzzz boring killer crutch perk noed tunnel camper.

    just play how YOU want, and remember a 2k is still good, don’t get disheartened when you don’t kill all four.

  • Member Posts: 4,033

    I always give the players a chance to chat. If they’re unfun to talk to, I make it fun (for me). If they persist in being unfun I move on.

    Giving players a chance to talk netted me a bunch of friends.

    I would say this is not the most stressful game. Madden was probably the worst. Call of Duty and other online multiplayer shooters have resulted in broken PS controllers and mice.

    I have upset moments on occasion with DBD but it is not to the level I’ve been with other games I literally had to put down.

    Except Nurse. She’s as bad as Madden.

  • Member Posts: 143

    I played a lot of Overwatch before DBD.

    Now no amount of toxicity, no amount of struggle in OW compares. I am straight up chilling in that game. I used to SWEAT in that game. Now I'm like nice to have a game where you can't be camped every match, where you can play off-meta stuff outside of competitive and still win. Where most of the time nobody says anything unless you're in comp and while yeah, sometimes things get toxic, for the most part comms are silent.

    It's making me realize that probably DBD just isn't fun and most of the people who play it at a length are really just addicted--as I was at a time with other games like CSGO.

  • Member Posts: 78

    So you are horror fanatic who is stressed out by this? Play some Amnesia and come back, you will feel better here after that. ;)

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    No...But that might just be me, no game stresses me out.

    I've got way-more-important IRL stuff to stress about.

  • Member Posts: 910

    Oh no, I love amnesia, all of that! But this game is a different kind of stress. That stuff is just pure, fun, horror. SOMA, The Forest, Amnesia, etc. I love 'em but this just feels so buggy and frustrating.

  • Member Posts: 910

    Interesting insight, might wanna try OW someday. Also, rancor pfp gang rise up.

  • Member Posts: 1,470

    I feel a lot of stress when I play killer, too. As soon as I hear generator noises I get panic attacks and I lose control of ASWD.

    Killer is unplayable.

  • Member Posts: 78

    Oh, so its not about stress at all, not even about bugs really, its about unclear rules of gameplay. Yeah, this game will not give you any feedback about why or what is happening. You will not know why killer found you, or where you did mistake.... You will just die and see after game ends "oooh, he got that perk, now i know" and in another game you will die again not knowing why... And in another you will die because killer got ultra rare Ebony Mori and there is no counter to that, just free win for a killer, because for some reason devs like idea of wasting time 4 out of 5 players. :) Basically what i want to say - you have to be at least a little bit masochistic to like this gameplay. :P In horror games, or even other multiplayer games, you have clear rules and a lot of feedback about your mistakes. Here ######### just happens and it feels random. :)

  • Member Posts: 1,262

    Killer is more stressful then any other game I've ever played

  • Member Posts: 1,346

    Nope lmao

  • Member Posts: 2,287

    It’s stressful. I also get adrenaline rushes so it’s hard to stay cool and collected.

  • Member Posts: 1,346

    I personally love going into the endgame chat to watch people scramble for how it's not their fault and then insult their teammates. Most of my games end in a gg wp, but that could be because I main what seems to be a lot of people's favorite killer to verse after old Billy which is Myers, I guess. I get much nastier messages on GF.

  • Member Posts: 2,697

    When you play survivor you have three other people watching your back. But with killer it's all up to you, and you only. As others have stated, the margin for error with killer is low, and it doesn't help that the matchmaking for this game is completely broken. I've been playing this game for about 3 months now, and I still get incredibly nervous hopping into a match as a killer. I'm a level 13 killer but I'm constantly getting matched against purple and red rank survivors. I don't mind "losing", but I don't like being snowballed either.

  • Member Posts: 2,065

    To me I think a lot of it depends on how seriously you take the game in the first place. I tend to play Survivor more seriously than Killer, so I find it the more stressful role to play. I get annoyed at tunneling killers, or Survivors that won't help or do gens. As Killer, how sweaty the Killer acts is entirely my own choice and if Survivors want to be jerks, I'm in a position to actually do something about it.

  • Member Posts: 337

    Oh my gosh thank you - this image made me laugh. I don't play killer. I mean I can barely play a survivor - killer - yup tried - was pretty much laughed at. (I didn't mind.)

    I tell you this is exactly how i feel playing survivor and I hear the heartbeat. It usually ends something like this:

    All in my head:

    "Oh my gosh, the killer is coming. I'm on a gen. I'm making noise. OMG OMG OMG! Closer. Closer.

    Do I run? Do I stay and try to finish the gen? Do I run? Do I stay? Do I run? OMG RUNNNNNNN you silly girl. RUNNNNN."

    Runs around corner....

    ... right headlong into the killer.

    Very short chase and that's if I'm lucky.

    I'm down. Unconscious. Bleeding and..... hooked!

    "Not again." Sigh. "When will I learn?"

    I think it's different types of stressful on both survivor and killer... and each game is unique. You can't be sure what you'll be faced with.

    The music to this game is quite intense. I think that really does contribute the most to the stress. That feeling of urgency etc.

    I think the game can be quite stressful. So it's important we are kind to each other - especially in the after game.

    *big hugs to you*

  • Member Posts: 1,319

    snowballed had an interesting meaning in clerks that I think could apply to being killer in this game sometimes

  • Member Posts: 174

    Nope, honestly this is the only game that stresses me, which is why I don't play it too much haha

  • Member Posts: 961

    No, DBD is a different animal for stress due to its flawed design. I played the crap out of left 4 dead and never had this stress.

  • Member Posts: 824

    As someone who's played an extensive amount of games like R6: Siege, LoL, HotS, Apex, etc., Killer in DBD is definitely way more stressful than any of them.

  • Member Posts: 446

    You shouldn't feel stressed out playing any game. I honestly find it strange for a video game to raise one's cortisol levels since it's a recreational activity. Do I feel pressured in certain situations in DBD? Yes, absolutely but never stressed. I feel like there are other underlying issues with yourself, rather than the game.

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