General Discussions

General Discussions

What Quality of Life Improvements Would You Like to See in the Future?



  • Member Posts: 3,014

    This happened to me. I started farming with these survivors after some time because they offered cakes, and I was walking all over them. I wanted them to get some more points, so I went to hook this Meg who had been AFK for a while. But I did so where her teammate could get to her easily. Unfortunately, earlier in the match she JUST barely reached stage 2 and died. I had even showed her a crown so she could get it. I felt SO bad afterwards that she died, but she still sent me a friend request.

  • Member Posts: 1,101
    • Totem counter for survivors
    • Ability to distinct what totem is bound to the each hex perk in case you have more 1.
    • Extra bloodpoints/information that you've been playing against SWF
    • Ability for survivors to see the perks of other survivors before the start of the match
    • Map ban feature
    • Player avoid feature
  • Member Posts: 953

    I would like to pick servers. I mean with good ping of course, not like just pick any server. I'm sick and tired of playing with server I'm on. I know there is at least one server I could play on with good ping.

  • Member Posts: 393

    One other QoL - Could we please get a "surrender" option when someone DC's before the first hook?

    As killer, I hate the feeling of mowing down 3 survivors in a 3v1. I usually take my foot of the pedal, but I'd rather get to a new match. If I got a surrender button, I can quit with my current BP and they get escape points.

    As survivor, I hate trying to face a game vs either a tough killer, or one that plays as if his life depends on it when the first guy DC's. I'd rather be able to surrender and give the killer sacrifice points.

    Mercy rule, or something.

  • Member Posts: 709

    The one small change I want is when you are picking new charms for three empty slots, it should move to the next empty slot automatically instead of you having to pick each slot manually. This always annoys me every time I put charms on a new character.

  • Member Posts: 3

    I would say something simple. Passives for survivors. Something that spice up each game and not make it " Cosmetic Simulator 2020 "

  • Member Posts: 919

    Hook struggle change

  • Member Posts: 764

    -Aim sensitivity option, like in fps games.

    -post game chat also on consoles/ mouse Keyboard support.

    -balance (mori, keys, gen rush, tunneling) killers and perks.

    -change struggle/wiggle.

    -craft for items and in game challenge progression notification.

  • Member Posts: 78
    edited July 2020

    Level vote. Level vote! LEVEL VOTE!!!

    It is the stupidest thing i seen in any multiplayer game in my whole life - one out of five player want to play in laboratory, all will suffer.

    Imagine that - we are stuck in campfire limbo, bored, because there is always this one damn player who have trouble finding Y on gamepad. What if on campfire screen there was 2 randomly selected levels and we could vote? Lets say game will randomly select one level from MacMillan pool and one from Gideon Meat Plant pool (:D), and you could vote where you want play. Survivors will get one vote, killer two (that should be fair), and if tie, game will choose randomly one level from completely different pool.

    IMHO that would be best new feature in this game. :P

    EDIT: Oh, one more thing... TWO ACTIVE CHALLENGES! One for killer, one for survivor. I dont understand why do i need select damn challenge in the first place, but whatever. FFS so many times i forgot to change damn challenge and its so clunky to change it, it is almost a pain to do that. Damn, it is like the most obvious thing in game, an yet i have to change it every single time when i wonna play other side. :/

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